Home Cinema Star Trek: the largest cameo in section 31 is more important than fans

Star Trek: the largest cameo in section 31 is more important than fans

Star Trek: the largest cameo in section 31 is more important than fans

Star Trek: Section 31 Pulls a surprising cameo in his final scene, while Jamie Lee Curtis appears as the team commander. The actor has won huge distinctions for his performance alongside Article 31 Star, Michelle Yeoh, in All everywhere at the same time. This included a pair of Oscars for Two: Yeoh for the best actress and Curtis for the best support actress. The film itself also won the best film.

The cameo feels almost predetermined, and even if it is always fun to see the veteran actor on the screen, few people could say that his arrival was unexpected. This is not quite the end of its appearance in Section 31, However. In fact, his first moment feels much more interesting than his last. The film opens with the narration of the voiceover of Curtis, explaining the configuration and the issues involved. It is an intelligent tribute to a very subtle cameo in a previous film: John Carpenter’s dystopian action film in 1981 Escape New York. Article 31 Engages it wonderfully and gives the appearance of Curtis a small zip which would not exist if it had simply appeared at the end.

Jamie Lee Curtis and Michelle Yeoh won the Oscars together

Everywhere at the same time associated the two actors

Michelle Yeoh is one of the most requested players in the entertainment industry, with nearly a dozen projects between All everywhere at the same time And Article 31. Associating him with Curtis again could have occurred earlier, at any time. Instead, they have waited so far, and retrospectively, it is easy to see why. All everywhere at the same time Famous concerns the multiverse, with Evelyn, owner of the Yeoh difficulty in difficulty, was suddenly faced with a terrible danger with the existence itself.

Curtis plays Deirdre Beaubeirdre, agent Irs Audit the affairs of Yeoh and preparing to drop the boom. As with the other members of the distribution, it also portrays different variants of Deirdre in the different universes that Evelyn crosses, including at least one where the pair is a lover. The actor leans all along his cynical side for bonus Deirdre, playing an official who heard so many stories of sobs that they simply rolled from his back. True to the soul with a good heart of the film, she warms up at the end, and even leaves Evelyn’s husband, Waymond, convincing her to let them redo their income declaration.


The biggest burning questions in section 31 that the Star Trek franchise must answer

While Star Trek: Section 31 has had a final end, there are still a few open questions that need an answer in a suite or another story.

Yeoh is an imposing presence whatever the role it plays, and Curtis has the rare ability to look at it convincingly. Evelyn is a shy and calm woman at the beginning of the film, but her variants is often less so. Without curling it perfectly, it would seem too strong too early and would ruin the delicate journey of the film of self -discovery and empowerment. Deirdre variants must bring the same energy, whatever their arrangement towards Evelyn, which makes the jobs of the two actors much more difficult. Without the two who work together, a key aspect of the film collapses.

Jamie Lee Curtis expresses the intro to escape from New York

The actor worked in several films John Carpenter

The opening narration to the escape of John Carpenter from New York

In addition to the performance itself, victory at Curtis Oscars was considered recognition of its long and varied career. The actor is famous on celebrity on the wings of HalloweenCarpenter’s 1978 Slasher film. In her early years, she was better known as a queen of cries, appearing in Terrorist train And Ball evening Before breaking the guy with the comedy of 1983 Trading places.

In the meantime, Carpenter was more than happy to use it whenever he could, in particular by giving it a leading role in the 1980s The fog And a return to Laurie traveled the years 1981 Halloween IIWhat Carpenter has co-written, but did not manage. The two films integrate well in her shooting at the time: direct horror films in which she plays a courageous protagonist who perseveres against the chances. Directed carpenter Escape New York Also in 1981, which did not make it so simple for the actor.

In addition to being a science fiction film rather than horror, Escape New York was a matter largely dominated by men. The main female role was played by Carpenter’s wife, Adrienne Barbeau, the second played by Hubley, the season of the time of Star Kurt Russell. Neither of the two roles seems particularly suitable for Curtis, and with his star character who is still focused on horror films, Escape New York seemed likely to break the sequence of its projects connected to the carpenter.


