Joker: folie à deux promises to be a dark film that will surprise fans


The much-anticipated sequel Joker: Folly A Dex is shaping up to be a completely different experience than its 2019 predecessor.

Ahead of its world premiere at the 81st Venice International Film Festival, Barbera shared his thoughts on the sequel, which reprises Arthur Fleck’s role as Joaquin Phoenix. This time, Lady Gaga joins the cast with Margot Robbie in the new movie version of Harley Quinn.

An unexpected and dark turn

In an interview with Deadline, Barbera said, “The film is completely different from the original, even though it is a continuation of the story. If you expect the same with violence or other things, you will be surprised. When I saw the film in Los Angeles in early February, there were four or five of us, including screenwriter Scott Silver, and we were left speechless at the end of the screening. “It’s a darker film.”

Barbera also cited the film’s musical elements and called the sequel a “dystopian musical” with director Todd Phillips praising it as “one of the boldest, boldest, and most innovative films to appear in American cinema in recent memory.” With Joker: Folie à Deux scheduled for release this October, fans won’t have to wait long to see if they have the same insight as Barbera.

Arthur Fleck’s new vision

“Joker: Folie À Deux finds Arthur Fleck institutionalized in Arkham awaiting trial for the Joker’s crimes,” reads the official synopsis. “While struggling with his dual identity, Arthur not only stumbles upon true love, but also finds the music he’s always held within.”

Venice Film Festival, Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, Joker: Folie à Deux, Dystopian Musical, Joker Sequel

This sequel features the return of not only Phoenix and Gaga, but Zazie Beetz as Sophie Dumond, Leigh Gill as Gary, and Sharon Washington as Arthur’s social worker. Additionally, Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Jacob Lofland, Steve Coogan, Ken Ling, and Harry Lautey have joined the cast, though their specific roles have yet to be announced.

A bold direction

Joker: Folie à Deux is directed by Todd Phillips, who also directed the first 2019 film and The Hangover trilogy. The script for Joker 2 was co-written by Phillips and Scott Silver, both of whom were responsible for the script for the first film.

Joker: Folie à Deux is scheduled for release on October 4, 2024. This new chapter in Arthur Fleck’s story promises to not only delve into the dark side of the character, but challenge fans’ expectations with a unique approach and boldness.

DC fans are waiting.

In this series, fans can expect an in-depth exploration of Arthur Fleck’s psyche. Joaquin Phoenix, whose performance won him an Oscar, promises to deliver another memorable performance. The inclusion of Lady Gaga adds a layer of intrigue, as her portrayal of Harley Quinn could provide a fascinating dynamic with the Phoenix Joker.

As the “dystopian musical” aspect mentioned by Barbera suggests, Joker: Folly A Dex breaks away from the conventions of hero and villain films and offers new and exciting cinematic experiences. Combining musical elements with dark, psychological stories can be a bold experiment that challenges the expectations of audiences and critics alike.

Venice Film Festival, Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, Joker: Folie à Deux, Dystopian Musical, Joker Sequel

Expectations and assumptions

As the release date approaches, expectations and speculation surrounding Joker: Folie à Deux continue to grow. Can this sequel influence or surpass the first film? How will the new direction affect the public’s understanding of the Joker and his universe?

Todd Phillips and his team seem set to not only continue Arthur Fleck’s story, but deliver a cinematic experience that defines what the comic book series could be. Joker: Folie à Deux promises to be a film that not only explores the darkness within the protagonist, but also defies genre expectations and offers DC fans something truly unexpected.

This sequel, with its innovative approach and promising stellar performances, dark narrative and musical elements, could be a milestone in contemporary cinema, leaving an indelible mark on the history of the DC franchise and cinema.