Ant-Man 3: The MCU Movie Actress Talks About Production Chaos


According to the Marvel actress, the production of Ant-Man 3 was a complete mess.

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania actress Katie O’Brien talks about the chaos on the set of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movie.

Ant-Man 3 was a total mess.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the actress was asked about her experience with Quantum Mania, and her response wasn’t exactly positive. Below, we share their words.

“Yeah, that was absolute chaos. I think we got new pages by the last day, and I think I got new fights on the last day. They told me it’s a new fight now.

However, the star also revealed that her co-workers were beautiful.

“Being a newbie, I thought, I don’t know, they might ignore me or feel out of place, but they made it as welcoming as possible. “I was surprised by that atmosphere.”

As the UCM film was criticized on various fronts, it is clear that the problems in the production were reflected on the big screen. Also, the film was a disappointment at the box office. Let’s hope the mistakes made in Ant-Man 3 serve as a lesson for Marvel Studios to do things better.