The following contains spoilers for Primitive Americannow streaming on Netflix.
those of Netflix Primitive American is a television series that lives on instinct, depicting a visceral cesspool of pioneer settlers, religious fanatics, and Native Americans all fighting for supremacy. Mark L. Smith, who co-wrote the Oscar-winning The ghost starring Alejandro J. Iñárritu and Michael Punke, is the origin of this frontier story, which rivals that of the 2015 film. Just as The ghost didn’t throw any punches, Primitive Americanset in Utah circa 1857, takes a similarly brutal approach to depicting the harsh realities of life on the frontier.
The series’ universe is defined by powerful personalities and public acts of extreme violence. Taylor Kitsch inhabits the grizzled figure of Isaac Reed, swathed in animal skin and hidden beneath facial hair. He is a man of few words who is forced to join Sarah Rowell’s company of Betty Gilpin and her son Devin. Their rescue and survival during a brutal ambush of Mormon travelers forms the backbone of this barbaric Western odyssey. But the miniseries pits all creeds and colors against each other in a breathtaking battle.
Preachers and pioneers dominate Netflix’s American Primeval
The show’s portrayal of Brigham Young makes an impression
Brigham Young gives Primitive American the fire and brimstone he needs to grab viewers’ attention, dispensing his own justice through Wild Bill Hickman. Young, played by The Walking Dead: The Dead CityKim Coates of , is seen by some as a divine extension of God’s will. Intent on seizing the promised land for his delighted flock, he despises anyone who is unwilling to convert to his cause, or who does not bend to grant him everything he needs. Between Young and this idea of salvation stands Jim Bridger, an outpost pioneer who cashes in on passing traffic and has carved out his own slice of Americana. The characters’ opposing ideologies determine much of the drama – as religious doctrine versus individual belief becomes a battle of wills.
Agent Carter and Spider-Man: Through the Spider-Verse Star Shea Whigham has all the know-how of a seasoned con artist when she plays Bridger. He is a man as comfortable with guns as he is with fists, and his unwavering faith in his own abilities trumps his religious zeal at every turn. He is surrounded by his group of free-thinking pioneers, who have equal faith in both hands on any so-called scripture. Their stubbornness makes it clear that the stalemate is doomed to end in bloodshed. By filling his story with such ideological extremes, Smith alludes to the melting pot that made America. Different doctrines, conflicting belief systems, and pioneering minds ultimately forged something greater than the sum of their parts.
Brigham Young: We have endured anguish and pain to reach our Zion, and yet they continue their persecution.
The final element of this ideological argument concerns Native Americans, who resided long before the settlers and simply want to live in peace, but are persecuted simply for existing. Similar to movies Little big man And Dances with Wolves, Primitive American explores the question of how this culture is seen through the eyes of a central character. Abish Pratt is captured in this crucial ambush and exposed to Native American traditions. The Agency Star Saura Lightfoot-Leon digs deep and showcases her role as Abish, undergoing an ideological shift that reveals a sincere humanity. Through his transformation, Brigham Young’s arguments are called into question. Primitive Americanimplies that faith – in whatever form – has true value only when tempered by individuality.

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Although women haven’t always been at the forefront in Western films and television series, there are new Westerns with great female protagonists.
American Primeval’s Subplots Overshadow Its Ensemble Cast
Lucas Neff is able to exceed the volume of material
Sara Rowell and her son Devin provide Primitive AmericanThe narrative backbone of with their treacherous road trip, but another character makes a more lasting impression. Captain Dellinger has no directing sequences and shares no screen time with the series’ main protagonists, but he shines a light on the barely visible humanity beneath the carnage. Dellinger, played with understated elegance by Lucas Neff, is an honorable member of the U.S. Army who documents events through his diary. His moments of internal monologue reflect the perpetual conflict between the opposing sides of human nature. The urge to conquer and consume through a simple act of will, in contrast to the noble philosopher seeking to understand and appreciate, defines Primitive American.
Dellinger finds himself at a crossroads, consumed by the futility of war. Neff condenses all of the character’s compassion into a few fleeting scenes that threaten to be overshadowed by the villainous pantomime of Joe Tippett’s character James Wolsey or Green Goblin actor Dane DeHaan as the exhausted Jacob Pratt – but Dellinger’s moments make him feel more powerful than both of them. . Jai Courtney suffers a similarly disappointing fate as bounty hunter Virgil Cutter, who should make more of an impact as his group pursues Sara and Devin. Unfortunately, there are so many interconnected characters and stories in the series that Courtney doesn’t get enough screen time to give her antagonist depth.
Captain Dellinger: Yesterday I watched the grizzly bear swim across the river at sunrise. I felt humbled and amazed by the power and grace of this majestic creature. Consumed by the feeling that there are forces greater than we could ever imagine controlling this earth.
Primitive American packs too much into six episodes. However, the fact that the Netflix series takes place almost entirely on location – surrounding each actor with breathtaking landscapes, picture-perfect mountain ranges and miles of lush forests – gives it a visual edge. The visuals are so good that the audience will pay attention to the characters’ surroundings rather than immersing themselves in the story. Between that and the countless subplots, good actors have to work for attention. Betty Gilpin and Taylor Kitsch work hard as Isaac and Sara, while the miniseries contains admirable tips for iconic Western films such as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Two mules for sister SaraAnd Outlaw Josey Wales. But Smith aims to do more than entertain, which holds the series back while helping it stand out.

6 years before Butch Cassidy, Paul Newman starred in another Oscar-winning western
Paul Newman turns in an Oscar-nominated performance in this brilliant and deeply complex anti-Western, now housed in the Library of Congress.
American Primeval illustrates how progress comes at a cost
The characters are often secondary to the message
Primitive American is a great Netflix original series – but not for the usual reasons. Smith is so focused on exploring the underbelly of life on the American frontier through the lens of conflicting ideologies that the specific story he’s trying to tell almost gets lost. It is a mini-series about the inhumanity of man and his unwavering cruelty in the face of opposing opinions. It is a critique of institutionalized religion and the way it threatens to consume individual hopes and dreams. Through Sara, the miniseries also champions women who choose to leave abusive relationships, take action against those who would seek to oppress them, and find salvation for their loved ones in a new place. There is no doubt that these ideas are crucial to explore across the western genre, but sometimes in Primitive Americanthe characters seem secondary to the exploration of larger concepts.
There will be people entering Primitive American I’m expecting something close The ghostand they will be pleasantly surprised. While this has all the scenic beauty and heartbreaking realism of that film, Smith has created something more complex that should have been given more time to breathe. Some stories seem strangely condensed, while others are exaggerated for no reason. Abish Pratt and Captain Dellinger’s storylines deserve development, while actor Taylor Kitsch is limited by a script that requires minimal emotional range in his key role as Isaac. Primitive American ties their stories together too easily – while leaving the audience feeling like no one walks away victorious. Smith’s message is heard loud and clear.
American Primeval is now streaming on Netflix.

- Release date
January 9, 2025
- Creator(s)
Peter Berg, Eric Newman, Mark L. Smith
- Cast
Taylor Kitsch, Jai Courtney, Dane DeHaan, Betty Gilpin, Nick Hargrove, Kyle Bradley Davis, Derek Hinkey, Saura Lightfoot Leon, Preston Mota, Shawnee Pourier, Joe Tippett
- Seasons
- Network
- Realistic and concrete performances, notably from Lucas Neff and Saura Lightfoot-Leon.
- An uncompromising and brutal depiction of life on the frontier.
- Impressive visuals make the locations pop off the screen.
- The characters are often overshadowed by the message of the storyline.
- Some plots end too easily.