The adaptation of Crossed, the most disturbing comic of all time, is already underway


The comic book classified as one of the most disturbing and depraved ever created, Crossed, will finally make the leap to the big screen

After the resounding success of The boys On Prime Video, another creation from acclaimed screenwriter Garth Ennis is set to shock audiences, and this time, the darkness and violence will reach new levels. The project, which is in development at independent studio Six Studioswill have a script already completed by Ennis himself, who has managed to capture the brutality and desperation that characterize this work. Originally published as a 10-issue miniseries between 2008 and 2010, Crossed spawned more than 200 additional issues by various writers and artists, including the legendary Alan Moore.

A story of extreme horror and human brutality

Crossed presents us with a world ravaged by a pandemic that transforms people into homicidal maniacs, recognizable by a hideous red cross-shaped rash on their faces. These infected do not lose their intellect, but they lose all inhibitions, surrendering to their darkest impulses and their heinous tasks. In the words of Ennis, Crossed’s narrative does not invent depravitybut rather extracts it from the history of humanity itself.

In an interview with Bleeding Cool in 2010, Ennis reflected on the rawness of his worksaying: “The acts you see in history are not made up. A quick look at the history books reveals all sorts of depraved activities; thousands and thousands of horrible things we have done to each other since the beginning of time.” The screenwriter emphasizes that it is not just about genocide or ethnic cleansing, but what people are capable of doing when there are no consequences.

Film adaptation, horror comic, Crossed movie, Garth Ennis

A cross between Contagion and The Walking Dead

The film adaptation of Crossed try to be faithful to the original materialwith a modest budget of between 2 and 3 million dollars. Production is scheduled to begin this fall.and producers, Carl Choi of Six Studios, Ben Hung of Retro Entertainment and Ken Levin of Nightsky Productions, are already looking for a director who can capture the brutal and heartbreaking essence of the story.

Choi described the script as “an intimate and human story,” noting that it is the “most faithful adaptation possible.” He also compared the film to a mix between Infection And The Walking Deadwith shades of Civil war by Alex Garland, since it will be a road movie that will cross the devastated United States.

Pushing the limits of horror in modern cinema

In the heart of Crossed We find a world in which fight for survival It becomes a battle against the worst of humanity. Unlike other horror comics, here the real villain is not a supernatural monster or a being from another world, but rather the humans themselves transformed by the pandemic into uncontrollable beasts. This brutally realistic perspective distinguishes the Crossed from other works of the genre, such as The Walking Deadwhich while also about survival, doesn’t reach the level of depravity and nihilism present in Ennis’ creation.

The focus on moral decay and the destruction of every trace of human civilization is what creates Crossed in a unique and disturbing work. The film, if it manages to capture this essence, will appeal not only to comic book fans, but also to those interested in exploring the limits of the human nature in cinematic horror.

Film adaptation, horror comic, Crossed movie, Garth Ennis

An adaptation that wants to make history

With this upcoming adaptation, fans of Garth Ennis and the original comic can expect a cinematic experience that will not only retain the atmosphere brutality and horror characteristic of Crossedbut will also explore the depths of human nature in extreme circumstances. The journey to this disturbing adaptation has begun and the result promises to be as terrifying as it is unforgettable.

The project will appeal not only to those familiar with the comic, but also to viewers looking for a dark, visceral story that isn’t afraid to delve into the darkest corners of humanity. With production about to begin and a script in the hands of its original creator, Crossed promises to be a film that will challenge the limits of horror cinema and this will leave an indelible mark on those who dare to see it.