The Gremlins series answers one of our most important questions.


Learn how gremlins can lose their hideous form and return to their most adorable form in Secrets of the Mogwai.

In the magical and often terrifying universe of Gremlins, the boundaries between the possible and the fantastic blur with each new chapter. More recently, the animated series Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai highlighted one of the biggest mysteries surrounding these creatures, their ability to reverse the dreaded transformation from Mogwai to Gremlin. Is it really possible to revert this transformation back to its pure original state?

Ever since their debut in the 1984 Joe Dante-directed classic, moguls have fascinated and sometimes terrified audiences around the world. With strict rules governing their existence – avoid bright light, don’t pet them and never feed after midnight – Mogwai are a mixture of beauty and chaos. The Mysteries of Mogwai animated series not only dwells on these precepts, but also explores the deep mythology of these creatures, featuring Nuan, the goddess of creation, as the main character in the restoration of Mogwai.


History’s Twist: New and Reformed

In an epic episode titled “Always Invite God to Drink First,” Gremlins fans travel back in time to the ancient ghost city of Fengdong. There, Gizmo and his companions meet Nua, who, confused and drunk, reveals her role in the creation of the Mogwai and the conditions her brother Fuxi set up to test human nature. The plot thickens when Nua uses her divine powers to turn gremlins into moguais, though this ability seems to be conditional on their emotional and physical state, something the series’ wizard, a witch named Riley, brutally exploits.

The “Creation Knife” turns out to be a legend capable of granting divine powers to anyone who wields it. Originally used by Nuwa to create Mogwai, this blade would become a vital part of Shanghai’s then-peaking battle against the forces of evil. The human Sam Wing uses this knife to transform the Gremlins’ army into Moguais, thus saving the city from a chaotic fate.


Implications for the future and legacy of the Mogwai

This ability to reverse the change from Gremlin to Mogwai adds new complexity to the Gremlins mythology, allowing writers to explore narrative futures without deviating from the tone of the tale established by Dante. It also raises questions about responsibility and the consequences of human actions, a recurring theme in the franchise.

Secrets of the Mogwai not only expands the Gremlins universe, but also gives respite to those fans who were wondering if there was hope for the little monsters once they changed. With new characters, magical items and ancient gods, the series is guaranteed to keep viewers on the edge of their sofa, eager to discover what new mysteries will be revealed. Can the people learn to live up to Mogwai’s legacy or are they set to repeat the mistakes of the past? Only time and future seasons can tell.


Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai, out now on Max, promises to be an essential addition for series fans and new viewers alike, combining nostalgia with new adventures. This series not only features cinematic classics, but also introduces something fresh and exciting, exploring an unprecedented depth in the Mogwai legend and delivering a unique visual and narrative that will delight audiences of all ages.