Home Cinema Best Uncommon Magic Items in DnD 5e

Best Uncommon Magic Items in DnD 5e

Best Uncommon Magic Items in DnD 5e

Not all magic items are included. Dungeons and Dragons, Fifth Edition are equal. One of the clearest examples is that magic items are ranked by rarity, from common to artifact. The rarest items often have long descriptions full of game-changing effects. However, almost all item rewards are invaluable, regardless of rarity.

Especially, D&D 5eUncommon magic items have a lot to offer players. While they are often found and used in the early stages of a campaign, uncommon items will remain a mainstay of the party until the end of the campaign. Some stand out from the rest because of their inestimable value.

Updated August 6, 2024 by Louis Kemner: Many players want D&D 5eThe best legendary magic items in ‘s as soon as possible. However, lower rarity items are invaluable in their own right. This list has been updated with five additional entries for player reference.


Table of Contents

The 15 Best Dungeons and Dragons Magic Armor Items

The right armor in D&D can make all the difference in the success of an adventuring party, and when that armor is magical, it makes survival even easier.

20 The Emerald Pen can write sneaky messages that hide in plain sight

Can secret messages protect a secret plan?

A young DnD wizard is surrounded by floating, glowing books.

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Emerald pen

The Treasure of the Dragons of Fizban p. 23

Thief, sorcerer

The Emerald Pen is a magical item introduced in The Treasure of the Dragons of FizbanIt has a niche but fun ability that makes it more creative D&D The holidays will surely come in handy. In addition to writing without ink, a character who holds the Emerald Pen can use it to cast the Illusionary Script spell at will.

Illusionary script allows the author to encode messages in such a way that only a few people can read them. This can be used very effectively in a D&D plot-driven campaign. Even better, the Emerald Pen does not require attunement as a magic item. Most likely, the Emerald Pen will be used by a learned wizard character to encode their precious notes while studying the arcane, or a clever thief could use the Emerald Pen to send secret messages to an ally without worrying about hostile NPCs intercepting and reading them.

19 Any improved spellcasting focus will make spellcasters much more powerful

Magic users always need buffs to their spells

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

All spellcasting focus improved

Dungeon Master’s Guide and Tasha’s Cauldron

All spellcaster classes

There is no universal spell focus magic item in D&D 5e. Instead, each spellcasting class has their own. They range from the Sorcerer’s Pactkeeper’s Staff to the Dungeon Master’s Guide to items such as the Wizard’s Arcane Grimoire or the Sorcerer’s Bloodwell Vial. The uncommon forms of these items grant a +1 to spell attack rolls and saving throw DCs.

This is more important than a +1 to attacks and weapon damage. Spells can target multiple creatures and have more devastating effects than just damage. Any increase in the saving throw DC increases a spellcaster’s chance of incapacitating one or more foes. These tools are among the best uncommon magic items in the D&D 5e for any spellcaster. While this is a basic and obvious item, some players might forget to upgrade their spellcasting focus. Players might assume that their wizard or cleric can cast spells, overlooking the fact that a physical object is still involved. This is an example of why players should carefully examine every detail of their character sheet and make sure everything is optimized.

18 Anti-missile gloves are ideal for neutralizing enemy archers.

Best used against bow-wielding humanoids

Missile Trap Gloves, magic item from the DnD 5e Dungeon Master's Guide

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Missile Trap Gloves

Dungeon Master’s Guide p. 172

Fighter, Ranger, Thief


30 Common Magic Items Your D&D Group Will Thank You For

It’s not just rare items that make a D&D session memorable. There are plenty of fun things to do with common magic items that will charm any party.

Missile catching gloves are an icon D&D A magical item that has saved the lives of many characters. While wearing it, a character can use their reaction to deflect a ranged weapon attack that is sent their way. It reduces the damage by 1d10 plus the character’s Dexterity modifier. This can negate the damage of an arrow or javelin, and even lessen the bite of a ballista bolt.

