10 Characters from Boys Who Can Beat Homelander

    The Boys

    Homeland is without a doubt one of the most powerful supers in the Boyz universe. Despite his power, there are some characters in this series who may have a chance to defeat him.

    The list of characters capable of taking on the Tyrant of the Seven is not extensive, but it does include those who have brought the Seven Leader under control through a combination of strength and cunning.

    Butcher and Mallory played the long game.

    Lucanda and Mallory are not as strong as Homeland, even when Butcher uses Compound V. They both understand that the key to defeating such a powerful being is not brute force, but strategy and stealth. The formation of the Boys was part of this strategy to control the behavior of the Supes and although they did not achieve their ultimate goal, Butcher came close to exterminating the entire population of Supes, proving that long-term planning can be a huge risk. To my countryman.

    A child of black noir and a cruel woman

    Son of Black Noir would have been stronger than Homeland, as each generation of Sup tends to be more powerful. Although this child was killed shortly after birth, his potential was clear. Had he been given a chance to develop, he could have been a great rival for Homeland.

    The woman who belongs to Butcher’s team is another competitor. Enhanced strength and stamina by Compound V, and with insatiable blood pressure, she has killed many Supes, some of them even more powerful than her. Although she punches above her weight, her knack for mass carnage and determination make her a dangerous adversary for the natives.

    Homeland , Homeland , Fighting Men , Male Characters , Super Powers , Strategies in Beating Homeland

    Hurricane and Little Nina

    Stormfront is the first super created by Compound V and has the same abilities as Homelander as well as the ability to control lightning. With decades of experience and incredible resilience, Stormfront is one of the few characters that has a real chance of beating Homelander.

    Russian mobster Little Nina has a plan that involves using the tainted Compound V to blow up Supes head. Although Homelander does not have this combination in his system, but if Lucher had thought of it at the time, the adaptation of this strategy could have been effective against him.

    Malchemy y Lamplighter

    Malchemy is a Supe with the ability to transform his body into different forms, liquid and gaseous states. With this ability, he could theoretically suffocate or drown an evil super, though his lack of self-control makes him a less reliable opponent.

    Lamplighter has powerful pyrokinetic abilities, and although his time on the series was short, his firepower posed a major threat to Homelander, showing some vulnerability to extreme heat.

    Crimson Countess and El Team Titanic

    Crimson Countess, with her ability to generate microwave radiation, can emit heat intense enough to melt metal. Although she lost to Butcher, in a head-to-head clash, she probably had a chance at Homeland.

    Team Titanic includes heroes with incredible abilities, such as Starlike, who can shoot energy beams, and Muzeltov, a hypnotist. The combination of their powers would have been enough to defeat the Homelander.

    Homeland , Homeland , Fighting Men , Male Characters , Super Powers , Strategies in Beating Homeland

    The murder of Starlight and James Stillwell

    Starlight has the ability to generate extremely powerful bursts of light, capable of blinding even fast supers like the A-Train. Although it’s a tough fight, his powers give him a significant advantage in their confrontation with Homeland.

    James Stilwell, though inhuman and incapacitated, proves to be the only man capable of confronting Homeland through cunning and psychological manipulation. Had he had more time, the impact on Homeland would have been enough to break Supe emotionally.

    Queen Maeve, The Army’s Secret Weapon and Black Noir

    Queen Maeve is one of the strongest Supes, known for her bravery when confronting Petland. Although she was ultimately defeated, her strength, stamina and fighting skills made her one of the few who could stand up to him.

    The US military has developed a variety of weapons to kill Sups, including missiles and depleted uranium bullets, which have been effective against even the strongest of them. These weapons could have been used to weaken the evil leader of the seven.

    In the end, Black Noir was created as a Homelander clone with a mission to get rid of him if he got out of control. This design made him the only character to defeat the most powerful super in direct combat.

    A super with weak points

    Although Homelander is incredibly powerful, there are several characters in the series who have a chance to defeat him through a combination of strength, special abilities, and strategies.