The supernatural crime drama Angel follows Buffy the Vampire Slayer‘s Angel as he tries to establish a new life in Los Angeles. The beloved spinoff serves as both an exploration of Angel’s character and a unique window into the lives of several Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters who have left Buffy’s orbit. With Los Angeles just a short drive from Sunnydale, a parade of familiar faces appear everywhere. AngelThe five-season series.
Angel frequently featured fan favorite Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters who had outlived their purpose in the central narrative of the supernatural drama. Some characters appear in Angel for a quick appearance or a unique story arc, while others end up becoming series regulars. In both cases, Angel delves deeper into complex characters that could have easily been lost or forgotten.
Angel seeks a fresh start in Los Angeles
Angel grows beyond Buffy’s tragic boyfriend
It’s no surprise that the brooding vampire takes center stage in the series that bears his name. As Buffy’s first love, Angel played a central role in Buffy the Vampire Slayer in its early seasons, but after his bad turn in season 2, his role in the series was limited. Angel allowed the repentant vampire to start fresh and gave writers a chance to delve into his rich past.
Angel appears in 111 episodes of Angel.
As a vampire with a soul, Angel is the perfect lens to explore the concept of redemption.which is at the heart of Angel. Angel is the only character to appear in every episode of the series, which follows his volatile journey to prove he is more than his past and make up for all the pain and suffering he has caused.
Cordelia Chase plays a vital role in Angel
Cordelia has been with Angel since the beginning
The series pilot “City Of…” sees Angel rescue Cordelia Chase, Buffy’s high school nemesis, and she becomes a founding member of Angel Investigations. Cordelia is one of the protagonists of the series for four seasons, acting as Angel’s close confidante and eventual love interest. During Angel Cordelia grows from a selfish, shouty teenager to an infinitely empathetic and confident warrior.
Cordelia Chase appears in 90 episodes of Angel.
During her time on the series, Cordelia takes on increasing responsibility and power. At the start of season 1, she receives visions of the future linking her to the enigmatic powers that be. While she initially attempts to shirk this responsibility, Cordelia grows to develop her abilities, ascending to godhood at the end of season 3. She is sidelined by a deeply controversial storyline in season 4 and, unfortunately, Cordelia is unfairly excluded. Angel in the season 5 episode “You’re welcome”.
Spike’s rivalry with Angel spans seasons
Spike and Angel’s story spans a century
Angel and Spike’s tumultuous history fuels tensions Buffy the Vampire Slayerthe second season of and this animosity continues in Angelthe third episode of “In The Dark”. Spike’s latest evil plan takes him to Los Angeles, where he clashes with Angel. Angel thwarts the bleach blonde vampire and sends Spike scurrying into the darkness. Spike returns later in the series to serve as a thorn in Angel’s side, but this adventure is the last time he plays a purely antagonistic role.
Spike appears in 24 episodes of Angel.
Season 2’s flashbacks shed light on Spike and Angel’s explosive history, but the true depth of their relationship isn’t explored until Spike becomes a series regular in season 5. Recently reassured, Spike struggles with an emotional burden that only Angel is capable of understanding. Brought together by fate, the vampires are forced to finally live through a century of betrayal, friendship, jealousy and pain.
The 15 Best Villains from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Ranked
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a legendary television show for many reasons, but its ability to create particularly powerful and frightening villains is second to none.
Oz brings a special delivery from Sunnydale
Oz is the first Scooby to visit Los Angeles
Spike is not the only one Buffy character to visit Angel in Season 1’s “In The Dark.” Daniel “Oz” Osbourne travels to Los Angeles to deliver Amara’s gem to Angel. The enchanted ring protects any vampire who wears it from the sun and wooden stakes. Given the immense power of the ring, several vampires wish to get their hands on the jewel and trouble ensues. Eventually, Oz helps save Angel from Spike’s clutches.
Daniel ‘Oz’ Osbourne appears in 1 episode of Angel.
Even though Oz and Angel both played important roles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Oz only officially joined the Scooby Gang after Angel’s villainous turn. As a result, the two stoic men had relatively few opportunities to interact on the show. The appearance of Oz on Angel allows viewers a glimpse of how the two taciturn characters might work together. The result was a fun and one-of-a-kind experience.
Buffy passes through Los Angeles to confront Angel
Buffy and Angel have unfinished business
Buffy visits the titular vampire twice. The first of these appears in one of the series’ most heartbreaking episodes, “I Will Remember You.” As Buffy confronts Angel about their lingering love for each other, a mysterious demon attacks. To their surprise, the demon transforms Angel into a human. After years of romantic angst, there is finally plausible hope for Buffy and Angel’s doomed relationship. But when he realizes he can’t protect the innocent, Angel sacrifices his humanity and Buffy loses the memory of their perfect day.
