What are the strangest alternative modes of transformers?

Shared image of the deaths of Sideswipe and Optimus Prime in comics

THE Transformers were loved by generations of fans by being toys and/or nice characters who could turn from robots into everyday vehicles and machines. Add to that the complex history of cybertrons and the long war of autobots and decepticons, and the Transformers had a lot to do for them beyond their alternative modes.

However, everyone Transform had the chance to have an alternative mode as emblematic as the semi-trailer of Optimus Prime Or as formidable as the planetary form of Unicron. Some transformers have received strange alternative modes which had no sense or pursued a tendency now dead. Some of these alternative modes have attracted fans, while others continue to be ridiculed today.


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10 deaths of the most sad transformers, classified

Transformers fans have seen several deaths on various supports, although the comic losses of characters like Sideswipe and Optimus Prime have hit hard.

Updated by Timothy Blake Donohoo on January 25, 2025: There are many transformers with unique alternative modes, but the strangest bring the idea of ​​”disguised robots” to a completely different level. These are some of the most unique transformers; Their main forms and alternative modes reflect this.

The strange transformer never really transformed

Transformers: Cybertron Phreaker in alternative mode.
Image via Takara

Sometimes an alternative mode seems intelligent at the time, only for the progress of technology to change people’s opinions later. In Transformers: CybertronAutobots were based on a “bot” that took a form in alternative mode capable of transmitting information quickly: the public phone. Known as Phreaker, fans have never even seen the character’s robot mode. Likewise, his alternative mode has made him one of the most unique transformers.

While Phreaker has made several appearances in CybertronHe was an unnamed character. He was named years later in an “Ask Vector Prime” segment with creators on Facebook. It is easy to forget the character, because it is not as if many people used public phones these days. His name initially referred to people who studied telecommunications, but he was then obsolete, which made it a little deep cut.


Laserbeak could at some point become an electric guitar

One Continuity gave a Modern Update to a cassette

Most transformers are generally locked in the same alternative modes they had during their beginnings. Optimus Prime will always be a truck, Bumblebee will be either a VW bug or a camaro. Some OG characters have alternative modes that no longer make much sense, such as Laserbeak.

In the original Transformers: First generation,, Laserbeak was a bird transformed into a cassette. The cassettes being old -fashioned, Laserbeak has been released to take other forms, as in Transformers: animated, where he became an electric guitar. This corresponds to gadgets focused on the soundwave sound, but it is funny that during its first appearance, Optimus Prime used the decepticon to fight against other sound -based attacks.


Ravage transformed into cassette

The cat was a faithful servant of Soundwave

Art for ravaging of transformors: generation 1.
Art via Hasbro

Ravage is one of the original G1 transformers And it was literally the first reader to transform that readers saw by opening the original comic strip. It is unique in that it has no robot mode; Its normal mode is a robotic jaguar. It has also become the form for which it is the best known, which makes it one of the most unique transformers, even if this alternative mode is obsolete.

When Ravage was presented, it was part of the Soundwave Decostle collection which could turn into cassettes. Since Soundwave himself became a tape recorder, all of this made sense at the time. At the time, being able to take music everywhere became current. However, nowadays, physical supports are fundamentally obsolete, so ravage seems out of date. Ironically, Ravage maintained this alternative mode at the time of Warnings of animals: transformers Television series, taking place centuries after G1.


High Wire has become a BMX bike for the human protagonist

He was one of the main mini-knowledge of the first anime of the Unicron trilogy

Rad riding High Wire in Transformers: Armada.
Image via minutes

The animated Transformers: Armada represented Transformers finally becoming a big problem in America. The major gadget of the series was the “mini-consults”, tiny transformers capable of granting massive power increases to autobots and decepticons. One of the first mini-conspiracies introduced in the series was high wireWho spent time as BMX bicycle in its alternative form.


10 best Megatron models in transformers, classified

Figural for the autobots since 1984, Megatron has done so with some of the most powerful forms of the transformers franchise.

This certainly suited at the time and provided the protagonist with a vehicle to move through all the action. It is probably one of the least technological alternative modes than a cybertronian has ever had. While most transformers become jets, cars or even animals, High Wire has chosen to be something that cannot even move on on its own.