Missile Trap Gloves provide constant protection against ranged attacks. Best of all, they require no attunement or charges. D&D The character can adopt this reaction as many times as he wishes during a day of adventure. Particularly in adventures against more mundane opponents, they can protect the players from dozens or even hundreds of points of damage. They are one of the D&D 5e‘s best uncommon magic items for defense. Players should note that the monk class has the class feature Deflect Missiles, making the Gloves of Missile Trapping redundant when creating powerful monk characters. So it’s usually other martial characters who would want these gloves.

17 The Luminosity Gem can easily blind enemies

This can be useful in the Underdark

A DnD wizard casting the Prismatic Spray spell

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Jewel of luminosity

Dungeon Master’s Guide p. 171

Cleric, magician, sorcerer

The Best Uncommon Magic Items in D&D Magical items serve many purposes. There are many magical items that provide light, but none do so with the versatility of the Light Gem. This small prism has 50 charges and can be used to project light in a radius slightly larger than a torch. However, the Light Gem’s usefulness doesn’t end there.

The wearer of the Light Gem can expend charges to perform attacks that blind targets, either one at a time or in a wide cone. Blindness is one of the D&D 5e’The Blinding Gem’s most devastating status effects are particularly devastating against spellcasters. The Blinding Gem cannot regain its charges and will eventually run out. But until then, it is invaluable both in and out of combat.

16 Nature’s Mantle boosts Ranger and Druid stealth.

Great for sneaking into enemy camps in the woods

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

The cloak of nature

Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything p. 133

Ranger, Druid

The Nature’s Cloak is an item specifically for rangers and druids introduced in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. One of its most notable features enhances a character’s stealth abilities. It allows him to take the Hide action even if he is directly observed, provided he is slightly obscured. He can disappear before a creature’s eyes in fog, smoke, or even dim light.

This is an invaluable asset for any character. However, Nature’s Mantle has more. It also functions as a spellcasting focus when worn. This is less necessary for druids, who often devote a hand to a focus or a pouch of components. However, it is invaluable for D&D Rangers often wield two weapons at once. This allows them to cast spells without having to manipulate their equipment.

15 The Cloak of Protection is an ideal “armor” for fragile spellcasters.

It can even be combined with items like the Ring of Protection and the Elven Chain

a blue cloak of protection in D&D

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Protective coat

Dungeon Master’s Guide p. 159

Wizard, sorcerer, warlock, bard


15 Legendary D&D Magic Items That Won’t Ruin Your Game

There’s nothing better than collecting new loot in Dungeons & Dragons, and there are plenty of powerful magic items that keep the game fair.

A cloak of protection has a simple but very noticeable effect. It grants a +1 bonus to Armor Class and all saving throws. Each D&D 5e The character will benefit from increased spell resistance and increased resistance to attacks. In particular, the Cloak of Protection is not armor, so even spellcasters and other fragile characters can wear it and be much more resistant in combat.

The protective coat continues to be beneficial throughout a D&D 5e campaign, especially because its Armor Class bonus can stack with other item enhancements. Its general defensive properties make the Cloak of Protection one of the best uncommon magic items in D&D 5eand since it’s relatively cheap and easy to find, the party might end up having a Cloak of Protection on two or even three characters at a time. At higher levels, however, different classes will opt for fancier robes to improve their play, such as the Archmage’s Robe at Legendary rarity.

14 Elemental gems summon a meat shield for their users.

Elemental friends can absorb some hits for the summoner

A group of fire elemental Myrmidons in DnD

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Elemental Gem

Dungeon Master’s Guide p. 167

Sorcerer, Warlock, Warlock, Bard

Elemental Gems are a set of uncommon magical items that provide an extremely powerful effect for their relatively low level. There are four variants, one for each different elemental type: fire, water, air, and earth. When broken, they summon a D&D elementary of their corresponding species.

This summon follows the same rules as the Conjure Elemental spell. This means that the elemental is nominally under the summoner’s control. However, if the summoner loses concentration, the elemental turns against them. This makes an elemental gem a high-risk, high-reward item at low levels, best saved for emergencies. Elemental gems are best used in a tough fight if the party needs a throwable monster to act as a bullet sponge or to keep a dangerous enemy busy. This is especially useful for fragile casters who need a flesh shield to protect them from the heat.

