The next game of thrones has found its main actors

El caballero de los Siete Reinos, Juego de Tronos, Noticias Series

Knight of the Seven Kingdoms will be a prequel to Game of Thrones.

Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Knight Errant, the sequel to Game of Thrones, has found its main cast.

The actors were chosen to be a dwarf and an egg

Various reports have reported that Peter Claffey Dunk, also known as Ser Duncan the Tall, and Dexter Sol will play Ansel with Egg, who will become the future King Aegon V Targaryen. The HBO show takes place 100 years after Dragon House.

The official statement of the seven kingdoms

“One hundred years before Game of Thrones, two unlikely heroes roamed Westeros…. A young, dashing, but intrepid knight, Sir Duncan the Tall (Clafe), and his little squirrel, Egg (Ansel). Set in a time when the Targaryen line still holds the Iron Throne and the memory of the last dragon has not yet faded from living memory, great destinies, powerful enemies, and dangerous deeds await these unlikely and unrivaled friends.

This spin-off is based on George RR Martin’s Tales of Dunk and Egg, stories set in the same universe as the novels that are part of A Song of Ice and Fire.

Game of Thrones

Knight of the Seven Kingdoms still doesn’t have a release date.