3 versions of King Kong’s son

King Kong

Three different adaptations of The Descendants of King Kong.

Merian C. Cooper, an American director, producer, screenwriter and aviator, is credited with the creation of King Kong, although he was probably unaware of the success the character was about to bring. His creative father is greatly survived.

As we all know, King Kong is a giant ape created in the 1930’s that needs no introduction, as his giant stature is as well known as his tragic story, it’s no secret that in most movie adaptations, his love for a woman leads him to stand guard at the top of the Empire State Building. Even though it has been a century, the image that does not go out of style is time on the big screen.

Therefore, it is not surprising that King Kong is one of the main characters of modern popular culture, thanks to which he has been given nicknames that are completely suitable for his character, such as the king of beasts or the eighth wonder of the world.

But in this article, instead of focusing on whether the monkey will die or not, we will focus our attention on another aspect of his filmography, which we have been able to see in three films so far. We are mentioning a few cases where we have seen King Kong give birth to children, although in all cases they are not biological children, which can be seen if you continue reading the following parts of this article.


Baby Kong, Kiko, King Kong, Suko

Although he is not referred to as such at any time in the film, this is the official name of the monkey in Baby Kong (1933), the release date of which makes it the first on the list, as well as the only one filmed in white and black. Set a month after the events of the previous film, the giant albino ape is on Skull Island and Carl Denham returns with the man who sold him the map. The location, the captain of the ship that brought King Kong to civilization, and a monkey trainer named Hilda in search of a hidden treasure.

He is believed to be a descendant of King Kong, as he was found on the same island as his father, although we do not know where he came from, and there is no indication that he had a mother. Fortunately, as you can see in the photo with this episode, the giant monkey is more friendly than his father. Unfortunately, despite his kind demeanor, as soon as he dies, he suffers the same fate as King Kong, although he acts heroically, saving the life of Carl Denham, when an earthquake hits the island.

Baby Kong

Baby Kong, Kiko, King Kong, SukoBaby Kong, Kiko, King Kong, Suko

We will continue our review with the next movie related to the title of the article, which is none other than King Kong 2 (1986), in which, for ten years, the giant ape, after falling, how to stay alive, trying to save his life in the laboratory, in the induced coma. The problem is that blood transfusions from other beings are of the same species. And it turns out that there is a woman with similar characteristics known as Lady Kong who was found in Borneo.

As a result of their love, the little monkey that is the subject of this episode is born, who at the end of the film ends up living with his mother in Borneo because his father is shot dead. The second and last time though, at least he had enough time to take care of his newborn son before closing his eyes forever.


Baby Kong, Kiko, King Kong, SukoBaby Kong, Kiko, King Kong, Suko

And finally we get to the most recent member of this list, this little monkey, who some say has no place here because unlike the other two, he’s not King Kong’s biological son, I’ll answer that. The Tarzan movies make it clear that he and Jane are not Boy’s parents, and that doesn’t stop them from treating him like they fathered him.

Something similar happened in the movie Godzilla and Kong: The New Empire (currently in theaters), a giant ape, after a complicated start, raises the little one as his real son, which is why he later accepts the basic. Help in the final battle.