13 The endless water jug ​​provides water whenever it is needed

It can save a life in a desert

A magic item Decanter of Endless Water in the Dungeon Master's Guide to DnD 5e

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Endless Water Carafe

Dungeon Master’s Guide p. 161

Any of them

The Carafe of Endless Water is one of the best uncommon magic items in D&D5th because of its great versatility. This non-harmonic object can produce near-infinite amounts of water. When the infinite water jug ​​is uncapped, it can flow into a stream (about one gallon per revolution), a fountain (five gallons per revolution), or a geyser (generating 30 gallons).

These effects don’t change the course of events in and of themselves. However, they are also not limited by charges or attunement. The infinite water jug ​​trivializes one aspect of resource management. Additionally, clever players can find other uses for this amount of water. For example, for survival purposes, such as if the party is traveling through a desert.

12 +1 weapons provide decent stat boosts and can harm any enemy

This is a basic but excellent way to improve combat math.

Sword of steel and sinew.

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

+1 Weapon

Dungeon Master’s Guide p. 213

Fighter, Barbarian, Thief, Ranger



10 Best Magic Items in Critical Role

The characters of Critical Role, through their Vox Machina and Mighty Nein campaigns, have used some of the best magic items in D&D.

Weapons are among the most prolific magical items D&D 5eThe game features many swords, daggers, and other weapons with spectacular additional effects. However, a simple +1 weapon is often enough for a character. It does not drain life from enemies or roll additional damage dice; it does what a normal weapon does, but much more effectively.

A +1 weapon is equivalent to an ability score improvement in a character’s primary stat. It also allows a character to exceed the usual limits on attack bonuses and damage. Its most valuable ability is allowing a martial character to ignore enemy resistances or immunities to non-physical damage. While there are more valuable magic weapons, a +1 is reliable for low-level groups until they are ready for +2 or even +3 weapons later in the campaign.

11 Dry dust removes water on command

This could be used to navigate flooded dungeons or search for items in a pond

Silvergill Adept art card showing a fishman with pale purple skin and green accents and clothing

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Dust of drought

Dungeon Master’s Guide p. 166

Any of them

At higher levels, D&D The uses for items become obvious. On the other hand, common and uncommon items often require some creativity. Drought Dust can be used to compress a large area of ​​water into a tiny pellet, which can be very useful for navigating flooded or swampy areas.

The pellet created by the Dust of Drought can later be broken to release the water, an odd but versatile feature for players who like to use their items to solve obscure problems. The Dust also has a much more situational secondary use. It deals significant damage to creatures that are primarily composed of water, such as water elementals.

ten Haunt Pipes scare enemies to demoralize them in battle.

Scaring enemies is an underrated debuff.

Magic item Pipes of Haunting in the Dungeon Master's Guide to DnD 5e

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

The Pipes of Haunting

Dungeon Master’s Guide p. 185


D&D has many magical instruments. However, most of them can only be tuned by a bard. Haunting Pipes are one of the best non-attunement magic items D&D 5eThey allow any character who has mastered wind instruments to invoke their magic.

Playing the haunting flutes creates a magical effect that frightens those who hear it. Frightening a creature is a powerful effect, as it gives it disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks as long as the source of its fear is present. The saving throw DC on this effect is relatively high. Nonhostile creatures in the area can automatically succeed on the saving throw, adding to the flutes’ benefits.

9 The Ogress Power Gauntlets are perfect for the heavyweights in the group.

Strength based characters always need items like this

Two armored fighters stand near a decapitated giant in Dungeons and Dragons

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Gauntlets of Ogre Power

Dungeon Master’s Guide p. 171

Barbarian, Fighter


Top 10 New D&D Magic Items in Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants

The new D&D sourcebook, Glory of the Giants, gives players impressive new magic items for giant-themed adventures.

