Home Cinema 7 most grumpy nintendo wii games that have proven that the console was not only for children

7 most grumpy nintendo wii games that have proven that the console was not only for children

7 most grumpy nintendo wii games that have proven that the console was not only for children

The Nintendo Wii was known to be a family console with an interactive gameplay thanks to its innovative Wii controller. The best -selling game was Wii SportsWith 82.9 million sales. This was followed by expectations Mario Kart Wii, New Super Mario Bros Wii And Wii Resort. But everything was not sun, rainbow and Mario-And on the Wii.

The m notes are rare to meet for the Wii, but they exist. It’s a bit silly to imagine people playing serious, bloody and brutal video games while shaking a Wii mot, but it was certainly an experience of players with the popular console. Here are some of M’s most emblematic games that tainted the Wii who is also healthy in the early 2000s.


10 most strange nintendo wii games

The Nintendo Wii was a revolutionary game console for experienced and occasional players who have become a house for certain particularly strange titles.


The players remember the Maison des Morts: exaggerated for its vulgarity

F – Good Game

The House of the Dead title screen: Overkill
Image via stubborn games

The House of the Dead: Exaggerated is a mixture of eccentric and bloody violence and exaggerated vulgarity that has released interesting Wii. To compensate for the dull graphic capabilities of the Wii, the game takes a very stylized graphic look which adds to the great personality of the game.

Players can breathe enemy heads and members, with blood splashes everywhere. Boss fights bring a plethora of interesting characters who seem to be based on campy films from the 1980s, as Birds And Massacre of chainsaw in Texas. But the most memorable part of this shooter focused on adults is humor, which is affected or missed. There are so many swears that a journal IGN called her as “insipid sage”.

If players can exceed the word f in all other sentences, there is A fairly good story and entertaining characters wrapped in this short game. In fact, it only takes approximately five hours, so if the players can support the juron that the long players will be in a fairly wild ride; They will be quickly moved from one scene to another, ensuring that the action feels constantly during the duration of the game.

The house of the wick.

The House of the Dead: Exaggerated



February 10, 2009


M for mature 17+ // blood and blood, intense violence, partial nudity, sex themes, strong language


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition is Janky, but it’s playable

A shit port that still works

Call of Duty gameplay: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition
Image via Activision

This is a port of Call of duty Game for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 – And although it is not up to these versions, it is always pleasant to have this multiplayer inspired by the realistic war on the Wii, in case the players are tired of the simulated tennis and others.

Reflex edition Has the same graphics in the PC version on its lowest settings. It will not be pretty and violence is certainly not explicit. But the gameplay itself has been hailed by criticism over the years. The grainy missions bring players around the world to perform highly suspended tasks based on real events. It will take around five hours of the players.


Call of Duty manages to change 2 thanks to a 10 -year agreement between Nintendo and Microsoft

Call of Duty fans do not know what to expect.

The multiplayer is not so pleasant. There is no vocal chat support and Wii commands are not the most comfortable, with clumsy button investments. The framerate is sometimes weak and frustrating. If the players had other consoles to choose, no one would recommend playing Call of duty on the Wii. But if the Wii is the only option of players, it is A fun option for all those who want to play something heavy and serious.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition


November 10, 2009


M for maturity for blood and blood, intense violence, strong language


Dead Rising: Chop Till You too is a memorable zombie shooter

A wacky zombie with rifles, rifles, rifles

Dead Rising: Hop until you drop the gameplay on the Wii
Image via Capcom

This is another game that had to sacrifice its graphics to reach Wii players, but many game fans said that this version was even better than the 360 ​​version.

Frank West is the protagonist, standing out among other Japanese games thanks to his Frumpy appearance. The surviving characters are also quite entertaining, all having quirks that seem based on popular zombie survival films from the 2000s. But the real argument of sale is the chaotic action of the game. Zombies can be killed in a creative way, well that the Wii version has fewer weapons than 360.

However, The shooting on the Wii is greater than 360With funny aiming opportunities and a wide variety of firearms. The missions are timed, creating a feeling of emergency that makes the game much faster. The upgrade system also leaves players more invested and immersed in the game. Shocker – The graphics are the biggest disappointment.


