Supernatural quietly broke this major 2000s horror trend in the scariest way possible

Dean and Sam versus John

When Supernatural first, no one could have guessed that he would achieve the ultimate success that he did. The CW series didn’t achieve accolades or widespread recognition, but it generated a cult following that made it the network’s longest-running genre series. Thanks to the electric dynamic between co-stars Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki and the emotional storytelling, the series continues to resonate with fans.

Although it was not clear to what extent Supernatural would go into the first season, he never compromised his storytelling. Committed to a realistic depiction of monsters and demons, the series moved away from the most popular tropes of the time, particularly regarding vampires. The popularity of Real blood And Dusk made historically vicious monsters more physically attractive. However, the first appearance of these mythological creatures on Supernatural made it clear that the series would stick to a more traditional portrayal.

Supernatural first premiered in 2005, the same year as Stephen Meyer’s vampire romance, Duskwas released. Romanticizing the undead was not a new phenomenon. Buffy the Vampire Slayer perfected the art of the doomed romance between Buffy Summers and soulful vampire Angel. Anne Rice played a fundamental role in the genre, giving rise to the Southern vampire craze that gave rise to Real blood And The Vampire Diaries. All of these stories use vampirism as a metaphor for sexuality and desire, which works best when one of the immortals plays the role of a romantic interest.

There are of course some exceptions. Monsters like Lestat or Spike love to gorge on blood, but even they have redeeming qualities. For all his merciless killings, Lestat is a complex character who is as beautiful as he is deadly. Spike starts out as a sadist, but the more he sees humanity, the more he wants to be a part of it. Edward of the Cullen Coven is the most romanticized version of vampire stories. The world of Stephenie Meyer Dusk bears little resemblance to the understood mythology of vampires. With glowing skin, magical powers, and the absence of fangs, they resemble fairies more than vampires. Edward’s abstinence and commitment to renouncing human blood makes him a vampire in name only. Other depictions of vampires, as in The Vampire Diaries, Continue this trend with the series premiere in 2009. Stefan Salvatore sticks to a diet of animal blood to avoid losing himself to bloodlust. Twilight Fingerprints are still left on the horror genre to this day, but there was one series that went against the grain. Supernatural wasn’t set to be a vampire series, but when these creatures appeared, they were monstrous.

Dead Man’s Blood Presents the History of Supernatural’s Vampires

Dean and Sam versus John

Supernatural Vampires were first introduced to the universe in the 20th episode of Season 1. Titled “Dead Man’s Blood,” the episode invited some interesting mythology into the mix, while uniting the Winchesters with their absent father. After searching for him throughout season 1, John Winchester, originally played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, appears upon the death of his mentor. John asks Dean and Sam for help in extirpating a vampire nest. Having never faced them before, the boys listen attentively to their father’s explanations about the creatures. In the world of Supernaturalthey are rare and not at all like what pop culture has led many to believe. Decapitation is the only way to kill them, and many other perceived weaknesses do nothing for these vampires. Although weakened by the sun, it is not fatal to them. Crosses or stakes to the heart do not work. The Winchester’s only other line of defense is Dead Man’s Blood.

This concept is not entirely new in the vampire world but is somewhat rare. This happens in the Anne Rice film Interview with the Vampire as a form of weakness. Supernatural creates its own spin on this tradition. The vampires of this world need fresh blood from a human body, so the blood of a deceased person acts as a kind of poison.. While this doesn’t kill them, it weakens them, allowing hunters to kill them. At the time of the broadcast, vampires were not as popular as they would be, but Supernatural made sure to differentiate itself from all other traditions. John Winchester points out that it’s not the movie. These vampires are more ferocious, deadly and bloodthirsty.

