A Cinderella story takes a leap into horror with The Ugly Stepsister.


Get a terrifying and hilarious never-before-seen look at your least favorite of Cinderella’s stepdaughter warriors.

In the vast fairy tale world where beauty and magic reign supreme, a new narrative promises to break the mold. “The Ugly Stepsister,” the new horror film with hilarious humor, dares to explore the untold story of one of Cinderella’s stepsisters, taking her story from the shadows to stardom.

The unexpected protagonist

Directed by newcomer Emily Blichfeldt, the film is titled ‘The Ugly Stepsister’ and presents a bold and unconventional version of the world famous story. The film, through the eyes of Elvira, a low-class woman, explores the internal and external struggles she faces in a state where being beautiful is a brutal business.

Elvira, ostracized and only seen as a shadow of her wonderful stepson, begins a relentless struggle to win the prince’s attention. The film revolves around Elvira, who competes with her beautiful stepdaughter in a state where beauty is a brutal business. “She’s willing to do whatever it takes to catch the prince’s eye,” he explained from his production speech.

In Blichfeld’s words: “In this ‘beauty horror,’ I want to seduce the audience with a fairy tale about a girl who dreams of marrying the prince before revealing her true, raw inner self.” This approach aims not only to entertain, but also to create a deeper reflection on socially imposed standards of beauty.

A history of emerging feminism

‘The Ugly Step-Sister’ is an iconic feminist narrative that challenges the tyranny of beauty and expresses the understanding of culturally vilified characters. Blichfelt added, “It’s time for the story of the ugly stepchild to be lifted from the shadow of Cinderella and developed as an iconic feminist narrative.”

Cinderella, Elvira Stester, Beauty Standards, Feminism in Cinema, Horror and Comedy

Production company Momento International highlighted the film’s contemporary relevance: “It is very timely as it examines what one is willing to do to meet the standards of beauty that are played on women.”

The hero of our time

With this bold interpretation, Elvira emerges as more than a typical antagonist; Their actions and motivations are a complex picture that reflects the high pressures of modern beauty standards. Departing from the bad stepsister cliché, ‘The Ugly Stepsister’ empathizes with a woman determined to forge her own destiny in a world that values ​​material things.

Elvira’s reinvention underscores a growing trend in film and television where traditionally negative characters are explored with new, more humanizing depths. This film joins the likes of ‘Maleficent’ and ‘Joker’ in delving into the roots of their inner conflict, showing that even those labeled as ‘villains’ have stories to tell and understand.

Cinderella, Elvira Stester, Beauty Standards, Feminism in Cinema, Horror and Comedy

Promising actors

The film stars Lea Mirren, Tia Sophie Loch Nass and Anne Dahl Thorpe, who promise to bring this unique setting to life in a familiar story. This approach allows us to connect with audiences worldwide who want more than simple entertainment in the cinema; They look for stories that resonate with their own struggles and aspirations.

With ‘The Ugly Stepsister’, he created a new dimension of horror cinema, mixing horror with witty social commentary and humor to capture the essence of fighting stereotypes. This proposal by Blichfelt is loaded with metaphor and symbolism to leave a boundary-breaking mark on the hearts of genre and film fans alike.