Shockwave transformed into a giant and flying cybertronian pistol

The decepticon did not use mass displacement during its transformation

Shockwaves returns to its robot mode in The Transformers.
Image via Marvel Comics

After Megatron, Shockwave was the second most popular decepticon, whose alternative mode was a firearm. As if he was not deadly enough, Shockwave could turn into a Cybertronian weapon. What made it strange is that, unlike Megatron, Shockwave rarely turned (if not) on a scale. He became a giant weapon that no one could use.

The most important transformers who used Shockwave were bruticus (the giant combined form of combaticons) and Shockwave himself in an emblematic hilarious error of the first Transformers cartoon. For what it is worth, the alternative mode of Shockwave has not caused him as many problems as the practical Walther P38 mode of Megatron.


Botanica has chosen to become a plant

Retrauled described its alternative mode as a “speaking tree”

Botanica in plant form in Beast Machines: Transformers.
Image via the central computer

Fans do not often talk about it Beast machinesAnd for good reason. While Beast wars was a major revitalization for Transformers,, Beast machines destroys all this good will. This pushed the transformors even more towards the organic, which ruined the pleasure of the transformers at the beginning. However, this allowed the characters of strange alternative modes, like Botanica.

Botanica was a maximum transformed into an ambulatory plantWith its robot modes and both plants humanoids. It was at the origin of an involuntary alternative mode, occurring only by panic after a battle with Megatron. However, Botanica has adapted well to transformation and has become a help for the maximals from this moment. She even established a romantic relationship with the maximum sarcastic caught, Beast wars‘longtime acolyte character.


Soundwave has become a boom box with the Cassettes CHECECOCON

The Decipon is one of the most unique transformers due to its original Alt mode

Soundwave creates an energy cube from his chest.
Image via Sunbow Entertainment

Nowadays, Soundwave is transformed into an armored troop transport vehicle (APC) or a heavy car. The faithful Soundwave is best known to transform into cassettes reader And commanding his mini-housing. This classic alternative mode is strange because it has no tactical meaning and only get worse over time.

A boomboxes the size of a decepticon whose scale changed was constantly except a stealthy “disguised robot”. Fortunately, it was reduced on the human scale thanks to a mass movement. The more time passes, the more obsolete the now obsolete alternative mode of Soundwave stands out. The only 80s that the original alternative mode of Soundwave was its Rival Autobot Blaster, a boom box with its own army of mini-cassettes.


Reflector was a Camera of Decipon made up of three smaller Deccepticons

One of the most unique transformers was an amalgam of

Reflector team in robot mode.
Image via Sunbow Entertainment

Given their advanced technology and the fact that they were extraterrestrial machines, the last thing the transformers needed was a single objective reflex camera. However, that was exactly what the decepticons had in Reflector. Moreover, The reflector was made up of three smaller Decostles: Spectro, Spyglass and viewfinder.


15 autobots we need in a suite of Transformers One

Transformers One has introduced new versions of several classic characters, and a suite could do the same with other emblematic autobots and decepticons.

Like many other transformers whose alternative modes were gadgets, Reflector could not be manufactured until the 80s. The image of a decepticon stopping to take some photos using his sensitive camera On a scale was too picturesque to be taken seriously. The reflector was then transformed into a firearm, but these modern alternative modes have never been as popular as the camera.


Perceptual transformed into a microscope of the size of a transformer

Perceptor was one of the most intelligent autobots

Smiling perceptor and raising hands in The Transformers: The Movie.
Image via Sunbow Entertainment

Having transformers as scientists of their respective faction was not weird. What was strange was to transform their laboratory equipment into colleagues Autobots and/or DECECTICONS. Perceptor was an Autobot microscopeAnd a giant, in addition. This did not mean that Perceptor was not useless in combat, because his alternative mode inevitably served as cannon.

The very existence of Perceptor has raised many unhappy implications and hilarious questions. Normal microscopes could be transported everywhere, and yet the perceptor has turned into a microscope so large that it is essentially a telescope, which was anything but subtle. Perceptor was one of the many absurd transformers of the 80s that fans could not help like it.


The sound barrier could turn into a shield or a portable ramp

The character was one of the most useless transformers

Soundbarriers are used in combat in Generations Selects Special Comic.
Image via Takara

Some transformers have the misfortune to transform into tools instead of weapons of war or vehicles. Soundbarrier was one of these transformers. It was an autobot that could turn into a shield that his comrades could use in combat. But depending on continuity, the alternative mode of soundbarrier could be a road ramp.

