Could the Star Wars universe have its own version of what if…?

Could the Star Wars universe have its own version of what if…?

A new report related to Star Wars claims that the popular franchise will have a series similar to the show. From Marvel Studios

According to a new rumor, Lucasfilm is developing its own…? After the popularity of this concept in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

What if the Star Wars saga had…?

what if…? is an animated series from Marvel Studios that focuses on exploring what might have happened if certain events in the MCU had gone differently. The show has two seasons, with a third in development, as well as the spin-off series Marvel Zombies. What if…? It’s amazing, and now, a new report says Star Wars will be reversed.

Daniel Richman commented that the concept of infinite possibilities applies to the Star Wars universe. In fact, the insider says a What if…? The Galaxy Saga is already in development.

If the rumors are true, is this franchise primed to deliver the kind of stories seen in…? But fit into their universe. Certainly, seeing characters like Luke Skywalker turn to the dark side or Anakin taking the right path and not being Darth Vader are scenarios fans won’t miss.
