Home Comic Reviews Charley War Review 2. Comrades of weapons

Charley War Review 2. Comrades of weapons

Charley War Review 2. Comrades of weapons

Charley’s War. Companions of Armas is the second full volume, published by Cartem Comics, of the incredible work of Pat Mills and Joe Colquhoun on a British soldier in the Great War

With the beginning of 2025, Cartem Comics has revealed the projects who will perform all year round, not everyone, in his Editorial plan of 2025. To do this Daniel Díez He had the kindness of granting an interview to explain it The house of El on the channel of Kryptonianos y Gothamitasthat you can listen to clicking Here.

The full volume of Cartem ComicsCharley’s War. Weapons partners collect all the stories of episode 87 up to 176 of the original publication of Battle Picture WeeklyRegarding the brave military Charley BourneTo which the readers knew in the Charley war. The Soldier Boy, the first volume also published by Cartem Comics.

The authors of the story are again Pat Mills to the script y Joe Colchoun on drawing. It is not Baladí to remember that Colquhoun is a veteran of the Second World War, who before starting his studies on the fine arts, participated in the Second World War.

The war companies of Charley weapons

The Great WarIt was the first qualified war of the World Cup, because the fighters came from all parts of the planet. The stagnation of the conflict started in 1914 remained until the entrance of the United States. In 1918, the allies allies of August made peace ask for, signing the Armistice on 11 November.

The plot

In the 90 episodes collected within this second full of Cartem Comics of the Charley War, now under the title Colleagues of weaponsyou will see the Charley Bourne Evolutionleaving a third volume to be published to complete the complete series of the original stripes published between the late seventies and the beginning of the eighties of the last century.

“Well, you haven’t seen anything yet, Charley!”

Pony infantry soldier

This second big block of Charley Bourne’s experiences in the First World War is bringing him from March to September 1917, starting from his healing at home after an injury a Passchendele HorrorsOne of the bloodiest battles of the conflict, during which almost half a million soldiers died.

This is the lowest amount of estimates, since the real number of deaths cannot be calculated exactly. Pat Mills reflects the severity of the campaign Three weeks including very little mocking lightness with which Charley’s stories normally interrupted and the intensity provides one of the most powerful sequences of the entire series.

Before that, Charley listens to the History of a deserter of the French foreign legion And, through him, Battle of Verdún; And he tries to stop his oily cousin’s plan to exploit misery and earn money, transferred to the digging unit of the tunnel.

Battaglia, Cartem Comics, War ComicBattaglia, Cartem Comics, War Comic

An aspect that may seem like a cartoon is the behavior of more obvious bad From history, Charley’s commander, the Sell ​​captain. He is a man so worried about his comfort that he will ask to have water to take a shower, despite the activation of the cigolating water pump endangered the life of his soldiers by attracting the attention of German snipers.

The authors

Both Pat Mills as an artist Joe Colquhoun They fought to be precise, with the limited search opportunities for the previous internet, allowing the armament and scenarios to perfectly recreate the environment of the Great War. Although this volume has flashes of the dark comedy that was present in the soldier boy, there is a higher level of maturity.

This second volume experiences a dramatic change in narration, since then Pat Mills introduces a secondary protagonist, AzulA deserter of the French foreign legion that was present in the battle of Verdún. While Azul tells its story, Mills maintains the tension in the present making both persecuted by the military police.

It is also interesting to note that the approach moves away from the Germans as the omnipresent threat and, on the other hand, are the incorrect officials and corrupt superiors who represent a real danger for Charley.

Him change of perspective And the use of a history format within a story is initially disconcerting, therefore they require time to get used to, a fact that Mills himself recognizes In his end comments, but Blue stands out as a different and separated character of Charley, who allows the reader to see a different story that would not have been possible From the point of view of the British soldier.

Mills wonderfully develops Charley’s characterReturning to the trenches with existential fatigue and a gloomy experience that is shown in contrast with the recruits with which it is elbow. Mills takes their time in several episodes to allow the development of events, it is a Brilliant example of how to sow the seeds of a story and allow them to thrive naturally before reaping the fruits.

Battaglia, Cartem Comics, War ComicBattaglia, Cartem Comics, War Comic

Colquhoun He died prematurely, only five years after completing the stripes and, although I knew Charley’s war was appreciated by readers That they read it in battle, it is a pity that the growing admiration for their work would never have known how the years to date.

Colchoun poured all his love in workwith Great details. One of the first cartoons shows Azul in front of a legal partner who does not like him in a dark basement, but Colchoun includes bricks, tubes, fire cubes and tattoos in blue arms.


Here Classic Cartem Comics collectionThe first volume was of great quality, but this second is no longer or less the same and of lower quality, but Pat Mills refreshes and revitalizes his narrative, Improving it with a stronger rhythm and effective antagonists to create drama.

Charley’s War. Colleagues of weapons It is linked inside axisIn a large format of 21 x 27.6 cm and a length of 338 pagesTranslated from Víctor M. García de Isusi. In the extra part, collects a Detailed explanation of the different episodes Head of Pat Mills.

Colchoun’s art is impeccable and Mills’s script is so acute that he almost hurts the reader, this new integral of the Charley war One of the best war stories of all time.

Battaglia, Cartem Comics, War ComicBattaglia, Cartem Comics, War Comic

Let’s go back to Charley Bourne, a young soldier who continues to show us the war with the nearest and real perspective. This volume continues the journey of a common man captured in the chaos of the First World War, while fighting not only against the enemy, but also against the injustices of his own army.

A meeting that changes everything

After being injured in the devastating battle of the sums, he returns to London to recover. There he meets Azul, a deserter of the French foreign legion, who opens his eyes to the horrors of the battle of Verdún. Through this character, Charley understands that the brutality of the war does not discriminate nations or flags and that all soldiers, regardless of their origin, share hell itself. This meeting marks before and after in his way of seeing the war.

Peace in London is short and Charley is postponed on the front, this time to Ypres, another of the bloodiest scenarios of the conflict. As he faces the constant threat of the Germans, Charley realizes that there is another closest enemy: his own officers. The lack of humanity of his British superiors is as devastating as the battlefield itself. How to continue fighting when those who should protect you treat you as if you were sacrificable?

When injustice sows rebellion

The injustices do not go unnoticed and among the soldiers a dangerous idea begins to sprout: the revolt. After everything they have endured, the spark of discontent turns on. In the war of Charley 2, the reader testifies to how despair and suffering can induce men to question their loyalty and ask themselves if the war really worth it.

New color pages

This color edition adds an impressive visual force to history. The scenes, already powerful on their own, come to life in a new way, transporting you to the heart of the battle. Charley’s emotions, his fear, his fury and his pain, feel closer than ever.

Live the war from the inside

Charley 2 war is not just a continuation; It is a profound immersion in the life of a racing soldier in front of the extraordinary. On each page, you will feel the tension, fear and injustice that Charley and his companions face day after day. This volume will make you reflect, will move you and, above all, will remind you that the real heroes are those who survive every day fighting for their humanity.
