15 fantastic underestimated television shows that are impeccable from start to finish

A group of gellings gathers in the black crystal: the age of the resistance

The fantastic genre has paved the way for several popular shows like Supernatural And Game of Throneswho have become huge staples in pop culture. As emblematic and worthy of Bingel as these series are, they feel defective in certain areas, especially with their ends. Meanwhile, there is a large library of hidden fantastic television jewels that do not get the recognition they deserve.

Whether they were overshadowed by competition, had not been promoting enough or had not been unjustly canceled after one or two seasons, these fantastic programs have largely fallen under the radar. Nevertheless, the dedicated fandoms have recognized these shows for the aesthetically pleasant and incredibly creative stories that they are. Short -term series like Country of Lovecraft to the action of epics as In badlandsThese fantastic television entrances are entertaining to each passing episode.

Updated on March 15, 2025, by Chen Drachman: With more news on the new spin-off of Game of Thrones, a knight of the seven kingdoms, as well as additional fallout, additional entries to this list seemed necessary. This list is updated to include more wonderful fantastic series dealing with fantastic circumstances and bigger than life characters.

Table of Contents


Braindead deserved much better reception

Robert and Michelle King have ventured into something very different

Brain Surprised by many unconditional fans of Robert and Michelle King. It was a real adventure outside the standard for the couple who created The good woman Television universe. They have spent more than a decade and a half now with this universe, and it is also a good thing. Not only was The right fight An excellent spin-off, but it was also Elsbethwhere the kings were able to remind everyone that they like to look at the original supernatural and sometimes – as with Wrong.

Brain is exactly that: original. So, even if it is not a flat fantasy, it is completely exaggerated. The show combines two terrifying concepts – an extraterrestrial invasion and a Washington DC policy / legislation. Brain Confused by many viewers and was canceled after a single season, probably because viewers abandoned after a few episodes and missed what the series was. It is a crazy well-executed and intriguing combination of politics with high issues with the science fiction element of extraterrestrials taking over and the only woman who tries to stop them, even if she needs to convince everyone around them. Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Tony Shalhoub and Aaron Tveit are just a few stellar members of a program that started each episode with a summary of a troubadour.


Dark crystal: the age of resistance had an inventive puppet

It did things to the old school

A group of gellings gathers in the black crystal: the age of the resistance
Image via Netflix

Directed by Jim Henson and Frank Oz, Two Legends in Puppetry, 1982 The dark crystal was an adventurous film that aroused a cult that followed thanks to its dark fantastic elements and the construction of the world. More than 35 years later, the world of The dark crystal returned with Netflix Age of resistance. At a time of fantastic shows on a small budget favoring CGI for its magic elements, this show remained faithful to its roots and used puppets to give life to creatures.


13 most rewatchable fantastic films, classified

The fantastic films that transport the public to magic worlds with convincing characters and breathtaking visuals often become reevable classics.

A prequel to the original film, Black crystal: age of resistance Follows three members of the Gelfling race named Rian, Brea and Deet as they discover a secret on the evil skesis. They turn on a call to rebellion and unite other clans to save their world. As well as incredible practical effects and larger traditions, Age of resistance To a distribution of stacked voice, including Taron Egerton, Nathalie Emmanuel, Anya Taylor-Joy, Lena Headey, Mark Hamill and many others. Unfortunately, due to high production costs and the effects of the COVVI-19 pandemic on the entertainment industry, the show had a short life, but its only season was always incredible.


Galavant is a fantastic musical with tons of charm

And a lot of humor

Galavant, Sid and Isabella standing in front of a table in galavant.

A series that combined elements of fantasy, comedy and musicals was extremely rare, especially for network television, but Gigantic proved that it is possible with good creativity. In GiganticThe titular character is a charismatic and heroic knight who embarks on a quest to win back Madalena, the love of his life, after having lost him with the Naked King Richard. While he is about to get his story a happy ending, Galavant’s journey is full of twists and turns, with comic musical numbers and to make new friends.

With the comedy approach to a single camera, sumptuous production design and full -minded writing, Gigantic Was a show that should have obtained better notes and viewers’ numbers. The mixture of three well -known facts Gigantic A unique show. Although there are typical elements of gender and types of characters, comic tone and well thought out musical numbers bring it out other fantastic series. Sometimes it looks like a successor to Monty Python. Despite only two seasons, each episode of Gigantic At a whimsical musical moment and a brilliant humor to rehide viewers.



