The Kin Fight was an event set in the world of Lord of the Rings in the purest Game of Thrones style.
There have always been fantasy series on the small screen, but in many cases they have been considered minor or B-series series. In recent years this perception has changed, also thanks to the adaptation of the literary fantasy saga George R.R. Martin. For a long time now, all streaming platforms have wanted their own “Game of Thrones”. Amazon has taken it very seriously and has opted to adapt the works of the father of fantasy literature, by JRR Tolkien.

No doubt many will find this impossible. The Rings of Power become the “Amazon’s Game of Thrones Regardless of reception or quality, the two series start from a completely different origin. While the work of Tolkien talks about the struggle between good and evil, the books of Martin They are full of gray characters. Also, the author of song of ice and fire It highlights the game of politics and shows a violence far superior to that of the author of The Lord of the Rings. In Seven Kingdomsgood and evil depend on each person’s point of view.
Even so, in the Legendary From Tolkien Yes, there is a historical event that has little to envy to the events that can be seen in the works of Martina civil war broke out over the legitimacy of the throne of GondorTHE Argument between relatives.
Fight between relatives and Castamir the Usurped
Gondor it was the kingdom founded by shut up And Anarionechildren of Elendilafter the fall of the Numenor In the Second Age of the Sun. This kingdom, together with Arnowere created by Dunedina group of men who helped, during the First Age, in the war against Morgoth. The Dunedain (or Numenoreans) were superior to common men, were nobler in spirit and could live many more years than common men. However, they were mortal and corruptible.
After the destruction of Numenor and the decline in population DunedinNumenorean blood and lineage was something vital and important in Gondor. After the war of the last alliancewhere the free peoples of the Middle Earth they defeated Sauron (without destroying the One Ring), Gondor prospered and almost recalled the ancient splendor of Numenor.
In the year 1304 TE, Romendacile II occupied the throne of Gondor. This monarch understood that he needed to have good relations with the human kingdoms of the north to face the danger posed by the men of the east, who once fell under the influence of Morgoth And Sauron. To strengthen ties with the North, he sent the court of the kingdom of Rovanione to his son, Valacarso that he could familiarize himself with the customs of the North. But the king’s son did not just learn, because he fell in love with the North and ended up marrying its princess and with whom he had a son, Eldacaran heir of mixed blood.
This event was not liked very much Gondorbecause they considered the northerners inferior. Many did not approve of the next king having mixed blood and for many years the succession was a matter of conflict. That is why when Eldacar ascended to the throne, started a rebellion of the southern men Gondor commanded by Chestnut treecaptain of a ship and son of Romendacile II, that is cousin of EldacarThe war lasted for years, but in the end Chestnut tree he managed to take possession of the capital of the kingdom, Oscillation. Fortunately, Eldacar He managed to escape and took refuge with the few men he had left in Rhovanion, where he still had family and allies.
After this event, Castamir the Usurper assumed the throne of Gondor. Even though he had pure Numenorean blood, the new monarch was shown to be a cruel man, which was clearly seen during the siege of Oscillationwhere he ordered useless massacres and killed the firstborn of Eldacar. Many regions of Gondorwho already distrusted their king after his actions in the war, felt less and less sympathy for him The Usurper because of his poor mandate, as he favored the southern regions and was only interested in matters related to the fleet. Furthermore, Chestnut tree he intended to move the throne Pelargofurther distancing the government from the northern regions.
After 10 years of mandate of the Chestnut treethe Fiefs of Ithilien, Anorian And Calendarthey joined the northern army commanded by Eldacarwith the aim of expelling Chestnut tree From Gondor. After a series of bloody battles, Eldacar killed Chestnut tree and ascended the throne. The descendants of The Usurper they escaped Umbarwhere they became the famous corsairs of Umbar and for a long time they harassed Gondormaking alliances with the enemies of the kingdom and also with Sauron. It was not until the government of Aragorn What Umbar It was once again part of Gondorian territory.

EldacarOnce he assumed the office of monarch, he rebuilt Oscillation and all that had been destroyed during the kinship struggle. His reign was considered good and he died at the age of 235, an age that showed that, despite being a half-breed, the Numenorean blood, as well as his spirit, had nothing to envy the kings of the past. His second son succeeded him on the throne.
Although the conflict ended “well”, this event is considered one of the greatest misfortunes that ever happened. Gondoras much blood was shed and many believe that the Numenorean race was gravely affected after this incident. The lords of Gondor They mixed their blood with that of men Rovanione and little by little the kingdom was losing its pure Numenorean blood. During the events of the lord of the ringsthe blood of the Dunedain barely existed GondorIt has only been shown in rare exceptions such as in Boromir And Faramir.

As you can see, this is a conflict that could prove very interesting for a pure-style adaptation. The house of the dragon, where there is also a civil war going on for the throne, in fact, it would not be the first time that it happens West There is a similar conflict over lineage and blood.
Will the fight between relatives be seen in Rings of Power?
The Rings of Power It happens during Second Age of the Sun, In the third, quarrels occur between relatives. Between the events of the series and the civil war of Gondorthere is a difference of thousands of years, plus many other significant events occurring during that time period.
All of this makes it very complicated for us to see this event in the series. Amazon PrimeAlthough taking into account the changes and modifications made in the first season, it is not something that can be 100% guaranteed.
The event of the Argument between relatives It could be a great opportunity to see a Middle Earth very different, since here there is no great evil to fight against, but rather an event similar to what was seen in House of the Dragon, although in the case of Gondorthe fight is not about gender, but about blood and lineage. This civil war can be used to see more political and social plots, as well as to see more crude and grotesque scenes thanks to characters like Chestnut tree.
The second season of Rings of Power will debut on August 29.