In Generations selects a special comic strip (a link with that of Takara Generations select Toyline), selectors were transformers manufactured by humans and serial products whose alternative modes were daily equipment. Soundbarriers were road ramps. Soundbarrier has become the laughing stock of fans due to the strangeness of her alternative mode.


Launch signal was too zealous traffic light in the desert

The Autobot did not transform until the end of its series

Signal robot mode Lancer in Transformers: Cybertron.
Image via gonzo

In the 2000s, many new transformers were introduced via anime such as Transformers: Cybertron. One of these newcomers was Signal Lancer, a self -loop transformed into a tricolor fire. Signal Launch was parked in the middle of the desert. Despite the lack of cars, he took road safety very seriously.

Signal Lancer’s only friend was Phreaker, a neutral transformer who took the form of a public phone. Signal Lancer and Phreaker escaped the Cybertonian civil war and hid on earth in the form of decrepit road vehicles. Signal Launch only appeared in a few episodes, but that has left him enough time to become a punchline among the fans.


The toaster was an Autobot toaster

The name of the character says everything

The toaster is built in The Transformers (United Kingdom).
Image via Marvel Comics

As its name proudly suggests, The toaster was a transformers toaster and is incredibly obscure. The toaster did not appear in the comics, but one could deduce that it turns into an imposing toaster. He was also the brother of Blaster and Karmen (whose alternative mode was a bigoudi). Toaster was a somewhat pleasant character, exclusive to Transformers British race letters section.


Transformers: the 25 most powerful, officially classified autobots

Warriors and experiences experienced to combines and former Deccepticons, the autobots have many powerful transformers in their ranks.

Toaster was “born” when a fan asked the comic strip staff why computers of the arch had a toaster as one of the possible alternative modes of Autobot. The staff accepted the joke, gave Toaster a complete story and showed that it was one of the autobots defeated by Galvatron. Toaster continued to appear in the comics and has become a favorite of fans.


Stranglehold was both a professional wrestler and a rhino

The decepticon was one of the contenders for the G1

All the interest of Transformers It was that they were extraterrestrial robots that hid on earth, disguising themselves as vehicles or other machines. The Pertenders defeated the attraction of the transformers by turning into people. The comics gave themselves a lot of difficulty in justifying the need of the contenders to use human forms, but we usually laughed at them.

The most stupid decepticon was Strangleholdwhose alternative mode was a mustachioed professional wrestler. It could also turn into rhinos. Stranglehold distinguished himself because he was essentially a cross between a wrestler of the 80s and He-man and the masters of the universe. He looked even more moved than the other pretenders already stupid of Transformers Canon.


Megatron could turn into a giant hand

Megatron disguised robots had many forms

Megatron of the Anime Transformers: Robots in Disguise from 2001 grimacing.
Image via studio Gallop and Nihon ad Systems

Over the years, Megatron has been offered countless emblematic and dangerous alternative modes in their own way. Its most famous alternative mode was a precise replica of the Walther P38 pistol, and its most recent alternative modes include a combat tank. The alternative mode that most fans would prefer to forget is Megatron’s giant hand mode.

Megatron had many alternative modes in the anime of 2001 Transformers: disguised robots,, including that of a dragon with several heads. However, most Transformers Fans only remembered his “claw” mode. Megatron’s giant hand did not do much beyond hovering in a threatening manner above the autobots and being an intermediary for its alternative dragon modes.


Ambulon has become a leg

This transformer had a morbid alternative mode

Ambulon Transformers Generation One carrying pipes while Ratchet and Drift are in the background.
Image via IDW

Ambulon fell into Transformers History of having the strangest and most hilarious alternative mode ever created. In short, Ambulon could turn into a leg. Worse still, he used to transform involuntarily into a right leg if he was surprised or caught off guard. That said, Ambulon’s alternative mode has a rather sad story.

Previously, Ambulon was an experienced decepticon on To become a combat. But after being disappointed by the cause of the decepticons and dissatisfied with his alternative mode, Ambulon defeated in the autobots. The unnecessary alternative mode of Ambulon may have a narrative goal, but that did not stop Transformers Laughter fans.