Dead Rising: Chop until you fall


February 24, 2009


M for mature 17+ // blood and blood, intense violence, language


The more the action and the fight of heroes are a ton of pleasure

For anime fans (adults)

Gameplay of more heroes for wii
Image via the manufacture of locusts

No more heroes Has doubtful elements of the open world mixed with fascinating battles and bosses that are worth its madness. Although players can explore the level, there are tons of walls and invisible limits everywhere and very useless and bland NPCs. Exploration and controls are not the reason for experience No more heroes – These are the fights.


10 ways more heroes 3 is nothing like 1 and 2

Plus Heroes 3 could be the third entry in the series with many similarities, it is also a game very different from its predecessors.

The fight is in rapid and stylized motion, bringing thoughts of Rabies. The exaggerated violence associated with a punk style highlights the game in a sea of ​​platforms. The battles are visually exciting and the fight is enriching, and the exaggerated bosses entertain both visually and because of their dialogue. This is a game that does not take itself seriously and is supposed to be appreciated for what it is – An arcade style action game with the humor of the bathroom, a lot of swears and bloody violence.




January 22, 2008


M for mature 17+ due to blood and gore, intense violence, sex themes, strong language


Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is a must for franchise fans

A serious and immersive experience

A man stands in a narrow road in the silent hill: broken memories.
Image via the silent team

Broken memories add a lot of new game elements to the original silent HillBy making one of the most anticipated Wii games in the early 2000s, M-Rated or not. Unlike some of the other Wii games on the list, Hill Silent: Broken Souvenirs Has very good graphics and controls, making it one of the best games side M for the console.

It is a very mature game – and not only because it explores sex and violence. He Immerse in deep themes that are much heavier than some of the most relaxed Wii games. This includes loss and regret, even sexuality. Adding to that, the game really focuses on diving in the player’s head space through a psychological test that changes the world around them, including the appearances of other characters.

To add to this immersive experience, the game has a very overwhelming atmosphere that creates a lot of tension. The Wii version has a movement control that will play even more on its fears. Players can also interact with the environment, in particular by attacking enemies with innovative controls.



December 8, 2009


m // blood, drug reference, language, sex themes, violence


Mad World is one of the most elegant games ever made

Bloody oily chaos in red

Mad World Gameplay for Wii
Image via platinumgames

It is one of the most amazing games visually ever made, Wii or not. The style of graphic novel brings players to a black and white television competition where the objective is to kill enemies – including difficult bosses – in the most creative way possible. Blood is the only thing that is not in black and white, red stands as much as the exaggerated commentator of the game and Boss personalities.

You play as a jack, a super-fraped guy with an integrated chainsaw. Although Gore Over-the-Top is not revolutionary, Jack has insane finishers who are beyond what would be expected from a violent game. He divides people in half or uses a katana to cut enemies into pieces. It’s extreme enough for it to become a wild show. There are also super fun combos that are easy to implement with the control of the Wii, making the dead creative and satisfactory. Quite strangely, however, Jack seems easy to kill, so players will have to be careful.


Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition is the end of Wii mature games

Another way to enjoy a great game

A PlayStation 2 game remake, the Wii version is just as satisfactory. The graphics are detailed, including the background textures that could not be seen in other games. But the right graphics are not everything you need to have a good game on the Wii. The point of sale is that this survival horror game is actually quite terrifying.

Music, atmosphere and sound effects spoil the players’ minds. Tension and action in the game will also have players at the edge of their seats, not noting how stiff they were until they have a break and let a sigh. The Wii control scheme maintains submerged players, a swing and button support mixture. The Wii version also adds new old -fashioned features, including a completely new game mode.

In total, the grainy atmosphere of the game, the intense scenario and the exciting gameplay will keep the players hooked. Especially if they are looking for something incredibly exciting after playing Wii Sports with the family. At night, it’s time to remove Wii classified M games and see what the console is really capable – swearing, frightening and a lot of blood and blood to go around.




January 11, 2005


M for mature: blood and gore, intense violence, language
