According to its director, Wolf Man’s Werewolf will return to its more artisanal roots

wolf man

The director of the new Wolf Man opts for a completely hand-made and CGI-free design to bring horror back to its most authentic roots

When the sex of As horror began to fill movie screens with computer-generated effects, many fans felt that something essential had been lost. The creatures created by hand, with makeup and photographic tricks, gave a feeling of reality that few digital effects can match. Now, Leigh Whannell, director of The Wolf Manpromises to bring that magic back to the genre with a completely practical approach to the design of the protagonist wolf. “It’s 100% makeup, no CGI”Whannell revealed in an interview for SFX Magazine.

A wolf that returns to the roots of horror cinema

In an industry that increasingly relies on digital effects, Whannell challenges the norm by opting for an artisanal approach which many consider risky but necessary. “I think we have to contribute something new”he underlined. “Some might not like it because they like the traditional werewolf design too much, but that was the approach I wanted to take”. This commitment to craftsmanship It’s reminiscent of the classics of the genre, where the monsters were as real as the talent of the team behind the cameras.

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This philosophy is not new to the director. In The invisible man (2020), Whannell has proven he can do it reinterpret the classics successfullyand many hope so The Wolf Man achieve the same impact. However, fans have not yet been able to see the final drawing of the wolf, as neither Blumhouse nor Universal have included official images in the promotional campaign.

The only taste of Wolf The Wolf Man arrived at an event Horror nights at Universal, where a tentative project drew criticism. Whannell explained that this advance it does not represent the final result: “It was a mistake. The promotion in the theme park was not up to par and I was afraid that people would think that this was our final project”. Despite the setback, the director is confident that when the film releases in theaters, the audience you will understand your vision.

Plot, cast and release date

With a premiere scheduled for January 17, 2025, The Wolf Man promises to be a mixing experience Classic horror with an emotional focus. The story follows Blakeplayed by Christopher Abbott (It arrives at night), a man who he inherits his childhood home after his father’s mysterious disappearance. Accompanied by his wife Charlotte (Julia Garner, Emmy winner for Ozarks) and his daughter Ginger, Blake takes refuge on this secluded property in Oregon, where something dark hides in the night.

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The twist begins when Blake, after an attack by a unknown creaturestarts acting strangely. As her transformation progresses, Charlotte must decide whether The real danger is inside the home or outside the home.

It’s also in the cast Sam Jaeger (The Handmaid’s Tale), Ben Prendergast (The living room) Yes Benedict Hardie (The invisible man), along with emerging actors such as Zac Chandler and Beatriz Romilly.

The return of artisanal terror

Whannell’s decision to forego CGI is not just an aesthetic gamble, but a statement on the value of the roots of horror cinema. In films like Nosferatumonsters were scarier because they didn’t show themselves excessivelyletting the viewer’s imagination do the work. Whannell seeks to reclaim that essence, offering a visually and emotionally richer experience.

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Production is supported by Jason Blumfounder of Blumhouse, e Ryan Goslingwho, in addition to producing, brings his experience after recent successes such as The boy of autumn. With a solid creative team and an innovative proposition, The Wolf Man aims to become a new reference of the genre.

As the premiere approaches, the Expectations for Wolf Man are sky high. Leigh Whannell is not only redefining how monsters are created in modern cinema, but also how they present themselves. If he can keep his promise to a wolf totally practical and terrifyingthis film could score a before and after in the genre.

Are you ready to face the wolf? On January 17, 2025 you will find out.