Ready or not, review the game that will make you SWAT

Ready or not videogame

Ready or not, the true first-person SWAT shooter and debut title from VOID Interactive, released its 1.0 update today on Steam. This 1.0 release comes with a major content update including new levels, revised SWAT AI, Commander mode, new weapons and other unlockable customization items. We got to try it and it’s fun.

The first contact with the game leaves you with the feeling of being in a SWAT team, the tension that comes with preparing a mission. The list of missions allows us to prepare the team and see which profiles we can face. Customizing a character is additive, which means we need to consider variables such as the darkness of the space we enter. Same goes with weapons and armor, going heavy is not the same as going with silencers and tactical gear. The same goes for explosives and stun grenades. General choices.

It is installed when it is ready or not

It looks like an optimized and improved device, ready to launch or not, comes loaded with new features and functions. It is a game where you lead a SWAT team and where the commander mode stands out, which is probably the most innovative and original thing in the game. It’s a deep and complex game mode where you have to worry about all aspects of your agents so that you can count on them all. A challenge that makes the games a mental and physical survival contest for the team.

The game puts you in very dangerous situations reminiscent of the controversial Airport Off Duty episode where SWAT is involved. You must deal with stressful situations involving hostages, bomb threats, arrested suspects and more. With PEGI18 rating, realistic scenes and scenarios take place in the 18 missions that the launch comes with. These are the missions where you have to manage the strategy, kamikaze mode does not work.

In this single-player mode, you step into the role of the new Chief of the Los Suenos Police Department, David Beaumont, nicknamed “The Judge”. Players can choose from a large selection of NPC agents to form their team, issue strategic orders, and carefully plan each mission. Ready or not, leading a squad means worrying about the mental health and physical well-being of NPCs between missions. Contact with them is critical to maintaining the team, as they may run out of missions due to medical leave.

The main features of the game launch are:

Enhanced and improved SWAT AI for an immersive NPC tactical team with superior intelligence to manage missions in real-time. Commander Mode: An immersive single-player mode that showcases the reality of the demanding work of SWAT agents. 18 single-player or online co-op missions for up to 5 players, including hostage situations, bomb threats and more. Dozens of options to customize the player’s entire SWAT team, armor, weapons, clothing… Full compatibility with mods for players who want to go through prepared or unprepared missions.

Customize your team and upgrade weapons

Thanks to the tools and equipment in each dangerous mission, players will enjoy a realistic and immersive SWAT experience. At launch this includes the inclusion of 10 new weapons, but customization is not limited to equipment: by working closely with the team and completing milestones, players will unlock another 90 upgrade items such as clothing and watches as well as tattoos. Adjust the appearance of your character and NPCs.

Ready or not, shooters, Videojuegos

Additionally, Update 1.0 completely redesigns the onboarding process for the new player. Ready or not, when starting a new game, this tutorial guides the player through equipment control, command control, and other options to successfully enter and clear a room.

Without strategy the missions will fail, you have to add intelligence and action to win the 18 missions, all different from each other.

An active community that increases conditions

Ready or not, it’s compatible with mods ( for players who want to explore more of the world than Los Sueños has to offer. All SWAT AI features work on user-created maps, generating all necessary information the first time you play on a custom map.

Ready or Not puts players in realistic high-risk situations involving SWAT.

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