Jamie Lee Curtis of Halloween did not close the door on Laurie Strode Return

Jamie Lee Curtis suggests that she could one day play Laurie again traveled Halloween events.

The film responds with an extremely devious cameo that perfectly corresponds to the film. Curtis provides the narration of the voiceover of the creeping explosion after the opening credits, explaining the alternative history of its future dystopia then. It provides a clear and clear language which provides the necessary information, giving way to the opening photo of Carpenter from an island of Manhattan enclosed. This central concept remains strangely plausible, and the narration of Curtis installs it without a hitch.

Curtis is also the voice heard on the intercom while Snake Plissken is brought for treatment, recalling that new convicts.. Retrospectively, he plays a more important role than it seems. The film was produced before CGI renders the post-apocalyptic landscapes banal and does a masterful job to evoke its world in the old-fashioned tower. The opening animation does wonders on this forehead by immersing viewers in the background while Carpenter’s signature music plays in the background.

Curtis sells his narration with his clean and unadorned delivery. She becomes the final voice of authority in a fiercely anti-authoritarian film, reminding the protagonist to stop competing and extinguishing her cigarette. Using only her voice, she sells him effortlessly, in the same way as she made All everywhere at the same time. He hammers the oppression of the system in which Plissken finds himself and justifies his hatred for that all the more.

Section 31 repeats the escape of Curtis from New York Trick

The opening narration catapults the public in history

A Star Trek Section 31 screen
Image via paramount

Article 31 is supposed to be a look on the dark side of the Star Trek Universe, where threats are genocidal and that the principles of Starfleet do not apply. The refugee of Yeoh’s mirror universe, Philippa Georgiou, is an Apex predator in this kingdom, which is one of the reasons why the section recruits it (more or less against its will) to help them. The genocide machine they are hunting comes from the mirror universe, and indeed seems to be from Georgiou itself: to give Article 31 A chance to further develop your background.

It comes with a lot of exhibition, and whoever did not know the exploits georgia Star Trek: Discovery is able to merge very quickly. The film does a remarkable job to transmit his character in a very short time, but he still has to put himself at speed quickly without much trail. The faster and lighter it can be, the better he can sell his turning style plot.

Curtis intensifies to start things as “control”, quickly providing the necessary information and launching the team in the plot Excessively.


‘Really go big or go home’: Robert Kazinsky & Sven Ruygrok Talk Star Trek: Section 31

Star Trek: The actors of article 31 Robert Kazinsky and Sven Ruygrok speak to CBR to play the two most funny and violent characters in the film.

The graphics on the screen evoke the LEAN information dumping Escape New Yorkwhich maintains concentrated viewers and transmits the urgency of history. This is important, because the exhibition is extremely cut and dried. Without Curtis, the necessary energy would lack. The calm wink to Escape New York Reinforces its objective on the soundtrack. He also agrees in his cameo at the end in an interesting way, and helps him to involve the film more than a simple call to curtain. Control must be a figure of authority for Philippa Georgiou, who was once literally prepared to commit a genocide in order to keep his power.

Curtis is perhaps the only actor who can crediblely play a superior to herand while a series of Article 31 Feels unlikely, his appearance cements the idea that Georgiou works for them now. The seeds for whom are planted in the opening, which links the Curtis tour Escape New York to his oscanated relations with Articles 31 star. It is an intelligent decision and transforms the cameo into something much more than it would have been.

Star Trek: Section 31 is currently broadcast on Paramount +.


Star Trek: Section 31

Release date

January 15, 2025

Execution time

96 minutes




Craig Sweeny, Bo Yeon Kim, Erika Lippoldt


Alex Kurtzman, Frank Siracusa, Michelle Yeoh, John Weber, Rod Roddenberry, Aaron Baiers

  • Instrument53731854-1.jpg

    Michelle Yeoh

    Emperor Philippa Georgiou

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    Omari Hardwick

    Alok Za’ha
