Marvel Studios: Sebastian Stan explains why Thunderbolts* is unique

Marvel Studios, Noticias Cine, Sebastian Stan, Thunderbolts, UCM

According to Sebastian Stan, Thunderbolts* is unlike any other MCU film

Sebastiano Stan spoke about his experience working in Lightning* from Marvel Studios.

Sebastian Stan thinks Thunderbolts* is unique

During an interview with Deadline, Stan commented that Thunderbolts* cannot be compared to any other film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

“I don’t think it can be compared to any previous Marvel film, and that’s because of the group of characters in this film and these actors. “I couldn’t have had a better time than with David Harbour, Florence Pugh, Wyatt Russell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.”

“I mean, each of these people are funny, they’re generous, and I think a lot of that chemistry comes through in the movie, and I’m excited for people to see it. It’s kind of like the Breakfast Club. It has its own vibe, and it’s fun, and it’s real, and we did some real stunts, like when you see a truck explode, it’s an exploded truck. It’s not CGI. Marvel really wanted this to have its own thing. There were a lot of things in the film that were done practically, and I think that helps a lot, because people are smart. “I think the public knows that.”

Thunderbolts* will be released in theaters on May 5, 2025.