Supernatural choices make vampires more terrifying

Gordon wearing his vampire teeth

Other CW or HBO vampires of the time ensured that there were at least some terrifying elements in their respective creatures. Supernaturalon the other hand, removes everything that makes being undead appealing. There is no spark or ability to coerce their victims here. Supernatural grounds the vampires in as much reality as possible, making them all the more terrifying. Although they can blend in with the general population like most vampires in history, their true faces lack the beautiful symmetry of the fangs in the Anne Rice adaptations. Instead of two elongated fangs protruding from the canines as is traditionally the case, vampires of Supernatural have rows of sharp teeth designed to tear and mutilate flesh.


Interview with the Vampire still needs its last major adaptation

Interview with the Vampire remains a scary classic, but after movies, comics, and a TV show, it’s still missing an interactive gaming experience.

Some vampires try to toe the line, like the Salvatores or Angel, but they are exceptions. Lenore is the rare vampire of Supernatural that subsists on the blood of livestock, but many vampires fall easily into their nesting communities. Nests of vampires gather, keeping humans alive for days to feed on their blood. Because the blood of a deceased person is useless to them, preserving human victims in this way is the easiest way to survive. These bloodthirsty tendencies convince some hunters like Gordon Walker to believe that there are no good vampires. In his mind, the moment they cease to be human is the moment they can no longer be saved. He believes in it so firmly that after his sister’s transformation, he does not hesitate to commit suicide.

Vampire Weaknesses



Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Beheading, wooden stakes, fire, sun, holy water, cross


Tearing the body apart and burning the pieces

Real blood

Money, stakes, beheading, sunlight

The Vampire Diaries

Verbena, stakes, ripping out of the heart, decapitation, sun

In this regard, killing a vampire is not as simple as in the alternate lore. Buffy the Vampire Slayer offers many different methods to kill these demons, such as stakes, sunlight, or fire. Supernatural vampires are much stronger than that. They do not fear the effects of verbena as in The Vampire Diariesand no disease can kill them like in Real blood. The only way to kill a vampire Supernatural it is by decapitation. Sunlight is also not a problem for these creatures. Unlike the typical depiction of vampires bursting into flames when exposed to direct sunlight, Supernatural vampires are only somewhat exhausted by daylight. This fact makes them more dangerous and particularly strong in numbers. They are so strong that they are among the creatures selected to create Eve’s hybrids in Season 6. Named Jefferson Starships by Dean after the ’70s rock band, Eve attempts to create the perfect creature by combining the teeth of a vampire with the tip of a specter. THE Supernatural the approach of vampires is not difficult to deduce. It would be difficult to follow two monster-hunting brothers who were killing innocent people. Supernatural removes the glamor of living forever and the mystical powers often found in vampire stories. But there are episodes where the brothers sympathize with vampires, connecting them with the expanded universe of these monsters.

Supernatural includes a brief romantic element

Female vampire biting someone

Supernatural hasn’t always excelled in the romance department. Since the Winchesters are constantly on the road, there is no natural way to establish committed relationships. The CW series is quite famous for sidelining female characters throughout the series. However, the series still incorporates romantic sentiment into its vampire storylines. As mentioned in “Dead Man’s Blood”, the vampires of Supernatural companion for life. Similar to the vampires of Duskthese creatures remain faithful to their partners whatever the cost.


Why Edward Left Bella in New Moon, Explained

Edward and Bella are the ultimate love story of the Twilight series, that’s why Edward leaving Bella was so shocking, here’s why he did it.

The season 1 episode demonstrates this through Luther’s nest. The Winchesters encounter the vampire leader after his companion kills another hunter and steals the Colt. Although ill-advised, Kate does this as a form of revenge. The hunter, Elkins, had killed Luther’s family and she wanted to set up some sort of packback. When this quickly turns south, Luther’s subsequent death leaves her devastated. The vampires of Supernatural are sadistic and bloodthirsty, but they still cling to a set of principles. Love is the most universal human experience. Even the vampires of Supernatural are humanized in certain respects. However, the Winchesters don’t hesitate when you go too far.