Nightcrawler: The Controversial Origins

    Rondador Nocturno

    Nightcrawler: The mystery of how this character was born.

    The Marvel character Kurt Wagner, better known as Nightcrawler, first saw the light of day in the comic book series Deadly Genesis, a comic-sized X-Men no. 1 (1975) deals with scripts. With pictures by Lane Wayne and Dave Cockrum, we reproduce the cover below.

    Night owl

    This mutant is light-skinned, 1.79 meters tall, weighs 73 kilograms, and known for his teleportation powers. Characters like Wolverine, Hurricane, Colossus and Thunderbird. However, we commented at the time that the biological origins of the behavior are somewhat complicated to explain, as you will see if you continue reading this article.

    You don’t have to look closely to realize that Nightcrawler, whose real name is Raven Darkholm, and Mystique are very similar, no one should be surprised because their skin is blue.

    Night owlNight owl

    Although in the nineties, Scott Loudbell was responsible for correcting the fact that Mystique was the mother of the Nightcrawler, but it was not until now that the comedy film “The Draco: Prelude” (How did I get here?) saw the light of day in Uncanny.

    Night owl

    As we were told in the joke, Kurt Wagner’s mutant was none other than the demon Azazel, a logical alternative, as he was accompanied by pointy ears and a devilish tail, not forgetting his fire and death. Gives when he teleports.

    Everything up to this point is relatively normal, at least in a superhero title it can be considered so. However, in Miles Morales’ Spider-Man special, he reveals that he’s been deceiving us all this time, in order to escape Orchis’ radar, because Nightcrawler is the son of Mystery and Erin Adler, who also goes by the name Destiny.

    Night owlNight owl

    To explain this situation, they are responsible for explaining that the secret power of adapting the physical appearance of any person is not only on the external appearance of the person, but also on the internal biology, so that if the mutant wants to make relationships effective, it is easy to have sex with the same sex, as the birth of Nightcrawler shows us.

    However, it’s common for older readers to not respond well to these types of changes, because they feel that everything they’ve read over the years is nothing more than a lie. However, as we will explain below, this particular case has a special feature that needs to be taken into account.

    Chris Claremont’s original plan always seemed to be Raven Darholm and Irene Adler as Kurt Wagner’s mother. However, when he pitched the idea to Marvel, those responsible for the publisher believe that readers did not respond appropriately, so they did not allow him to develop it. Since Chris Claremont’s exit left the issue of Nightcrawler’s origin up in the air, screenwriter Scott Lobdell decided to take matters into his own hands and explain that Mystique is at least a mother. before.

    It took no less than forty-three years to figure it out, but that was the official answer until Marvel changed its mind again. As expected, there will be defenders and defenders of this idea, but we must not forget that Chris Claremont is the creator of the three famous characters in this article, which means that he had the power to do what he wanted with them. Therefore, thirty-three years after his death, if it is decided to honor his original idea, we are not the ones to say otherwise.