Buffy Summers appears in 2 episodes of Angel.
This emotionally devastating episode is a pivotal point in Angel’s character growth, as he definitively declares himself the hero of his own story rather than the love interest in someone else’s story. This self-determination helps him stand up to Buffy when she reappears in “Sanctuary”. Ironically, it’s Buffy’s appearances that solidify. Angel as more than a spin-off.
Angel Adds a new dimension to Wesley’s character
Wes finds purpose with Angel Investigations
In Buffy the Vampire SlayerWesley-Wyndam Pryce struggles to gain respect. He largely acts as comic relief, a bumbling coward whose book learning doesn’t prepare him to face demons. When Buffy turns her back on the Watchers’ Council, Wes no longer has a place in her story. The character, brimming with untapped potential, could have easily exited the franchise if Angel had not provided him with a place to land.
Wesley-Wyndam Pryce appears in 101 episodes of Angel.
Wesley crosses paths with Angel in season 1’s “Parting Gifts” and quickly becomes a series regular. Although it retains its stuffy and awkward nature, Angel digs beneath the surface to explain Wes’s longing toward tradition and order. The series reveals that Wes grew up in a cold and strict environment that left him with deep insecurities. As the seasons go by, he becomes more confident and more competent. During his race, Wes transforms into a dark, tragic hero, virtually unrecognizable by his Buffy the Vampire Slayer character.
Darla is a major player in seasons two and three
Darla acts as both antagonist and ally
Angel kills his father in only the seventh episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayerleaving his past with Darla shrouded in mystery. In a shocking twist, Darla is resurrected in human form at the end of Angel Season 1. Darla’s constant presence in Angel’s life forces him to continually grapple with his violent past. In this way, she acts as a physical manifestation of one of the key themes of the show; redemption is a process that requires perpetual care and attention.
Darla appears in 20 episodes of Angel.
With a new life, Darla becomes one of the most complex characters in the entire series. Oscillating between rage and fear, Darla proves ruthless and cunning, even without a pair of fangs. During his time on Angelshe becomes a vampire again and has a child with Angel. Darla’s centuries-old romance with Angel and subsequent redemption elevates her beyond the one-dimensional lackey viewers saw in Sunnydale.
Drusilla causes trouble for her father
Dru is a sinister reminder of Angel’s sins
Introduced in season 2 of Buffy the Vampire SlayerDrusilla is a deeply disconcerting villain. Haunted by prophetic dreams and prone to uttering strange pronouncements, she is erratic and powerful. For much of Dru’s run Buffy the Vampire SlayerSpike and Angel act as an anchoring force. When she goes wild Angel, his more chaotic impulses are encouraged rather than resisted. The deadly vampire goes on a rampage in Los Angeles in “Reunion” and finally realizes her full potential as a villain.
Drusilla appears in 7 episodes of Angel.
In total, Drusilla is in seven episodes of Angel including several flashback episodes that cover the course of Dru’s life. Before meeting Angel, Drusila was a gentle and pious woman. However, after Angel turns her into a vampire, she revels in murder and general savagery. The brutality of his transformation makes each of his appearances more tragic than the last. In many ways, Drusilla’s fate is Angel’s greatest sin.
The Buffy The Vampire Slayer Comics, Explained
Buffy the Vampire Slayer has seen its story beyond the big screen in the comics, and through more than a few different iterations.
The Master is linked to Angel’s past
The Master has a surprising connection with Angel
Buffy the Vampire Slayer‘s first “Big Bad” casts a long shadow despite relatively short screen time. The ancient evil managed to kill Buffy and almost turned Sunnydale into a vampire paradise. Although he was reduced to dust in season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayerhe appeared in the Angel episode “Darla”. This cameo reinforces the worldbuilding of the Buffyverse and helps create the feeling that both series are part of a larger whole.
The Master appears in 1 episode of Angel.
During a flashback, the Master comes to see Darla on her deathbed and turns her into a vampire. Later in the same episode, The Master mocks the newly transformed Angel. Seeing Angel act casually towards a powerful enemy of Buffy’s shows how arrogant and brazen he is. This look at Angel’s past also adds context to Season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer which showed Darla as a loyal follower of the Master. Darla’s position in the Master’s inner circle makes a lot more sense once it’s revealed how far their story goes.
Anne Steele is actually from Buffy
Anne’s apparitions have a hidden meaning
Introduced as Chanterelle, Anne is an unfortunate teenage runaway saved by Buffy twice. Inspired by Buffy’s courage, Anne vows to take control of her life. Few fans expected to see Anne again one day. Again Angel Season 2 reveals that Anne runs a shelter for teenagers. Each of Anne’s subsequent episodes also emphasizes her dedication to community development.
