Absolute Power: An Obscure DC Artifact Is Amanda Waller’s New Weapon

The DC Comics Wonder Woman comic book title depicts Wonder Woman riding a horse while armed men surround her.

One of the darkest and most powerful artifacts in the DC Universe falls into the clutches of Amanda Waller.

Absolute Power: Task Force VII Issue #6 takes readers to the island of Themyscira, where Queen Nubia and her fellow Amazons debate what to do next now that they’ve been drawn into Amanda Waller’s war against the heroes of the world. Unfortunately, even the mightiest warriors Themyscira has to offer can’t stop the Amazo android known as Paradise Lost in his pursuit of a key target. Rather than an individual person on the island of Themyscira, Paradise Lost has come in search of a specific location, one that will give Waller another dangerous advantage in his ongoing war against groups like the Justice League—The Well of Souls.

Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6

  • Illustration by KHARY RANDOLPH
  • Colors by ALEX GUIMARÃES
  • Letters from DAVE SHARPE
  • Main cover illustration by PETE WOODS

Also known as the Cave of Souls, the Well of Souls has been a part of the DC mythos since it was first seen in the pages of 1987. Wonder Woman #1 by Greg Potter and George Perez. The Well of Souls is responsible for the existence of the Amazons of Themyscira and how they remain strong. When women lost their lives to violence, their spirits were transformed into streams of light that found solace in the Cave or Well of Souls. Initially, Artemis asked the highest Olympians to let her give these women another chance on Earth as part of a new race. And, when she was refused by Zeus, Artemis led those who supported her along the River Styx to reach the Cave of Souls and did so anyway.

The Well of Souls is just the latest artifact that Waller has claimed as his own throughout DC Absolute power. Before launching an all-out assault on the world’s heroes, Waller collected artifacts such as the Helm of Hatred and the Nightmare Stone, which she used to secretly replace Raven of the Titans with her demonic persona Dark Raven. Waller also teamed up with villains such as the Amazo android known as Failsafe to create an army of similar beings that now make up Task Force VII.

Fortunately, the remaining heroes of the DC Universe have made great strides in their efforts against Waller and his army, even after many of them have been stripped of their powers. In addition to stealing the various high-tech and super-powered weapons that Waller has stored in secret armories, the world’s heroes have joined forces with some of their worst enemies in the name of saving the world. This is especially true for Superman, who recently took it upon himself to make a deal with the demon Neron in order to acquire another key mystical object that could turn the tide of DC’s fortunes. Absolute power.

Absolute Power: Task Force VII Issue #6 is now on sale from DC Comics.

Source: DC Comics