Noble savage was not at all a robot

The bestial “Cybertronian” was completely organic

The Beast Change has arrived "Noble" Mode in Beast Machines: Transformers.
Image via the central computer

Also known as Beast Change, Noble/Savage was a very different type of transformer. It was the rest of the organic elements of Megatron in Beast Machines: TransformersAnd he turned to a mutated dragon (echoing the Beast Dragon mode of Megatron) into a humanoid wolf. Her body once housed Megatron’s spark, and when she left, nobleman found herself with a simple bestial character.



10 Best Autobots on IDW Transformers comics (in addition to Optimus Prime)

The comic strip IDW Transformers presents some of the largest autobots in the franchise, such as Rodimus and Prowl.

Devoid of robotic components, noble/Savage was a completely organic transformer. It did not only make him one of the most unique transformers in the franchise, but it also highlighted the themes of Beast machines. Many fans, however, rejected the very notion of the character, believing that it was a bridge too far for a brand known for its “disguised robots” slogan.


Moon had one of the most cute alternative modes

The adorable transformer was not a major part of the conflict

Beast Wars II Moon and Artemis: Transformers.
Image via Ashi Productions

THE Warnings of animals II The anime had a kind of Greek chorus via Artemis and Moon. These two characters have watched the events of the series since one of the moons on the planet Gaea, and neither took part in the battles between the maximums and the predacons. Artemis herself was an extraterrestrial/android, but Moon was actually a transformer-although strange.

Having a robot mode almost similar to a drone, Beast of the moon in Warnings of animals II was a strange extraterrestrial creature resembling a rabbit. He was never explained what this creature or his goal was, especially given the comic role of Moon himself. Since it was a “rabbit”, the general idea seemed to be a reference to the mythological ties between rabbits and the moon.


Rid Bruticus was not a combinator

This predacon had a mythological alternative mode

Transformers: Bruticus disguised robots in robot and stupid mode.
Image via Hasbro

Appointed from a generation 1 combiner, 1, Bruticus in Transformers: disguised robots only appeared in the range of toys for the series, and he was supposed to be in Beast machines. Faithful dog Predacon, he protects Megatron’s throne and is a vicious creature. Having a rather unorthodox design, this is more reflected in its stupid mode.

The alternative mode of bruticus is a cerberus, the techno-organic monster having three heads. This form has never been seen elsewhere in the Transformers Franchise, and that shows how obscure the character himself is. Taking into account his lack of appearances in the Disguised robots Anime and how esoteric her toy is, said figurine costs a lot of money.


Punch had another robot mode

The Transforming Spy was both Autobot and Decipon

Art for Punch and Counterpunch from the Transformers toy range: Power of the Primes.
Image via Hasbro

Punch was an Autobot spy with a powerful useful capacity in certain missions. Beyond his alternative Porsche mode, he could also turn into A robot mode of estcepticon known as the Counterpunch. He passed this form as a distinct individual who was a kind of clone or twin of his Autobot counterpart, the decepticons not knowing that they were one and the same person.

Other characters in the franchise then used this power to change faction. These included Cloter/DoubleClouder and Sideways of Transformers: Armada animated. However, this power was used for the first time by Punch, which unfortunately does not have many toys representing this unique skill.


Mutants have lost their robot modes

The first viruses trapped by Megatron as an organic animals

Beast Wars mutants: Transformers.
Image via Hasbro

Some of the last toys in Warnings of animals: transformers The series was the mutants. These characters were supposed to be fuzors (whose stupid modes combined elements of two animals) who found themselves trapped between two stupid modes because of their exposure to Megatron’s transformation locking virus. Now unable to find robot modes, robotic aspects hidden in their toys were the only proof of their true nature.

The virus that infected mutants was apparently a predecessor of the one he used in Beast machines. The mutants were by far the most unique transformors due to their almost total absence of robotic aspects.PREFIGURANT Noble/Savage. Resignant to this fate, they sought a purely organic existence and did not participate in the war between Maximals and Predacons.

Optimus Prime is held alongside Autobots and Maximals in Transformers Rise of the Beasts Poster


Transformers is a media franchise Produced by the American toy company Hasbro and the Japanese toy company Takara Tomy. It mainly follows heroic autobots and the wicked Deccepticons, two factions of extraterrestrial robots at war which can be transformed into other forms, such as vehicles and animals.