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Krapopolis presents the original story of the modern world

It is hilarious in a completely inaccurate way

Tyrannis presents Shlub, Deliria, Stuporous and Hippocampus to his new girlfriend in Krapopolis

While Krapopolis The Greek gods take place at the time, he often explores themes and cultures beyond that. For example, season two of the show introduced the Nordic gods, while season one introduced an element of communication through time and space. But at the base, Krapopolis is a show on a wrong family in a position of power and how this position affects them and the world around them.

As a mixed breed family, the main characters of the show reflect a modern social debate and challenges from the start. With a goddess as a matriarch, monster as a patriarch, two children from Demig and another brother who is a fish-shaped creature, the family dynamics of Krapopolis Real real, because they all reflect types of arc. As a comedy Dan Harmon, the series was a success for Fox, and it seems that it is not to start.



Release date

September 24, 2023



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His dark materials do justice to books

The series strikes all emotional points

    Its promotional poster of dark materials

In 2007, Philip Pullman Its dark materials The series of books was first adapted in a film with The golden compass. After having become a critical and financial disappointment, mainly due to the interference of the studio, another adaptation of the work of Pullman would not arrive before 2019. Its dark materials Do a better job to adapt the books, so much so that they stopped after three seasons because they did not want to go beyond the source equipment.

Its dark materials takes place in a fantastic parallel universe, where animals called demons can communicate with humans and are, in fact, an extension of their soul. Protagonist Lyra, a young girl, takes place in an adventure to save her kidnapped friend, which leads her to discover a darker plot involving more abductions and a cosmic substance. By carefully exploring the tradition of the book and remaining faithful to its themes, Its dark materials Made for better recept adaptation. The talented and striking visuals make it a funny adventure that is worth watching. Those who are still bitter The golden compass‘Infidelity should give Its dark materials A watch.


Its dark materials

Release date

2019 – 2021




The sweet tooth is a comforting post-apocalypse story

With family and nature themes

Gus, Dr. Singh and Jlower look at the whale song in Sweet Tooth Season 3.
Image via Netflix

The stories of the post-apocalypse sub-genre are rather dark and emotionally distraught, but but Gourmand is a refreshing reminder that some can be nicer. Based on the graphic novel, Gourmand takes place in the post-apocalyptic future after a virus has killed a large percentage of the world’s population. The virus also transferred to the place of animal human hybrids. The protagonist of this story is Gus, a 12 -year -old boy with the characteristics of deer who makes a long trek to find his mother after the death of his father.

Gourmand balances its sorry frame and its circumstances with a light tone to attract viewers. Gus makes an engaging protagonist while he meets daring challenges and new friends in his trip. Some episodes can be intense, while others are suitable for families. The themes of hope, the maintenance of innocence and the way in which humanity must become one with nature are also unique strengths in Gourmand. In addition, the practical character used to bring back animal hybrids-humans deserves a mention. Compared to other fantastic Netflix programs, Gourmand deserves more love.

Sweet tooth film poster


Release date

2021 – 2023


Jim Mickle


Carnival Row is a completely original epic

He has no source equipment

Cara Delevingne and Orlando Bloom Get hands on Carnival Row
Image via Prime video

While many of the best fantastic television shows are adaptations, Carnival row does not have source equipment. This context is particularly surprising because the show is a fantastic saga. Even if the show had only two seasons (which came out of four years apart), it had faithful followers. It is not surprising, given that the spectacle addresses the race, the class, immigration, justice and romance.

The above qualities give the series the potential for longevity, because a large part will resonate today, even if it looks like a period piece. But in this world, it seems to take place around the Second World War, there are fae that regular humans marginalize. These beings are so deprived of their rights that the government encloses them in distinct areas of cities and, as such, their freedom of movement, among other freedoms, is limited. If all FAEs are not enough, there is also a murder to be resolved as tensions increase. Carnival row is a spectacle of emotional roller coaster worthy of frenzy with a satisfactory global conclusion.

Final poster of the Carnival Row season

Carnival row

Release date

2019 – 2022


Amazon Prime video


Grimm is a rare fantastic police procedure

Weekly monster with some original concepts

A memory esser in Grimm

Police procedures are very common on television, but Grimm Do something magic by combining the secular trope with fantastic monsters to create something new. Grimm Focus on the detective of Portland, Nick Burkhardt, who learns that he is the descendant of a warlike line. Hidden in the city, there are half-humans and half animal monsters called wesen that Nick must defeat.


