The cable puzzle that the MCU must solve


Deadpool joins the MCU, but what will happen to Cable and his complicated story?

Since his debut, Deadpool has won the hearts of fans with an irreverence and wit that few can match. But seeing this anti-hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) raises a key question: What will happen to Cable, Deadpool’s battle buddy and enigmatic story? In “Deadpool & Wolverine” there is a golden opportunity to explore the depths of this beloved and complex character.

A complicated past and an uncertain future

Known in the comics for his start and incredible powers, Cable is a character who captivates readers with his strength and tragedy. The son of Scott Somers and Madeleine Pryor, Cable is kidnapped by Mr. Sinister and risks his life to save himself from a techno-organic virus. His return to the present is always heralded by missions, altering grim realities, making his story a temporary warrior interwoven with great deeds and sacrifices.

Josh Brolin’s arrival as Cable in “Deadpool 2” was highly anticipated. However, while Brolin cleverly encapsulates the character’s essence, the film leaves out many crucial aspects of the story, particularly its relationships with iconic characters like Scott Summers and Madeleine Pryor, and its relationships with villains like Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister. This simplistic version of Rope raised more questions than answers, while being visually stunning it showed Rope lacking the depth and complexity of the comic book.

A new opportunity in the MCU

Now that the MCU is ready to integrate Deadpool and, hopefully, Cable, there’s an opportunity to redeem these narrative missteps and present a more complete and honest version of the character. The “X-Men 97” series proved that it was possible to do justice to Cable’s rich history, showing his powers and inner struggles in a way that would leave fans in awe.

Cable, Cable MCU, Deadpool Wolverine 2024, Josh Brolin Cable, X-Men MCU

Cable’s entry into the MCU is not only an opportunity to explore the complex backstory, but also to establish deeper connections with the X-Men universe that will be created within this new cinematic framework. Cable provides a bridge between storylines and temporary issues that can be crucial to the development of future plots and conflicts in the MCU, especially when it comes to incorporating mythology that has been an integral part of the story.

Cable’s influence on the evolution of the X-Men

Since his first appearance, Cable has been noted not only for his imposing physical presence and telepathic and telekinetic abilities, but also for his profound influence on the X-Men narrative. His ability to travel through time and change history was essential to introduce suspense and significant plot changes to the saga. This power allows him to explore complex plots where humanity’s fate hangs in the balance, enriching the X-Men’s mythology with complexity and narrative urgency.

Additionally, the relationship between Cable and other central characters, such as Deadpool and the future X-Men, was essential to weaving intertwining stories spanning different eras and realities. This dynamic not only adds richness to the X-Men universe, but also solidifies Cable’s role as one of the pillars of Marvel, establishing him as a bridge between generations and heroic lineages.

Seeking honesty and depth

Fans are eagerly awaiting the MCU to not only reintroduce Cable, but to do so with the respect and depth the character deserves. In doing so, Marvel not only enriches its cinematic universe, but also honors the legacy of one of the most complex and powerful characters in comics. The question is, do these meet expectations?

Cable, Cable MCU, Deadpool Wolverine 2024, Josh Brolin Cable, X-Men MCU

With “Deadpool & Wolverine” on the horizon, Cable’s future is full of potential. His reunion is not only expected; It’s essential to weaving together the rich textures of the Marvel universe that fans have come to love. Not only did this expand the scope of the MCU, but it also gave Cable a chance to shine with the intensity he’s always had in the comics pages.