
Amazon Cancels Silk Series: Spider-Man

With the cancellation of the Spider-Man series by Amazon, Sony began looking for other platforms to continue growing the Spider-Man universe.The recent announcement...


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Star Wars will have its own Total War in development

Discover how the classic Total War: Renewal of the Pharaohs expands the universe with the Star Wars edition of Creative Summit. In a universe...


From the creator of ‘Peaky Blinders’ and the director of ‘Stranger Things’, the exciting miniseries is sweeping Netflix. It lasts less than 4...

Ministries were finding places between betting on streaming platforms and audience polls. The fact that it tells a closed story...

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“I must be his older sister.”

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Onimusha (2023), Review: A Samurai Anime That Tells Its Own Story Separated From Capcom Video Games

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What was George Lucas’ plan for the third ‘Star Wars’ trilogy and why he decided not to do it

The original intention with the third 'Star Wars' trilogy was that George Lucas himself was responsible for making it. Finally, as you know, Lucas...

Holiday Recipes

随着《指环王》第二季的到来和年底的到来,新《指环王》电影的粉丝们想知道这个宇宙的版权状况。 亚马逊的《权力之环》系列的到来毫不奇怪地激起了有关这个流行传奇故事版权的争议。 该系列电影的制片人费利佩·博延斯 (Felipe Boyens) 最近透露了将中土世界的新冒险搬上大银幕的局限性和可能性。 中土世界的新电影地平线 在一个看似永无止境的故事中,《指环王》继续扩展其宇宙。 继与 Ambaser 集团旗下的米德兰企业 (Midland Enterprises) 续签协议后,新线影院 (New Line Cinema) 立即开始筹划新剧集。 其中第一部由安迪·瑟金斯执导的《追捕咕噜》已经得到确认,承诺将讲述中土世界鲜为人知的时代。另一方面,亚马逊已直接与托尔金家族谈判,以获得他们在与 New Line、MEE 或 Embracer 签订的合同之外保留的权利。 这就解释了为什么它是《权力之环》而不是电影的直接延续,而是流媒体而不是电影院。 对同一角色的不同看法 这个新时代最有趣的事情是,新线和亚马逊都有能力使用相同的角色,但在不同的人生阶段。 这开辟了不同的叙事可能性,不同的解释可以共存而不会发生直接冲突。...
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