The 25 most underestimated police dramas

From the Mentalist with a fatal weapon, some of the most unique and interesting police dramas have completely stolen under the radar for many viewers.

In each episode, Nick uses his detective skills and his newly acquired family knowledge to track down different types of wesen. For six seasons, viewers were fascinated by GrimmThe tradition and the different creatures Nick and his friends met. Whether through practical makeup or a CGI, the effects used for each Wesen creature have rightly felt designed, especially since the program was originally broadcast on network television. The show was inspired by fairy tales and cultural legends for certain episodes while having many original monsters with haunting appearances. Grimm has lost its popularity over the years, which explains its underestimated status. But those who love the monster formula of the week will be entertained by Grimm, who should restart via the film.


Carnival briefly briefly briefly

Give fans fantasy in a unique setting

The carnival casting

HBO is responsible for many prestigious shows, but some of their best can often fall under the radar. Carnivalwhich was created in 2003, is an excellent example. The fantastic drama took place in the mid -1930s when the famous Dust Bowl ran through the great plains. After losing his mother, the Ben Hawkins teenager goes to flee and crosses paths with a traveling carnival that deals with supernatural magic.

What is happening next is a trip where Ben awakens long long powers in him and helps carnival in a fight between good and evil. Carnival is an ambitious fantastic series with its past setting, a set with distinct personalities and, above all, its global mythology. Competing religions, free will and surrealism are only a few themes CarnivalDark fantastic story. While the series was presented to amazing numbers, it could not maintain the same notes for the rest of its race. An odyssey of six seasons once planned has been reduced to two. Nevertheless, each episode of Carnival Has a dark style and laudable originality.



Release date

2003 – 2004



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Into the Badlands has epic action and world construction

A celebration of martial arts

Sunny is on a motorcycle in badlands

Fantasy fans who want to see more action and post-apocalyptic elements in the genre will find a lot of luck with In badlands“Three seasons. The show takes place for centuries in the future after a war has left the world in ruins. In the new world, a feudal civilization known as badlands reigns overall. The company also depends now on melee weapons instead of firearms whenever violent conflicts occur. The competent warrior Sunny takes the teenager MK under his wing and helps him spiritually unlock his inner fighter.

Along the way, a war between Brews barons for the control of the badlands. With this great concept, In badlands Offers an intriguing post-apocalyptic world which is worth explored throughout the series. Another key factor that will attract viewers is combat sequences in epic martial arts. Each episode has one or more very choreographed combat scenes where the characters engage in brutal and biting confrontations. It also helps that the show has beautiful landscapes and a set of characters full of capable fighters. Mix fantasy with martial arts, In badlands Constantly keep exciting things.


On the wall of the garden is a wonderfully lively mini-series

A quick watch with 11 -minute episodes

Greg, his frog, her Beatrice and his short referee riding a giant duck on the garden wall.

Because he made his debut on Cartoon Network, few people have made the brightness On the garden wall. Although he has developed a cult after having marked, the mini-series of 10 episodes is still underestimated today. In this lively adventure, the Wirt and Greg brothers find themselves lost in a forest called the unknown. As they try to go home, they meet many bizarre occurrences.


10 most underestimated animated shows of the 2000s, classified

The 2000s generated several successful animated programs that have been loved by many fans, although some sidelines deserve more recognition.

Accompanying them on Wirt and Greg’s Quest Home is a Bluebird named Beatrice, their pet frog and an old lumberjack. On the garden wall is a very rhythmic fantastic expedition with dazzling 2D animation and surprising existentialism. Due to the strange forest framework, viewers will be as stunned as the brothers by what is happening. With a solid voice and themes in motion, the show remains beloved but quite underestimated over the years. In the current era where animation deserves to be taken more seriously, On the garden wall is an excellent reminder of how the medium and the fantastic genre can connect with all ages.


Hazbin Hotel is a musical animated in hell

Which offers moments that are both wonderful and devastating

Charlie de Hazbin Hotel holds a narrowed head.