The Ogre Power Gauntlets do not provide any bonuses in the conventional sense. D&D 5e. Instead, they set the wearer’s Strength score to 19 if his Strength is normally below that level. They have the same effect whether the character normally has 8 or 18 Strength. This gives them two distinct uses.

Characters can use the Gauntlets of Ogre Power to enhance their strength until they naturally exceed 19th level and move on to another magic item. Alternatively, a character can agree to remain at 19th level for the remainder of the campaign and focus on other ability scores or feats. The Gauntlets of Ogre Power are one of the best uncommon magic items in D&D 5e for their character-building potential.

Many classes benefit from Fly Like a Witch

A Flying Broom type magic item from the DnD 5e Dungeon Master's Guide

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Flying broom

Dungeon Master’s Guide p. 156

Sorcerer, Warlock, Warlock, Bard

The importance of the ability to fly in D&D. Flying above combat removes the fear that spellcasters and other fragile characters have of melee opponents. Most low-level enemies rely on melee attacks. Using this uncommon magic item is a great way to avoid this danger altogether. Alternatively, the flying player character can gain a high vantage point and survey the terrain if climbing something high, like a tree, is not an option. The Flying Broom is also very useful in a fight against a dragon, just in case that dragon flies out of range of the player’s spells.

At higher levels, flight becomes a reliable part of most characters’ arsenals. A Broom of Flight early on can give players much more freedom to get around obstacles than the DM is used to. The unlimited amounts of flight a Broom of Flight can provide per day make it one of the most versatile, valuable, and beloved magic items in all of D&D 5e.

7 Elvenkind’s Boots take rogue stealth to the next level.

Thieves always need more stealth

A rogue character wields a knife in Dungeons and Dragons.

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Elf Boots

Dungeon Master’s Guide p. 155


D&D 5e Combat is one of the core mechanics of this game. However, many characters prefer a more subtle approach to their problems. Elven boots completely silence the wearer’s footsteps and give advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to remain inaudible. They are one of the best uncommon options for stealthy characters in D&D 5e.

Elven boots allow a character to sneak past an enemy location at night, move unnoticed while invisible, or find new hiding spots if the enemy knows where they are. They won’t win fights, but not all of them. D&D 5eUncommon magic items are supposed to do this. Instead, they provide an invaluable way to avoid trouble in the first place.

6 The Missile Wand is great for dealing damage while preserving spell slots.

Magic Missiles are a reliable source of damage.

A magic item of the type magic missile wand in the DnD 5e Dungeon Master's Guide

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Magic Missile Wand

Dungeon Master’s Guide p. 211

Sorcerer, Warlock, Warlock, Bard


15 Best Ungranted Magic Items in D&D 5e

While some magical items in Dungeons & Dragons are limited by the attunement mechanic, there are many powerful items that do not require attunement.

Chopsticks are invaluable D&D 5e. They allow characters to cast spells they normally don’t have access to, even if they aren’t spellcasters themselves. Magic Missile is one of the D&D 5eThis is one of the most reliable spells. It cannot miss or be avoided. Only a handful of abilities counter it. It is one of the few abilities in the game that always deals its damage.

A magic missile wand is one of the most valuable wands in D&D. It gives any character a reliable backup option. It’s a great uncommon card D&D 5e Magic item for spellcasters who are out of spell slots, melee fighters who are lacking ranged damage, and any character without good damage options in their own right. More charges can be used to cast a spell, allowing it to deal respectable damage at a low level. In other words, it’s a good stamina-based item for spellcasters who are conserving their spell slots during a difficult dungeon crawl.

5 Adamantine armor negates all critical hits

This effect is rare but can save a life.

A set of dark metal armor with gold magic.

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Adamantine Armor

Basic rules

Fighter, Paladin

Martial arts classes in Dungeons and Dragons Clerics typically wear medium or heavy armor, as do priests, though they have the advantage of staying at the back of the party in most battles. There are many ways to improve the wearer’s defense with armor, such as +1 to AC, but if the enemy lands a hit, the wearer will need some other form of protection.

