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The 3 clashes between Wolverine and Colossus

The 3 clashes between Wolverine and Colossus

Glutton y Giant The faces were seen in a total of three occasions.

Glutton y Giantlike any follower of the mutant franchise of The house of ideas It is worth knowing suddenly, they are two of the most charismatic and recognizable members of the second generation of the X-MenBut while the Russian Peter Rasputin debut in adventure Mortal genesis!Published in X-Men of giant size nº 1 (1975), from the work of Len Wine y Dave Cockrumwhich was the number in which Glutton y Giant They joined the team, the Canadian Logan I had already debuted in the cartoon And the wind ulula … Wendigo!which saw the light The incredible Hulk nº 180 (1974), thanks to Len WineOnce again, now Trimpe Herb.

However, although the difficult character spent by the Canadian is not an impediment for Wolverine and Colossus They always got along, since they were commissioned to demonstrate, both in the middle of a battle (with the attack they invented, called “Special ball“, Of which we are talking to more details at that moment, in which the Russian launches his partner, who wears his claws tasted, against his enemies) or we leave to drink reeds in a bar, so it is difficult for us to imagine them on the opposite sides.

However, far from being an isolated event, Glutton y Giant They faced face to face, up to the current date, in a total of three occasions, even if it must be recognized that always with a fairly plausible explanation for readers to accept it as an economic makeup to increase sales, since you can check if you continue to read the article until the end.

Ultimate X-Men nº 97 (2008)

Wolverine and Colossus

For our review of the clashes between Glutton y Giant Let’s start from Marvel Universe traditional, with the adventure that is entitled Absolute power (part 4)with script of Aron E. Coleite and drawings of Mark Brooksin which a peel develops between two factions of The patrol-xone of them led by the Russian mutant, who like his companions Angel, Dazzler, Cyclops y Night Rondadorit is elongated and corrupt due to Banshee.

Obviously, if we mention this adventure in this article it is why Glutton y Giant They end up having a direct confrontation, in which it could be said that the Canadian makes an open heart operation to his opponent, who responds by snatching a leg. All this, at the end of the struggle, when Giant And his classmates are the usual again, both mutants end up like the friends who are.

Wolverine n. 4 (2011)

Wolverine and ColossusWolverine and Colossus

Glutton y Giant The faces were seen again in the adventure which is entitled Burn land – Chapter 4: Last callwith script of Jason Aaron and drawings of Jamie McKelvieThis time inside the Marvel Universe Traditional, although with the exception that, on this occasion, the Canadian mutant was in hell while a demon possessed his body. Giant I may not have been alive from this battle if Mysticism y Ghost driver They wouldn’t have come to their help.

The most curious thing of this case is that Glutton It was controlled by others on another couple of occasions, which has always led him to face those who, in normal circumstances, consider as companions, but in none of them he met again with GiantDespite the fact that the fighting between characters who are usually pistol colleagues are a more used resource inside The house of ideas.

Wolverine: Revenge 3 (2024)

Wolverine and ColossusWolverine and Colossus

And so we come to the third clash between Glutton y Giantwhich takes place in This comic Written by Jonathan Hickman and designed by Greg Capulloin which it appears to be the most peculiar case, since, although the miniseries Vendetta Was published in the place corresponding to the Normal Head of GluttonIn reality it is an adventure that happens in an alternative universe, as they clarify from the beginning, whose plot part of the destruction of the electrical networks carried out by MagnetoBefore death, which meant the death of millions of people.

Although the Captain AmericaHim Winter soldier y Gluttonunder the orders of what has remained SHIELDThey tried to find the only device capable of producing energy, only the Canadian survived the joint attack of the new Brotherhood of diabolical mutants From Mader Madecomposed of Saber teeth, Omega Red, Massacre y Giantso that Glutton Take on the mission to put an end to all of them. In the case of the Russian mutant (at least in the version Red band) He does it crossing his head with the claws.
