7 Missable Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Secrets You Don’t Want to Miss

Cloud plays the piano for Tifa.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was released on February 29, 2024 and quickly became one of the most beloved entries in the franchise. The sequel to the critically acclaimed film Final Fantasy VII Remake more than lived up to expectations, as its exceptional game design, incredible characters, and wonderful locations all come together to make the game an unforgettable experience for even the most casual. Fantasy Finale fan. Although the game lasts 40 hours for its normal playtime, plenty of bonus content allows players to enjoy the title long after the credits roll.

Like other titles of the Fantasy Finale series, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth prides itself on the immense amount of secrets that players can discover throughout the game. From amazing weapon upgrades to more varied mini-game options, it can be difficult to find all the secrets throughout the game, but there are many that players should go out of their way to obtain.

7 Piano solos are a great break from the action

Cloud plays music beautifully to his friends

Cloud plays the piano for Tifa.


Final Fantasy VII Remake vs Rebirth: what are the differences?

Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth are both phenomenal games with a multitude of small differences.

Like many other games Fantasy Finale franchise, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is filled with plenty of mini-games that help break the tension and add a bit of charm to the characters’ personalities. One of the most important features of mini games Cloud plays famous Final Fantasy VII piano pieces in several cafes throughout the game. Progressing through the game’s narrative unlocks more songs for Cloud, which incentivizes players to complete the narrative.

A bit like The last of usThis mini-game uses the Dualshock touchpad and joysticks to play specific notes in rapid succession, making players feel like they are using a musical instrument. Although the number of songs is rather limited, players with even the most rudimentary musical knowledge can spend hours learning to play their favorite songs. Overall, this game is a wonderful diversion from the high-energy action of the game and adds some character depth to the bonds that Cloud and his friends share.

6 Jumping happily around Juno

An amazing but strange side quest

Cloud Frog Final Fantasy VII Remake

Some of the side quests in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth feel useless and serve little more than search quests and discovery of NPCs to which the player has little attachment. However, others have such unique writing that it would be a disservice to the experience as a whole to leave them out. This is precisely the case for the “Calling All Frogs” quest in Under Junon.

This side quest can easily be missed, as can the main plot, and by extension, Cloud’s rival Roche wants you to leave Under Juno as soon as possible. However, if players stick around a little longer to explore, they’ll be treated to one of the most charming moments in the entire game. In this quest, Cloud and his friends must defeat enemies so the kids can continue playing in the area. However, players must complete this task while transforming into frogswhich completely changes the gameplay mechanics. Overall, while this side quest isn’t entirely necessary, players won’t want to miss this absurdly humorous quest.

5 Hojo’s combat simulator is strange and exciting

An engaging wave of action

Hojo may be the most sinister villain of all. Fantasy Finale franchise, but that doesn’t mean the mad scientist is a stranger to having a good time. In Chapter 12, players explore Shinra Manor to discover the secrets of the Promised Land and encounter a hologram of Professor Hojo. This hologram taunts players throughout the chapter, but later unlocks one of the game’s best-hidden features.

Returning to Shinra Manor after this chapter, players can participate in Hojo’s Combat Simulator and unlock rewards like Gil and Materia. Combat simulator is the best way to acquire combat equipment and earn money to buy more weapons and potions. So players must do their best to complete the toughest challenges in the combat simulator. Although the mad scientist poses a frustrating obstacle, his combat simulator serves as a useful excursion from the main story.

4 The Temple of the Ancients is an incredible armory

A fantastic assortment of powerful weapons

Elena and Tseng fight together in the Temple of the Ancients.

The end of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth features a beautiful scene, as Cloud and his friends try to stop Sephiroth from obtaining the Dark Materia and completing his quest to destroy the world. While this area is beautiful due to its strong plot and level design, it is also ideal for players who want to maximize their arsenal and raise their stats to the highest level. Fortunately, there’s a lot of area to cover in the Temple of the Ancients, and many of the best weapons in the game can be found here.

One of Cloud’s best weapons, the Slipstream Sabre, can be found in this area.. Unfortunately, players won’t have much time to learn its weapon skills, as this weapon is found late in the game, so it’s best used in later playthroughs and game content. post-match. Overall, the Temple of the Ancients makes for an incredible setting piece for the game’s conclusion, and it’s a joy to explore.

3 Queen’s Blood is a phenomenal card gaming experience

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth The best mini game is a joy to play


10 hidden details in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a long experience filled with lots of clever details and you might miss them.

Trading card games can be divisive because they require a certain level of strategy to get good at, and many people don’t want to take the time to learn them. Despite this, the card game Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Queen’s Blood, does a great job of avoiding being too overwhelming.thus allowing players of all levels to understand its mechanical depth without feeling excluded by its difficulty. Unlike most other mini-games in the game, Queen’s Blood also has a related subplot, which can be quite gripping if players put in the time.

Although the Queen’s Blood tournament is a skippable part of the game’s main story, players shouldn’t miss it, as Cloud’s part with Red XIII is easily one of the most humorous moments in the game. Additionally, This tournament functions as a tutorial for the minigame’s vast complexities, so players should make sure to stick around if they wish to reach the highest Queen Blood Rank and defeat the Shadowblood Queen. Although this mini-game can add up to 10 hours to the game’s runtime, each match is worth it, and the amount of strategy present makes Queen’s Blood a pleasure to play.

2 Character relationships are in-depth and meant to be explored

The Gold Saucer is home to some of the best scenes in the game

Tifa and Cloud during their date on the gondola in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

The best part of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth These are rich character moments, but many of them can be missed if players don’t complete specific tasks. Throughout the game, players participate in many key moments that affect Cloud’s relationships with Tifa, Aerith, Barret, Red XIII, Cait Sith, and Yuffie. For example, players play as Barret as he defends the group against Shinra soldiers, and this performance impacts his relationship with Cloud. At Gold Saucer, players can take a ride on the Ferris wheel with any of the main party members, and relationships up to that point control who Cloud selects.

The interactions with Tifa and Aerith are predictable, as they are of the romantic type, but the other interactions are better. Barret and Cloud’s Ferris wheel ride is the best, as Barret motivates Cloud to persevere despite Sephiroth’s control over him and shows what a good friend he is to Cloud. One of the interactions takes place between Cloud, Cait Sith, Cid and Vincent Valentine, as they all embark on a clumsy Ferris wheel that they wish ended with. Overall, these moments are extremely charming and do a great job of fleshing out the characters.

1 Gilgamesh is an incredible secret boss

An iconic Final Fantasy The opponent returns

Gilgamesh expresses confidence by floating in front of the moon in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth


10 Best Rebirth Weapons in Final Fantasy VII, Ranked

Players have a variety of powerful options to choose from throughout Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’s lengthy campaign.

Many major RPGs have secret bosses that are more difficult than most of the game’s main bosses and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is no exception. Bosses like Rufus and Sephiroth are a challenge in the main story, but Gilgamesh ups the ante, as this is one of the most difficult boss encounters in the gameand is even more difficult to defeat if players have not learned the appropriate weapon abilities.

This moonlit samurai is looking for a challenge and hopes Cloud will be strong enough to give him the fight of his life. The game makes a point of showing his strength compared to the other bosses, as he dominates Cloud. Overall, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth features plenty of spectacular boss fights, and Gilgamesh is among the best.