A new report reveals Marvel Studios’ plans with Nova


    Marvel was already thinking about how to introduce Nova into the UCM.

    Now that it’s going to be a movie and not a series, Marvel is changing its mind about the Nova project.

    When will we see Nova in the MCU?

    In the year In 2014, the first Guardians of the Galaxy film introduced the Nova Corps, although Richard Ryder was nowhere to be seen. Then, in Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos destroys them off-screen. Later, the Russo brothers confirmed that they were going to include Nova in the next Avengers movies, but in the end they didn’t because the movies had too many characters.

    How the Nova Corps was introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe 10 years ago and we still haven’t seen any version of the hero. However, various reports have been circulating for months that the character may have his own unique approach or become his own series character. The source said that Marvel would like to have Richard’s version as well as Sam Alexander Jr. in the project.

    Although it’s been a while since the last rumor, it looks like Marvel still wants Nova to have her own project. According to Daniel Richman, the plan now is for the character to have a movie. The insider wouldn’t provide more information, or clarify when we might be able to see the tape.

    At this point, Marvel has several projects in development, so it’s unlikely that the movie will be released before Avengers: Secret Wars, meaning, it might not be The Multiverse Saga. So fans will have to wait a few more years to see the feature in action.