Finding Star Wars gems at Dark Horse Comics

Star Wars

A journey through the best Star Wars stories in the comics

Long before Marvel breathed new life into the Star Wars universe with comics, there was a golden age that was little known to many fans. Within the vast cosmos of Star Wars, the Dark Horse comics era shines with particular intensity, providing a cornucopia of stories that still resonate in the hearts of fans of this franchise.

Star Wars Comic Revival

Although George Lucas did not include them in the official canon, the Dark Horse comics represent a fascinating alternate universe. From the psychological depth of Darth Vader and Prison of the Phantom to the Legacy series, beyond the original trilogy, Dark Horse has given us an unparalleled wealth of material.

In the year With the launch of Star Wars: The Republic in 1998, the series predates and follows the threat and revenge of the Sith Phantom. At 45 issues, this series not only completed the Prequel Trilogy, but also gave context and depth to characters like Mace Windu and Qui-Gon Jinn.

In the year In 2006, Dark Times picked up the baton, immersing us in the aftermath of Fate’s Order 66.

The Darth Vader Anthology

In the year Released in 2005, The Purge focuses on Darth Vader’s relentless pursuit of a surviving Jedi. Each story in this anthology reveals fascinating aspects of the relationship between Vader and Palpatine, as well as the deep brutality of the empire.

In the year In 2012, Darth Vader and the Phantom Menace presented the darkest and most intriguing stories about this iconic character. The Minions offers a unique look at the Empire and the morally ambiguous corners of Jedi history.

Star Wars Comics, Dark Horse Comics Star Wars, Darth Vader Comic, Star Wars Expanded Universe

Star Wars Comic Revival

Tom Veitch and Cam Kennedy gave us Dark Empire in 1993, a sequel to the Star Wars narrative that featured a more vulnerable Luke Skywalker and a controversial version of Emperor Palpatine.

In the year In 1995, X-Wing – Rogue Squadron immersed us in exciting space battles, following Wedge Antilles and his team as they battled Imperial remnants.

In the year Legacy, released in 2006, took the Star Wars narrative forward 130 years, focusing on Cade Skywalker, a Jedi turned bounty hunter. This comic balances creativity and honoring the legacy of Star Wars.

In the year Legends of the Jedi and Dawn of the Jedi, released in 2012 and 1993 respectively, explored the origins and ancient battles between the Jedi and the Sith, adding deeper layers to the already rich Star Wars lore.

Beyond video games

In the year In 2006, Knights of the Old Republic expanded the universe of venerable video games, offering epic battles and memorable characters.

The Dark Horse’s influence on the expanded universe

The Dark Horse stories not only enriched the Star Wars galaxy, but also influenced subsequent content, including in the Marvel era. These narratives explored untold corners of the saga, giving depth and variety to well-known characters and introducing entirely new ones. The “Republic” series, for example, provided crucial context for characters like Mace Windu, enriching his background beyond the films.

Star Wars Comics, Dark Horse Comics Star Wars, Darth Vader Comic, Star Wars Expanded Universe

On the other hand, Legacy innovated by branching out from the original Skywalker family, proving that Star Wars could thrive even in the distant past. Cade Skywalker became a complex and fascinating character who represented the darker and more conflicted nature of the Jedi lineage. Not only were these Dark Horse works pioneering in style and tone, they laid the groundwork for the future expansion of the Star Wars universe, showcasing the versatility and richness of the world created by George Lucas.

These dark horse stories, though removed from the official canon, are hidden treasures waiting to be rediscovered by a new generation of fans. They represent not only an important moment in comic history, but an unforgettable legacy in the wider Star Wars galaxy.