Let’s analyze the new Man of Steel in the first issue of DC Comics’ Absolute Superman
DC Comics wanted to create completely revamped versions of his iconic characters, which is why he created his own Absolute Universea new universe far from the rest where we will see new stories without there being continuity problems. This universe is born after the end of the crossover Absolute powerwhere the return of Darkseid Create and transform the timeline until the universe is generated Absolutea much darker and more daunting universe.
This new universe has thrilled many readers and fans A.Damong whom I am. There was no waiting for the comics to be published Spain and that’s why he acquired the first issue of Absolute Superman in flake format USA. This issue is written by Jason Aaron and designed by Rafa Sandoval.
A dark champion for the less privileged
We all know the story of the origin of Superman. was born on the planet Kryptonhis parents sent him Earth before their planet and civilization exploded. In our world, he was raised by Kent on a farm Smallvillewhere the strong moral values he possesses were instilled in him. We already know the rest, with his iconic dress he has become the man of tomorrowwilling to help all those who need it by giving hope and joy to people. in the universe Absolutethings are a little different.
We are presented with a Kal El who spent his childhood on his home world. Krypton It is the pinnacle of science, closely related to the energy of volcanoes and the red sun, but the world is governed by an archaic caste system in which scientists are the rulers and those below are oppressed. THE Himthey are at the lowest level. In it Absolute Universe, Kal El grown inside Krypton with his parents. They hardly give us more information about the family or the world, but the world of Krypton It seems his days are numbered. It seems that through flashbacks we will learn about the events that occurred on the Kryptonian planet.
In the present, in Earthwe are in a mine in Brazil controlled by Lazarus Corporationwhich treats workers as if they were animals, with inhumane conditions. These workers discover one day that someone has secretly helped them, but this lasts very little, as Lazarus moves his troops to try to capture said being. A Kal El an adult is forced to come into the world to protect the locals as well as himself. During this conflict he will meet someone very close to him, at least in another universe.
The origin of Man of Steel That’s not the only difference, his powers also seem to work differently. The dress of Supermancalled “Sol”it has a life of its own, even if it’s not explained, it seems like very advanced technology and this issue suggests that it will have a great importance in the series.
The parallelism that is intended to reflect between Krypton and the Earthin the first all its resources were consumed until the planet could no longer bear it, in the Earth, Superman You see exactly the same thing happening. Without a doubt the first issues of this series will be linked to this and also to the exploitation of the most disadvantaged, such as miners, by the powerful. Solthe suit tells him that not all worlds can be saved, which will no doubt generate a lot of conflict for the character. By the way, until now there has been no talk about Kentfor a reason. In this universe they exist, but not as we know it.
Aaron’s job is to present and lay the foundation for this series, it’s still too early to tell if he does a great jobbut what is shown is very promising, a mix of darkness and hope. We hope that the author reaches the level that many of us know.
But without a doubt the great protagonist of this issue is the Spaniard Rafa Sandoval with his beautiful drawing and the spectacular design of the characters (great expressiveness in the faces), as well as the Kryptonian and terrestrial environments. The action moments are also very well drawn. The design of Superman’s iconic suit will get a lot of buzz, but it looks great in this universe. We must also mention the good work of Ulise Arreola with the colors that feel so good to the drawing Sandoval and the tone of the story.
Overall, we are presented with a darker story, with a more melancholic protagonist who once again sees how the world he lives in is falling apart because of the people who inhabit it. We live in a world where truth, justice and a better tomorrow seem impossible, but there is still someone who wants to fight and bring a little hope to the most disadvantaged. It shouldn’t disappoint veteran fans of A.D and it should be a great opportunity for those who want to get into the world of comics Superman from number one.
Although the story is promising, we will have to wait to see how it develops to reach a verdict. Of course, Sandoval’s drawing is enough to give the series a chance.