And if … Mickey & Friends have become The Avengers # 1 Review: Avengers! … Have fun

Snape becomes the new herald of Galactus

Mickey and his adorable friends come together as a great superhero group And if… Mickey & Friends have become the Avengers # 1Written by Luca Barbieri and Steve Behling, and designed by Alessandro Pastrovicchio. It is so … asks, what will the powerful Mickey Avengers will do against the forces of evil and deception, also known as Gladstone-Loki?!

In an ultimate version of the Rivalry of Sobling-Esque, Gladstone-Loki is developing a plan to take revenge on his cousin, Donald-Thor, for having convinced Scrooge-Rodin to “ban” him. All that Gladstone-Loki must do is encourage Donald-Thor to return to Ducksgard where he will have the advantage of the field and will finally be victorious. Gladstone-Loki identifies its opportunity in the form of Goofy-Hulk. He deceives the Grand Softy Vert to wreak havoc in Duckberg, which attracts the attention of… Mickey & Friends, the most powerful heroes of the earth.

Mickey & Friends play dressing

And a lot of things really work

This configuration is absurd in all good manners. On the one hand, there is a lot of exposure to be established from the start. Who is who, what, silly name for that and that, etc. Fortunately, all of this is in equal and funny parts. Readers do not care about all information information because this information is cozy with funny stuff like “Ducksgardians”.

The issues are also very suitable for these Avengers. It is neither life nor death and the world is not in danger. It is a personal grievance that involves a cake and a party in the park. It’s perfect for this mixture. But that said, this problem always makes the right call and really undertakes to set up an appropriate villain for these Avengers to face.

Pump the breaks just for fun

These bells and whistles feel structural

There are many big gags throughout this issue which are downright delicious. It doesn’t matter that they stop history to make them. GOOFY-HULK accidentally launches a football ball in space … and then we see it crash in a space station!

Mickey must quickly transform into Iron Man to save the day … But his armor is on the upper shelf, and he cannot reach it! Pluto Ant-Man’s journey is in the form of a flying ant … but it was late because it has been stuck in traffic by the Hill of Ant! These fun bits add good moments of lightness and help to found this story firmly in the world of Mickey & Friends.

It is difficult to ignore missed opportunities

Mickey & Friends will come back?


The most popular member of X-Men has just become a herald of Galactus

One of the greatest mutant heroes of all time has just given a taste of cosmic power, and it uses it to turn the wave of hunger of Galactus

Despite all these large keys, it would have been fun to see these characters as an Avengers team established instead of seeing them assemble for the first time here. There is time dedicated to introductions and origins, but readers obviously know these original beats very well.

This time could have been spent seeing the characters do more things with they have never seen before. Readers would also have loved this team to work together to defeat Gladstone-Loki rather than Donald-Thor withdraw it on its own. At the very least, Mickey-Iron Man could have fought GOOFY-HULK! Give us at least one “Hyuck-Smash!”


Marvel & Disney: What if …? Mickey & Friends have become the fantastic criticism of four # 1: a race to tell!

Mickey & Marvel combine to ask the favorite questions of readers in Marvel & Disney: What if …? Mickey & Friends have become the Fantastic Four # 1!

Overall, it’s a cute and if … it has a lot of fun with two worlds that readers really know. This kind of familiarity offers a high density of surprisingly appropriate jokes, gags and reinterpretations. It may not be the biggest story in Avengers or the biggest story by Mickey & Friends, but there is a lot to love here.