Home Cinema Retro Review – Justice League of America # 147: A giant team for JLA, JSA & LEGION OF SUPERHEROES

Retro Review – Justice League of America # 147: A giant team for JLA, JSA & LEGION OF SUPERHEROES

Retro Review – Justice League of America # 147: A giant team for JLA, JSA & LEGION OF SUPERHEROES

Justice League of America had an annual tradition of teaming up with its predecessors, the justice Society of America, which was uninterrupted for several years. At the top of their legendary race for the first volume in the series, the two teams clashed with the Legion of Superheroes Justice League of America # 147 From 1977, written by Paul Levitz and Martin Pasko with the art of Dick Dillin, the first issue of the scenario in two parts known as “Crisis in the 30th century!” DC has a long history of a “crisis” signifying a multi -voting or overwhelming event that requires all the heroes on the bridge, several of which have occurred well before the most consecutive and most known Crisis on infinite land in 1985.

Justice League of America # 147 begins with the fallout All-Star Comics # 68 Where the Pyscho Pirate goes to Earth-One and is apprehended aboard the Satellite Justice League. The problem quickly explains that land-to houses the JLA while the land-two is the place where the JSA calls at home, although they overlap on the same plane of existence, simply vibrating at different speeds. The League Transmatter Cube suddenly works, so that justice Society is unable to go home immediately and must wait an hour for the device to warm up before use. Suddenly, a giant disembodied hand appears, tears up several heroes at its reach and takes them to the distant future of the 30th century in the year 2978 AD.


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Justice League and Society justice entered the 30th century

Mordru, the super-sorcerer, obliges the heroes to locate three magic articles

Justice cover League of America # 147

The heroes who were taken include the judge’s leaguers: Superman, Batman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Green Arrow and Black Canary, as well as the members of the Society justice: Doctor Fate, Power Girl, The Flash (Jay Garrick), Green Lantern (Alan Scott) and Hawkman. Superman immediately recognizes their environment because he had already been there as a young man, when Superboy was a member of the Legion of Superheroes, and also knows their enemy: Mordru La Pitié, a super-conqueror to destroy the galaxy which comes from a Wizards planet known as Zerox. Mordru seeks to have three enchanted objects that stand between him and his ultimate goals, and he thought that his hand of Eldrritch grabbed them from the past, because they were kept on the Jla satellite, but Mordru accidentally summoned the heroes.

Doctor Fate tries to combine his magic with the light of the two green lanterns in order to challenge Mordru, but the sorcerer quickly breaks the magic projection of Fate. Years later in the pages of Jsa By Geoff Johns, Mordru and Nabu – the sorcerer who lives in the helmet of fate – would prove to be sharing a story in the era of ancient Egypt, alongside Prince Khufu, the original reincarnated form of Carter Hall Aka Hawkman. Rather, fate uses a suggestion spell to implant a thought in Mordru’s mind to use the heroes to find its objects rather than killing them.


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The three magic artefacts include the silver wheel of Nyorlath, the green bell of Uthool and the Red Pot of Calythos, previously used by the Wizard Felix Faust Justice League of America # 10 To invoke the Three Demons: Abnegazar, Rath and Ghast. The JLA previously arrested Faust and acquired the items for their trophy room. In the near future, the JLA satellite will explode and throw the articles at the great range of the universe, therefore in the 30th century, Mordru seeks to find articles on separate planets. His plan is to have the demonic magic and to free himself from his affair to the earth, so that he can return to conquer his native planet of Zerox.

Mordru explains how the Demons three once reigned the earth, but a group of foreigners known as the timeless has overthrown the demons who had created objects as a means of one day restoring their power. Mordru is trying to use the superhero legion to locate the three objects, but they never come back from their destinations, so that justice League and the justice Society are sent instead to investigate what happened to the legionaries and finally recover the objects of Mordru, while Green Arrow and Black Canary remain behind in the claws of Mordru, trapping in a miniature.

Three teams of heroes will seek magic relics

The heroes separated and matched to cover more grounds

Superman, Hawkman and Doctor Fate go to the world of Antares-II, where the Artefact of Wheel Silver transformed the natives into medieval wheel creatures, which have taken these forms to pay tribute to the silver wheel they love as God. The heroes save the legionaries, forest fires and Sun Boy, which were imprisoned because the use of their nuclear powers would have killed the natives and broke the Legion code. Superman finally suffocates the Super-Speed ​​wheel, and throws the silver wheel into the atmosphere, where Doctor Fate evokes a show of magic fireworks, which propels the natives to transform from the shape of a star-shaped wheels to pay tribute to the new form of their God.

Meanwhile, Batman and the two green lanterns arrive at the Vaxon planet, where they witness a horde of space dragons attacking the planet. Only the sounds of the green bell are effective in keeping the dragons away. Legionaire, Brainiac 5 and Princess Projectra, try to refer to the leaders of Vaxonian they need the bell to save their friends. Batman suggests as an alternative that they create a kind of “scarecrow” to dissuade the dragons from attacking the planet, therefore with the help of Princess Projetra to identify a much larger dragon type beast, they sculpt the image of the creature in the topography of the planet, which dissuades the attacker monsters. The Vaxonians give heroes the bell as a form of thanks.


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Justice League houses the greatest heroes of DC under a single banner, and they also appreciated large teams with the JSA, the Avengers and other heroes.

Finally, Power Girl and The Flash Aka Jay Garrick from Justice Society recovers the red vase, but it was sent to another dimension that only the flash can access its vibration powers. They identify the vase in a sphere, kept by an extraterrestrial amphibian who believes that it is an egg. Power Girl exchanges the sphere of a real egg, and they discover the red vase. When they return to Mordru, the sorcerer again imprisoned all the heroes, with the exception of the flash, who announces that he has hidden the vase, and will only return him if Mordru releases his allies. Mordru reluctantly accepts the agreement.

Mordru throws his fate that unlocks the demons three of their imprisonment in the elements. Once the demons are emerging, Borrru zaps the heroes to an unknown destination. However, demons have no interest in serving Mordru’s whims because they were intended to govern. They attack brilliant and take up objects with the intention of destroying them, so they are never imprisoned again. Green Arrow and Black Canary remain trapped in their miniature hourglass, the best hope of stopping demons in the next chapter, which will be examined in another retro review on CBR.


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Justice League of America # 147 is one of the most banned numbers for the narration of superheroes that a reader can find because it combines all the greatest DC comics characters under a single cover, and in this case, extending over several centuries. Paul Levitz is known for his legendary race on the Superhero legionSo his work as a co-writer on this issue is also notable. Mordru is one of the strangest bad guys in the DC Universe Pantheon, as shown in his brief appearance in Justice League Unlimited“The biggest story ever told”, but its power levels in this issue are a force with which it is necessary to count, and the next chapter of Justice League of America # 148 should offer the most epic conclusion.
