A D&D sequel could revolutionize fantasy in Hollywood.

Secuela D&D

After Honor Among Thieves, the D&D sequel promises more than magic and dungeons.

Chris Pine’s recent statements have hinted that Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is on a continuous path. Could it be Hollywood’s desire for change? In a context where superhero movies have saturated the market, D&D’s die-hard followers can provide a much-needed respite. This 2023 D&D movie has become a hidden cinematic gem, garnering rave reviews but sadly not reflecting at the box office, a victim of questionable behind-the-scenes decisions. A well-executed sequel not only reinforces the quality of the first film, but also reveals its hitherto overlooked potential.

Dungeons & Dragons, Fantasy Franchise, Honor Among Thieves, D&D sequel

The end of hero fatigue?

Could the D&D franchise be the kryptonite of superhero fire? Considering the massive success of Barbie, which has grossed more than $1 billion, it’s clear that there’s an appetite for fairy tales beyond Marvel or DC. Honor Among Thieves shared this promise, but external factors, such as the premiere of the amazing Super Mario Bros. movie a week earlier and the launch of John Wick 4, dampened its visibility. Adding fuel to the fire, a dispute with Witches of the Coast, D&D publishers, over changes to the Open Game license, sparked a backlash among fans shortly before its premiere.

The programming errors and marketing decisions reflect a lack of understanding of D&D’s audience, who probably enjoy Mario and Luigi. A more strategic release date, like during Gen Con, could have benefited Honor of Thieves greatly.

More than that

Not only is the film a good adaptation of the chaotic fun of a board game session, but it also includes clever ideas such as the role of a serious paladin that weaves in and out of the story. This kind of humor reflects the unique aspects of D&D TTRPG.

If the follow-up rumor is true, Paramount got the message: The problem wasn’t the production. A successful sequel needs to replicate the charm and energy of the original to capture the same zeitgeist that Barbie achieved. Here, D&D has a unique advantage: its nature allows for an endless variety of adventures and characters, providing fertile ground for sequels and new stories.

Dungeons & Dragons, Fantasy Franchise, Honor Among Thieves, D&D sequelDungeons & Dragons, Fantasy Franchise, Honor Among Thieves, D&D sequel

The star behind the success of D&D

Chris Pine, the charismatic leader of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, is a key factor in the continued success of the series. His ability to navigate between comedy and action was crucial in bringing to life a fantastical world full of magic and adventure. Known for his roles in “Star Trek” and “Wonder Woman,” Pine brings credibility and charisma to the character, which greatly contributes to the film’s overall appeal. His presence in the series promises not only continuity but also the high level of entertainment that fans expect.

D&D’s influence on popular culture goes beyond film. As an iconic board game, it has inspired countless fantasy works and remained a mainstay in the genre for decades. Its big screen adaptation and potential sequel will not only honor its rich history, but also introduce this legendary franchise to a new generation of fans. The success of these films may mark the beginning of an era in which fantasy and adventure find their place at the heart of Hollywood, challenging the dominance of contemporary superhero films.

D&D with the Empire of the Hero

Aside from reviving the franchise, a new D&D movie could offer an alternative to the ubiquitous superhero movies. At the same time, D&D could give Marvel and DC the breathing space they need, as well as provide a new model for Hollywood to explore.

Dungeons & Dragons, Fantasy Franchise, Honor Among Thieves, D&D sequelDungeons & Dragons, Fantasy Franchise, Honor Among Thieves, D&D sequel

Although it is only the opinion of one actor, the saga involves an unusual situation. In time, it can reach the status of a cult like The Princess Bride. A sequel can expand the reach of the original film and capitalize on the audience’s weakness for convention. In Hollywood, where the unexpected often comes true, a D&D sequel could be exactly what the industry needs.