Deadpool and Wolverine: The post-credits scene is amazing, says the mouthy creator of The Mercenary


Rob Liefeld confirmed the report that Deadpool and Wolverine’s post-credits scene will be something special.

A new report claims that the post-credits scene between Deadpool and Wolverine is amazing, and Word of mouth Mercenary creator Rob Liefeld confirms this information.

The scene of Deadpool and Wolverine after the credits.

According to MyTimeToShineHello, the next movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has a big surprise for us. The insider said: “OMG, this is so good. “I won’t spoil it, but the post-credits scene between Deadpool and Wolverine is so amazing I can’t believe they pulled this off without anyone knowing.”

What’s interesting about X’s message is that Liefeld himself responded with this information: “He’s not lying to you!” He responded. So, Deadpool’s creator confirmed to us what the insider had to say.

While what MyTimeToShineHello and Rob Liefeld say is true, let’s not forget that what is considered awesome is up to each individual. Therefore, it is better to watch the film without thinking about the post-credits at any time, because later it may disappoint some fans.