Acolyte’s debut on Disney+ broke records

Acolyte’s debut on Disney+ broke records

Find out how the new Star Wars series, The Acolyte, captured the attention, anticipation and controversy of millions upon its debut.

Since its debut on Disney+, The Acolyte has not only caught the attention of the public, but has also broken records, garnering 4.8 million views on its first day. This amazing number It marks the strongest debut on the platform in 2024, surpassing other popular Star Wars saga premieres such as Ahsoka, which amassed 14 million views over five days, representing an average of 2.8 million daily viewers. Although the way these numbers are calculated is based on watch hours divided by the total duration of the series, the demand generated is undeniable.

Polarization reactions and mixed effects

Although The Acolyte was enthusiastically received after seeing the pictures, the opinions of the viewers were divided. The series has an approval rating of 92% on Rotten Tomatoes, placing it among the highest-rated Star Wars productions on the platform. However, the viewership score on the same site is 29 percent lower. This difference is due in part to what some have criticized as the “negative review bombardment,” a phenomenon that has affected other recent products in the digital entertainment landscape.

One of the most talked about aspects of The Acolyte was an unexpected moment in the premiere, which divided viewers. Avoiding giving too much away, the show has a surprising twist that will leave fans in awe. Some see it as a creative mistake, while others firmly set the future of the series, proving that anything can happen. Showrunner Leslie Helland mentioned in an interview with Entertainment Weekly that this twist was inspired by her desire to shock the audience from the beginning, in the popular Breaking Bad.

Revival for the inaugural Star Wars.

Additionally, the series will feature the triumphant return of the “opening gauntlet,” a visual element of the Star Wars films that was absent from other recent projects. This return is iconic and has been well received by fans, strengthening ties to the saga’s legacy while introducing new elements and creative directions.


Blending itself into the rich tapestry of the Star Wars saga, The Acolyte is not only a ratings record breaker, but also a catalyst for discussion among fans. The series, now available for streaming on Disney+, continues to be a topic of conversation for both seasons, keeping fans hooked and anticipating each new episode.

Acolyte introduces an impressive cast of characters that enrich the vast Star Wars universe. Among the characters revealed is Aura, a young Sith apprentice whose mysterious past and terrifying powers place her at the center of the plot. Joining her is former Republican pilot Devon, whose quest for redemption takes him down unexpected paths that intersect with Aura in crucial ways. Master Ren, the enigmatic Sith leader, is another important character, whose influence on Aura and whose teachings set off events that can shift the balance of power.


These characters not only add depth and complexity to the series, but also explore themes of conflict, loyalty and power. Each represents aspects of the moral and emotional spectrum, a journey full of character development, surprise and, perhaps, betrayal. With these characters, The Acolyte is positioned as a rich and exciting addition to the Star Wars legacy, promising to explore areas of the universe that have remained in the shadows until now.