Anne Steele appears in 3 episodes of Angel.
Anne serves as a bridge between Buffy the Vampire Slayer And Angelconcrete proof that there is a ripple effect to Buffy’s thankless heroics. Interestingly, no character ever makes the connection, they persevere nobly, guided only by faith. By never acknowledging Anne’s connection to Buffy, the writers subtly add weight to her words in AngelThe critically acclaimed series finale. When a nihilistic Gunn seeks advice, Anne advises him to focus on the small things he can do to make the world a better place. Anne’s very presence is a silent signal to the audience that there is wisdom in Anne’s point of view.
Angel shows a new side of Kendall Harmony
Harmony struggles to find a place
One of the stereotypical popular girls Buffy the Vampire SlayerHarmony does it Angel debut in the season 2 episode “Disharmony”. This episode sees Harmony visit her old friend Cordelia and try to be one of the good guys. Despite her best intentions, Harmony, now a vampire, fails. During this episode, Harmony primarily acts as a foil for Cordelia, a way to show viewers how much Cordy has grown since her days with Buffy.
Harmony Kendall appears in 17 episodes of Angel.
In season 5 of Angel, Harmony resurfaces as Angel’s secretary at Wolfram & Hart. The dizzy blonde vampire brings a touch of familiarity as Angel and company enter new surroundings. Although Harmony’s unrefined office manners are often used as a source of humor, Angel Season 5, Episode 9, “Harm’s Way” serves as a serious examination of his struggles. During his stay on AngelHarmony becomes more than just one of Cordelia’s friends.
Willow saves an angel’s soul
Willow is a magical force in the Buffyverse
Alyson Hannigan’s Willow Rosenberg is an iconic television witch and lead actor in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. So fans were thrilled when she starred in Angel. The witch makes a handful of unrelated appearances scattered throughout the supernatural drama. The first of these comes in “Disharmony”, where she and Cordelia talk on the phone. Hannigan then has a brief, silent appearance at the end of season 2, implying that the witch has come to Los Angeles to inform Angel of Buffy’s death.
Willow Rosenberg appears in 3 episodes of Angel.
In season 4, episode 15, “Orpheus”, Willow is called to Los Angeles to perform a ritual that will restore Angel’s soul. Buffy the Vampire Slayer makes Willow a powerful magic user, so his arrival takes the story of season 4 to the next level. Working alongside Angel Investigations, Willow establishes an immediate rapport with Fred, providing the audience with a friendship they didn’t know they needed.
Faith becomes more than Buffy’s dark reflection
Faith’s journey parallels Angel’s past
While Faith was in Season 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer follows the rebel Slayer’s turn to the dark side, a three-episode arc in season 1 of Angel recounts his path to redemption. A suicidal Faith tortures Wesley, but Angel refuses to harm him. Instead, he convinces her to atone for her past. Broken and confused, Faith’s character evolves beyond her initial role as Buffy’s foil.
Faith Lehane appears in 6 episodes of Angel.
Faith returns to Angel in season four, after Angel lost his soul and reverted to his murderous persona, Angelus. Determined to repay Angel’s kindness, Faith confronts the vampire, successfully subduing him, so that Willow can restore his soul. These appearances on Angel are essential to Faith’s overall character growth and prepare her for her return in Buffy the Vampire Slayer in season 7. Without Angel’s sympathy and guidance, the Slayer would not be able to fulfill her heroic destiny.
Every Failed Buffy the Vampire Spin-Off, Explained
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a hit action series that was so successful that it attempted to garner a handful of spinoffs.
Angel meets Andrew in the final season of the series
Andrew connects Angel to Buffy’s new life
The series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer sees aspiring supervillain Andrew Wells vow to mend his ways, but leaves viewers unsure whether he will be able to complete his task. Andrew is a nerd prone to delusions of grandeur. This stands in stark contrast to the man Angel meets, who presents himself as a suave authority. Given Andrew’s history, viewers initially assume that this miraculous transformation is entirely in Andrew’s head, but through his two appearances in AngelIn the final season of Buffy, it becomes clear that Andrew has earned a place in Buffy’s inner circle.
Andrew Wells appears in 2 episodes of Angel.
In the Angel Season 5, episodes “Damages” and “The Girl in Question”, Andrew acts as a liaison between Buffy and Angel’s growing group of Slayers.. The last time viewers saw Andrew in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, he was barely Buffy’s ally. His new role as a trusted representative is proof that he is making great progress on his path to redemption.