This is where adamantine armor comes in, which comes in the form of a variety of armor types other than leather armor, such as chainmail and splint, among others. The effect is simple but useful: any critical hit dealt to the wearer becomes a normal hit, with no cost to the wearer. Critical hits may not be common for monsters, but if they do hit a monster, adamantine armor ensures that the fighter or paladin doesn’t fall in just one or two hits.

4 Archery bracers boost a ranged attacker’s damage rolls.

Damage adds up quickly in any battle

a pair of archery armbands

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Archery Armbands

Basic rules

Fighter, Ranger

It’s true that martial characters already have access to items like +1 swords and +1 bows or crossbows, but items like Archery Bracers still have a certain appeal. For one, these items give the wearer proficiency in both shortbows and longbows, so anyone can become an instant archer by wearing them. Few other items can suddenly make a character proficient in anything.

The main benefit of these bracers is that they grant a +2 damage bonus to all damage rolls with a short or longbow, which adds up pretty quickly when the archer in question can attack twice in a single action. While uncommon bows grant a bonus to both attack and damage rolls, it’s only a +1 bonus, while Archery Bracers forgo attack bonuses in exchange for a boost to the damage roll. For players who like to deal a lot of damage, this trade-off is worth it.

3 Night goggles make night missions easier

It’s even useful for characters with darkvision.

A pair of night glasses.

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Night glasses

Basic rules

Thief, Ranger, Scout


The 10 Best Magic Items From Published D&D Campaigns, Ranked

Some Dungeons & Dragons adventure modules contain magical items that are cooler than players might think.

A remarkable variety of playable fantasy species already have darkvision D&Dranging from cat-like tabaxi to owl-like, deep-dwelling gnomes, and more. These folks are great for nighttime missions, but they may be the wrong class or party role for it, so items like Night Goggles can help bridge the gap.

If the party’s rogue, ranger, or scout lacks darkvision, Night Goggles will solve the problem. The wearer will gain 60 feet of darkvision, allowing them to easily explore an enemy base at night or spot traps or obstacles in a darkened dungeon. Better yet, this item is not superfluous for characters with darkvision. When worn, these goggles will increase the character’s darkvision by an additional 60 feet.

2 The Intelligence Headband is ideal for low level characters who focus on their intelligence.

INT is a base stat, but this item changes all that.

intellectual magic item headband in DND

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Headband of Intellect

Basic rules

Artificer, sorcerer, investigator

Intelligence is often overlooked by most D&D Characters rarely use it to cast spells or attack, and players may even neglect it in their skills. As such, players tend to favor items that increase STR, DEX, and CON, such as the Amulet of Health. However, some groups will want a Headband of Intellect, which replaces the wearer’s INT score by 19.

This is clearly a great item for wizards and artificers, who rely on INT to cast their magical attacks, and a level 19 is a good way to get a +4 bonus. Eventually, this item may become obsolete, but at low levels it is indispensable for intelligent characters. In some cases, it can also help during an investigation, with skill rolls like Investigation, History, Religion, and Nature coming into play.

1 Pearl of Power makes spell slot management a trivial matter

It actually grants one free spell per day

A pearl of power is held in someone's hands.

Item name


Best classes/roles for this item

Pearl of Power

Basic rules

All Spellcasters

The Pearl of Power is one of the most universally useful items of all Dungeons and Dragonsespecially when the party is at a lower level. This item will eventually seem underwhelming, say at level 10+, but until then, this little item will be any spellcaster’s best friend. Its effect is simple: once per day, a spellcaster can restore a spell slot of 3rd level or lower.

Spell slot management is a serious matter for spellcasters, especially warlock characters, but the Pearl of Power can alleviate this problem. It allows a spellcaster to use more magic during a series of fights in a dungeon, and it allows someone to cast a free spell between fights, such as Mage Armor or Bless, among others. When the party finds a Pearl of Power, the casters are forced to fight for it, so the DM is encouraged to add other magic-related items to ensure that every spellcaster gets something they’ll need.