The original story of Hazbin Hotel is unique. Some of the beloved characters of the series appeared in the first webcomics, which the designer Vivienne Medrano created at school. Later, Medrano published a pilot episode on Youtube, and although the series will have even meaningless without it, it serves an excellent prologue. Part of the challenge that the spectacle is faced with is that it is not for the less heart.

While the music and the style of Hazbin Hotel Are cheerful and colorful, themes can often become incredibly dark. With representations of abuse, dependence and even cannibalism, viewers should know what they are used for. But for those who manage through hard themes, the show is not only rewarding but also full of hope. With a diversified distribution of characters from all walks of life (or, in this case, death), the program raises one of the most complicated questions of all – what does it mean to be a good person? With a casting that includes the best Broadway actors, the songs are as spiritual as they are emotional and fun, and the show is a success.

Hazbin Hotel TV show poster

Hazbin Hotel

Release date

January 19, 2024


Vivienne Medrano

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Pushing the Marguerites is the show that everyone is missing

He finds sweetness and color even in situations of life and death

The casting of Marguerite thrust by a court tree swing before
Image via NBC

There was a good part of the well -received programs that are unjustly canceled before going further. One of the first who would come to mind is Maze. Lee Pace embodies Ned, a tart-fabricant with the extraordinary gift of restoring life to the dead with a single touch. His gift has a cost, because another touch means that they will die again, and if he does not touch them, someone else will die instead. Complications arise when Ned resuscitates his childhood darling, Chuck and intends to keep her alive.

NED also uses his capacity to help an investigator to resolve murders by asking the deceased who killed them. Maze does an incredible job with his discussions on life and death. To be correlated with the atmosphere of beauty and sorrow, Maze Has an attractive visual style as a treat for viewers in each episode. The characters all have adorable personalities, with the sweetness-bitter romance of Ned and Chuck occupying the front of the stage. He seems to recall a rather bizarre but fanciful fairy tale. Even if Maze Has a short life, the people who are faithful there are grateful for its existence.


Lovecraft Country is just as terrifying and deeply thematic

Horror, racism and horror of racism

Jonathan Majors and Jurnee Smollett in the country of Lovecraft

Another fantastic series that has been unfairly chopped, Country of LovecraftHad many relevant themes and fantastic horror throughout his first and unique season. The show takes place in America in the 1950s, at a time when segregation was still strongly important in the country. He follows Atticus “TIC” Freeman, an African-American young who travels across the country to search for his disappeared father with his friend Letitia “Leti” Lewis trailer.

The road trip of ICT and Leti is anything but ordinary, because they meet two types of terrors: severe racism and unthinkable monsters inspired by HP Lovecraft works. Country of Lovecraft is a special fantastic series that could have continued longer. He has a deep message on how humans and monsters are terrifying. In the space of ten episodes, the horror elements of the source material are cinematographic ways. Monsters, like Cthulu and Shoggoth, are horrible to testify. The inclusion of racial comments also adds a beneficial layer to the show.


Country of Lovecraft

Release date

2020 – 2020-00



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There is nothing on television like Mrs. Davis

This quest for the Holy Grail is even stranger than Monty Python

Even according to the standards of “bizarre”, MRS. Davis is in a completely different league. The show has violent nuns, Jesus, capitalism, AI and the Falafel. Although the premise is a quest for the Holy Grail, each episode means that viewers wonder what they have seen or the motivations of the character. From the first scenes, it is clear – no one has any idea what is really going on, and what may seem something else, and that could take some episodes to understand it. This mystery may have been the reason why the show was so underestimated and why many viewers gave it up early, but there is a reason why critics loved it.


20 Best TV shows on artificial intelligence

While artificial intelligence (AI) has become a relevant subject, programs like Westworld and Black Mirror have presented its dangers and possibilities.

In a world dominated by an AI – a bit like Person of interest – Known as Ms. Davis, Sister Simone is still disconnected. She has an ox with Mrs. Davis, and only the chance to close it for good growth finally the sister to speak to Mrs. Davis. The AI ​​sends Simone to a quest to find the Holy Grail for unknown reasons. Because the spectacle takes place in the modern world, the intersection of faith and technology manifests itself in the strangest way, and although Simone can be a nun, it has no patience for the mangances of AI. The series makes you guess completely fresh that television fans have not seen for a long time.

Ms. Davis Show temporary poster

MRS. Davis

Release date

2023 – 2022


Tara Hernandez, Damon Lindelof, Alberto Roldan