Anthony Mackie will return as Captain America in Avengers: Doomsday

Anthony Mackie will return as Captain America in Avengers: Doomsday

Chris Evans has confirmed his return to the MCU in the new saga, creating a dynamic superhero reunion with Anthony Mackie

In a revelation that fuel the fire of waiting, Anthony Mackie has been confirmed to reprise his role as Sam Wilson in Marvel’s next mega-production, Avengers: Judgment Day. Together with him, it is rumored return of Chris Evans, the original Captain America, marking a possible heroic double that would shake the foundations of the MCU.

Two Captain Americas on screen?

Since Sam Wilson received the iconic shield from the hands of Steve Rogers at the end Avengers: Endgamefans speculated about how his character would evolve. With the news confirmed by Deadline that Chris Evans could return even for the universe, doors open to an infinite number of narrative possibilities. Will we see Evans as Captain America again or will his presence take another turn?

Captain America

Although Deadline suggests that seeing Evans in his old suit is unlikely, they don’t rule out his appearance as Steve Rogers. Let’s remember the last time we saw Rogers, choose living in the past with Peggy Carter. If Evans does return, it will likely be as a multiversal variant by Rogers, but that’s not all.

The possibility of an epic crossover

Evans also played Johnny Storm, aka Human Torch, in previous films outside the Marvel Studios umbrella. While her return as Storm would be a blast, the Rogers’ presence seems much more likely and, undoubtedly, more resonant for fans of the franchise.

THE The wait only grows with the possibility of a confrontation or a union between Steve and figures like Robert Downey Jr., who might surprise us Doctor Doom. This interaction would not only be a treat for fans, but it would also be it would set a new precedent in the already rich Marvel tapas.

Anthony MackieAnthony Mackie

A familiar address for a new adventure

The return of the Russo brothers to direct Avengers: Judgment Day Yes Avengers: Secret Wars promises to continue with the tradition of successes that they have previously directedPleases Captain America: The Winter Soldier Yes Avengers: Endgame. Your experience and the connection with the audience guarantees a deep and exciting exploration of the Marvel universe.

“Creating stories and exploring characters from the Marvel Universe has fulfilled a lifelong dream. “We are thrilled to partner again with Kevin, Lou, and the entire Marvel team to take this epic adventure to surprising new places for fans and us alike,” the Russos said after the SDCC panel.

With the first of Avengers: Judgment Day scheduled for May 1, 2026, followed by Avengers: Secret Wars On May 7, 2027, the MCU fans will have to be patientbut the expectations are already sky high. There’s nothing left to do but wait and dream endless possibilities await us.

Captain America - Sam Wilson - The Avengers - Marvel ComicsCaptain America - Sam Wilson - The Avengers - Marvel Comics

A hero’s legacy and evolution in the Marvel Universe

Sam Wilson’s impact as Captain America has been significant since he took on the role Avengers: Endgame. His development as a leader and hero has been explored in series such as Falcon and the Winter Soldierpreparing the ground for its role Avengers: Judgment Day. This transition not only symbolizes generational change within Marvel, but also reflects generational change evolution of values that these heroes represent.

Comparisons with other Captain Americas, such as Steve Rogers’ version, show a contrast in leadership and focus. While Rogers provided a batting average of Classic and almost paternal vision, Wilson incorporates a more modern and community approachresonating with a diverse global audience. This dynamic will be crucial Avengers: Judgment Daywhere we’ll likely see how these two visions of heroism complement or clash within Marvel’s broad narrative.