3 funny adaptations of portraits


The three comics that were changed by their audiovisual adaptations.

Although there are a huge number of fictional characters who had their first appearance in the ninth world of art, even if they did not read their adventures, because they did not read the comic, there will be an equally large number of people. In their life, if they are used to movies, TV series or both media, they will have no problem identifying them and will enjoy watching them just like a normal reader would.

However, although there are well-known cases where these versions are faithful to the original material, in many other cases the opposite happens (not taking into account, of course, those products are prescribed only for small children, because it is obligatory) plots are simple), which for anyone who approaches the publications, the sequel of the film Or a series of franchise licenses can lead to confusion and even frustration.

Precisely for this reason, in this article we will be responsible for analyzing three franchises in the world of comics that have undergone a sudden change of course when we had to adapt to the audiovisual world, you can see if you continue reading until the end.

Ninja turtles

A group of teenage mutants known as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is told in the adventure Turtles Origins by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (1984). Although his first adventures were published by publisher Mirage Studios, he later owned the rights to other companies such as Archie Comics, Dreanwave Productions, and IDW Publishing, where he has been directing since 2011.

The main characters of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michael Angelo, four mutant Kelonians who learn martial arts from their teacher Rat Splinter. His allies include April O’Neill and Casey Jones, while Shredder, Krang, Bebop, Rocksteady, Foot Clan, Baxter Stockman and Carraria are among his enemies.

Although it contains elements of parody, especially Frank Miller’s comics, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is still extremely funny. But the TV and film adaptations have chosen to soften the idea, which isn’t complicated considering that it’s easy to see the comic side when it comes to four talking turtles fighting evil and meeting them. They themselves are under the command of a talking mouse.

The mask

Adaptation, The Mask, Ninja Turtles, Men in Black

Writer Mike Richardson, in collaboration with artists Mark Badger, John Arcudi, and Doug Mahnke, created the character known as Mask in the comic Dark Horse Present #10 (1989), the main character of the adventure Maque (part). 1), published by Dark Horse Publishing.

The plot revolves around a living sentient mask that possesses the wearer and can transform them into a force of good or evil depending on the wearer’s will. Stanley Epkiss, Kathryn, Mitch Kellaway, Nunzio, Abner Mead, Ray Tuttle, Mask Hunters, Rick, Ben, Hugo, Arch and Aldo Crass are the bearers, and Walter and Lionel Ray are among his enemies.

Although the humor of the mask is as powerful as ever, the adaptations in both live-action films and animation have changed the character from a dangerous to a more interesting person due to the many funny moments given by the power of said mask.

Men in black

Men in black Sony

Men in Black Comics (1997) is the creation of Lowell Cunningham and Sandy Carruthers. Originally published by Airse Comics, these comics began an adventure titled Inspiration for some, until the publisher was bought by Malibu Comics, which in turn was bought by Marvel. For a reason, these comics have never been published in our country.

The Black Men is a secret organization responsible for fighting all kinds of supernatural threats, such as mutants, vampires, werewolves, demons, mythical creatures or extraterrestrials, to prevent humanity from panicking when it learns about its existence. Agents K and J are the protagonists of the franchise.

However, although, like the previous cases, Men in Black has been adapted in the world of direct action and animation, the dark tone of the plots has been reduced to the maximum, but the brutality with which the agents fight against the invading force has been shown in the audiovisual world in a funny way, but in all those states It went unnoticed but like our country he never got the chance to read any original text.