Assassin’s Creed Dynasty 1 and 2 review by Xu Xianzhe and Zhang Xiao

Assassin's Creed Dinasty

In Assassin’s Creed, Moztros Editorial takes us back to ancient China where the Assassins continue their struggle for freedom.

If you’ve played video games in recent years, Assassin’s Creed should be familiar to you. With over 20 games since 2007, Saga has become one of the most successful and recognized franchises in the video game industry. Although they have undergone changes over the years, the games tell the story of the eternal struggle between two secret organizations that have been at war since the first steps of humanity, the Order of the Templars and the Order of the Assassins.

The two commandments have the same goal of human peace and prosperity, but they differ in the way they achieve it. The Templars believe that their goals can only be achieved through the leadership of a select group of people. The murderers believe that this utopia can be achieved through freedom and that is why they fight to free the oppressed people. Despite their different names, these two groups were involved, and led to conflicts such as the French and Russian Revolutions or the American War of Independence.

Apart from this interesting premise, each game is part of the success of the franchise, transporting the players to different periods of history such as Classical Greece, the Crusades, the Caribbean, Renaissance Venice or medieval and industrial England. But not only with incredible fidelity, but also by using real historical images and involving the plot of the two orders. The next game in the franchise, Assassin’s Creed Red transports us to feudal Japan, where we play as the legendary samurai Yasuke and the shinobi (ninja) Naoi.

assassin's creedassassin's creed

Due to the success of the saga, the eternal struggle for humanity has been shown in other media such as cinema or literature. Moztros Editorial publishes Assassin’s Creed Dynasty, a series of manhuas (Chinese comics) that transports it to China during the Tang Dynasty. In this review we will talk about the first two volumes.

Assassin’s Creed en China

The story places us in the middle of the Tang Dynasty in the 14th year of the Tianbao period (755 AD). The legendary general An Lushan begins a rebellion against the Tang Dynasty and the empire known as the Lushan Rebellion, which throws all of China on the ropes. Lee E, a shadowy assassin of the hidden men (predecessors of the murderous order) is involved in this conflict and wants to do justice and help the people.

The first volume serves as an introduction to China and its people as well as military and political conflicts, and there is also a good introduction to the main and secondary characters. In addition to all this, the first volume has a self-contained internal story, which allows us to get to know Lee In better, as well as to better understand his skills as an assassin and what his command does. The second volume is where the main plot really begins and we see An Lushan’s rebellion and his first steps, as well as the reaction of the main character Li Yi and the Chinese Empire.

It’s a great starting point for those who have never touched the game and are curious about the universe. This shouldn’t worry veterans as the introduction is short and doesn’t take long to get into the plot and introduce action and stealth. The story line is simple, fun and easy to follow and you will want to know what happens next. Lee E may not be the most attractive character in the world, but he is full of secrets. The story is surrounded by such likable characters that the little sympathy the killer generates is not a problem.

Another aspect of Assassin’s Creed is its careful and impressive visuals. The list of the characters is very high and very diverse, which also matches their characteristics. The action also looks great, especially the scene where two scenes are combined, the dance and the fight, where the rhythm of the two moments blend perfectly. The murderers move in the shadows and this is transmitted at any time, adding a more mysterious feeling to these characters.

Assassin’s Creed Dynasty Edition by Moztros Editorial

Assassin’s Creed Dynasty is a manga series being collected in softcover volumes with dust jacket. One thing to emphasize is the sound form of medieval China imitating old notebooks. In addition, at the end of each volume, it is filled with additional material that gives us more information about the historical situation and the characters who actually existed in it. The volumes published by Moztros are the perfect size, so reading is very comfortable and the quality of the pages is fantastic. The printer does a flawless job of printing this work.

Assassin’s Creed Dynasty is a very interesting work that will appeal to fans of the saga, but will also attract newcomers. Like the interesting setting of medieval China and the simple but interesting plot, it is very interesting and fun to read. The visual department is a strong point, especially the characters and the action moments. A delightful comic that will appeal to those who feel drawn to the plot and read a fun work full of interesting characters.

Assassin’s Creed Dynasty 1 and 2

Autor: Xu Xianzhe |

Publisher: Moztros Editorial

Format: Softcover with dust jacket

Pages: 360 pages in b/w

Precio: 14,90 €

Synopsis: Assassin’s Creed: Dynasty is more than just a new entry in the popular multi-platform franchise, it’s a historical mano about the final days of the Tang Dynasty mixed with political defeat, strife and suspense. Moztros is proud to present this international comedy set in the story of a lone assassin in search of justice during one of the most turbulent times in ancient China.

Nothing is true. Everything is allowed. The creed is eternal.

Ancient China. In the 13th year of the Tianbao Dynasty (754 AD), the emperor invited his loyal officials to the flower banquet, not knowing that one was a corrupt and cruel being and the other would soon betray him. The entire empire is about to explode into civil war, and thousands of innocent lives are at stake. Along with the winds of change, a sane assassin arrives in Changan, whose sole purpose is to deliver…justice.

Here’s a roundup of the most important video game franchises of all time! Assassin’s Creed: Dynasty takes us to a pivotal moment in Chinese history and introduces us to a unique character, the young Li Ye: an assassin who recently received his creed that has the power to change everything.