Authority Review: Kev

Revisión de la autoridad: Kev

With the help of Garth Ennis and Glenn Fabry, Kev, who managed to tease Apollo and Midlayer from the official to the top, is now included in the catalog of ECC Ediciones.

In recent years, as Garth Ennis has done with the wonderful A Walk Through Hell, he has abandoned his most beloved and other genres in favor of those war stories. But it doesn’t hurt to look back on how this Irishman got his fame, and it’s great that ECC Ediciones recently decided to reprint a politically entertaining and inaccurate story written as authoritative: Kev.

Authority, DC, DC Comics, Garth Ennis, Kev

Hatred of the superhero genre

Ennis is not known for his penchant for pajama jokes. There are instances where the scriptwriter actually touches on this genre, but it’s almost always to make fun of it and paint metahumans as silly bastards. And also, frequently, to end their lives in truly brutal and gruesome ways, perhaps to make their disdain for such behavior clear.

Of course, the boys are a clear example of this. It’s a story that DC Comics decided to stop publishing after the first arc, and now it’s very popular thanks to the Amazon TV adaptation, and it doesn’t have some superpowers, but it’s full of life and experience. Decide to start a crusade to stop all the men in tight clothes who live above the law.

But in addition to Billy Butcher’s Sons, Ennis showed the twisted side of the Supertypes in The Pro, with Steve Dillon, who punished them violently during his time as the Punisher, and painted Thor as a drunken Viking villain. It’s in the Vikings. And here it would not be less …

Authority, DC, DC Comics, Garth Ennis, Kev

British faced with power

Kev Hawkins is a former SAS corporal who now works for the British government when they have to do something very dishonorable. Along with a tyrannical group of heroes in the first iteration, our man will be on a mission to end them all. Good old Ennis does his thing again, killing off characters who gave us a good time when they were in the hands of Mark Millar or Warren Ellis.

But this will only be the first connection, as the relationship between our gay man and the pair formed by Midler and Apollo will become complicated as the three must team up on a really dirty case involving an idea of ​​an Earth-invading, man-eating tiger. The plot of a friend’s film-comedy will be very interesting and irreverent this time, it will not be suitable for Cape idolaters.

Authority, DC, DC Comics, Garth Ennis, Kev

The protagonist of the saga

It should be noted that the two stories in this volume, originally published between 2002 and 2004, are nothing more than the beginning of a saga. Glenn Fabbri, Ennis’ regular collaborator, does a good job in this first relationship, but sadly the late Carlos Izquerra is signed to Irish majesty Kevin and Kev, which proves to be a success for this classic character. In Ennis.

The target of this is the junction of the group formed by the most thug and punk Ennis lovers and followers of Midler, Apollo and Co. (soon to be seen in the movies thanks to James Gunn). Volume. Anyone who is in that region should not miss such a fun and entertaining joke.

This volume is presented in hardcover, has 144 color pages, and includes the four issues of the American edition of the Cave Special Edition and the Additional Cave Limited Series, in addition to the covers of all the issues included. It has a recommended retail price of €21.50 and goes on sale in February 2024.

Authority Kev

Jurisdiction: Kev

Kev Hawkins was a corporal in the Special Air Service. And now, the British government is the killer they turn to when they want to get someone off their back. The Authority members, on the other hand, are Earth’s last defense, feared and known across many galaxies and dimensions. Screenwriter Garth Ennis and artist Glenn Fabbri present a journey that includes all life on Earth, as well as guns, aliens, explosions, tigers and oranges.

Hawkins’ new job is to find and remove power. And although it seems strange, the work is a piece of cake. However, they form a strange alliance to save the planet from certain destruction by aliens. Do you do it before Midnight uses Kev’s head as a transporter? Later, Midnight himself and Apollo team up with their gay friends. Together, they must appease a destructive and genocidal alien fleet determined to attack planet Earth.

Autores: Garth Ennis and Glen Factory