Home Cinema 10 times Spider-Man has won the powers of another hero

10 times Spider-Man has won the powers of another hero

10 times Spider-Man has won the powers of another hero

This radioactive spider gave Peter Parker Spider-Powers, but The Amazing Spider-Man has won the powers of other heroes several times. Usually, when history requests it, Spider-Man will gain a costume, a cape or an additional magic capacity offered by Iron Man, Venom or Doctor Strange.

Spider-Man’s current readers can see this in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 6) After Doctor Doom upgraded Spider-Man with a mystical armor inspired by Doom to help him face Cyttorak’s scions. These additional powers and capacities have made the head web even cool, fans wishing to keep some of these upgrades permanently.


10 spider-man variants cooler than the original

While Peter Parker is the classic Spider-Man in all directions, the fans have encountered several variants which are a little cooler than the beloved “library rat”.


Spider-Man joins Iron Man in the civil war

Iron spider

The lines were traced in the first of Marvel Civil war Comic strip event, and the heroes were forced to choose a team: Iron Man’s or Captain America’s. Spider-Man initially chose to team up with Tony Stark and received a new brilliant costume for this. Modeled after Iron Man armor, iron spider armor increased the natural capabilities of Spider-Man and also gave it additional mechanical spider members.


Civil war


Mark Millar, Steve McNiven, Dexter Vines & Morry Hollowll

Spider-Man looked good in red and gold and even used this armor to help him fight Iron Man when he finally decided to change for the team of Captain America. Although it mainly improved his own capacities, he had access to part of Iron Man’s repulse technology that helped him slip and gave him additional offensive skills.


Spider-Man, spirit of revenge

Incredible spider

Spider-man with a fiery skull like Ghost Spider in Marvel Comics
Image via Marvel Comics

The Amazing Spider was originally an alternative version of Spider-Man from another universe. Amazing Spider has never lost its uncle Ben and created a company called Parker Technologies. Unfortunately, the ability to siphon the powers of others went to Spider-Man’s head.


Incredible Hulks Annual # 1


John Layman, in Barrionuevo, Mark Pennington and Fabio d’Auria

To save his uncle Ben, the incredible spider sacrificed himself, overwhelming his mind in hell. During his stay, this Peter Parker merged with Spirits of the Damned and returned to a white suit with a visible skull wrapped in blue flames, corresponding to the appearance of the ghost rider. This version of “Ghost-Pider” is also available in the Marvel Spider-Man game.


10 comics that you should read if you miss the original Ultimate Spider-Man

The original Spider-Man original reinvented an unhappy young Peter Parker before presenting Miles Morales, and the fans they miss have other options.


Miles Morales becomes the new spider-man

Ultimate Spider-Man

Miles Morales offers its explosion of venom on the coverage of Miles Morals by Marvel Comics: Spider-Man (vol. 2) # 1.
Image via Marvel Comics

After Peter Parker of the ultimate universe died by fighting the Green Goblin, the young moral miles intensified to fill his shoes as a new man Spider Ultimate. Miles all had the same powers as Peter, with certain electricity and camouflage capacities added.


Ultimate fallout # 4


Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli

In this universe, Miles won Peter’s powers, continuing the heritage of Spider-Man, which Spider-Man Earth-616 congratulates Miles for having done, giving him his blessing. Miles Morales would end up residing on the Prime of Marvel, frequently teaming up with The Amazing Spider-Man.


You don’t like Spider-Man when he’s angry


Immortal Hulk's Spider-Hulk: Great Power One-Shot
Image via Marvel Comics

In the Immortal Hulk: great power One-Shot, Loki launched a spell on Bruce Banner, temporarily removing the Hulk from his body and transferring it to Spider-Man. The result is exactly what readers would expect: an outgoing spider-man.


Immortal Hulk: great power


Tom Taylor, Jorge Molina, Adriano Di Benedetto, Roberto Poggi and David Curiel

While seeing Spider -Man Hulk Out was cool – with a Spider -Man man with green skin swing around New York – the problem was incredibly well written and focused on the characters, with Banner Racing to recover the Hulk, and the Hulk actually sharing a sincere moment of recognition with Peter Parker at the end.


Cosmic Spider-Man used shared power

Eigm force

In the Amazing Spider-Man The comic strip title, Peter Parker of Earth-616, briefly obtained the Enigma force, granting him the powers of all those who missed him, such as cosmic view and the ability to manipulate reality. Spider-Man has become the new captain universe but abandoned this powers.


“Spider-Ver” Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 3) # 9


Dan Castle, Olivier Coipel and Justin Ponsor

However, he preserved them on Earth-13. The Cosmic Spider-Man variant made its debut Spider In 2014 and was easily the most powerful Spider-Man of all time, exercising a cosmic power that rivaled with Silver Surfer. Cosmic Spider-Man was fundamentally a god.


10 things we want to see in Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Ver

While the Spider-Verse trilogy is preparing to conclude, fans are impatient to see what Beyond the Spider-Verse will offer.


Insomniac’s spider-man vs. symbiotes


Spider-Man 2 A Anti-Venom Peter Parker and Miles chatting on a rooftop
Image via insomniac games

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 had an incredibly packaged third act – Spider-Man: Web of Shadows In just a few hours. While Symbiotes ravaged the streets of New York, Spider-Man has received an upgrade of negative mister, modifying Symbiote of Spider-Man and transforming it into a version of anti-VENOM.


Marvel’s Spider-Man 2


Insomniac games

The Flash Thompson agent, anti-vend, could harm and burn other symbiotes, used with a large effect when fighting red goblin Amazing Spider-Man # 800, and the combination of anti-VENOM video games from Peter gave it the same capacities, allowing players to do more damage to symbiotes and venom itself.


Doctor Strange teaches the magic of Spider-Man


Spider man symbiote alien reality use of a msytic shield
Image via Marvel Comics

THE Symbiote Spider-Man The mini -series brought the readers back to a time when Peter Parker wore the real symbiote – long costume before the beginnings of Venom. In his series in a row, Spider-Man symbiote: Alien RealitySpider-Man and Doctor Strange combine to defeat the Hobgoblin, which has acquired its own magical powers.


Spider-Man symbiote: Alien Reality


Peter David, Greg Land, Jay Belief & Frank d’Armata

To fight this improved hobgoblin, Strange agreed to teach Spider-Man spells. When Spider-Man later fought Doctor Octopus, he showed his new defensive spells, such as the Séaphim shield and the images of Ikonn, which created false duplicates.


10 Generic villains of Spider-Man who desperately need a modern makeover

Some enemies of Spider-Man are far from the level of Goblin Green or Doc, but some adjustments can give these bad guys much more potential.


Miles moral like Captain America, Thor and more

Multi Moral Morals

And if ... Miles Morales # 4 Header with miles like Thor
Image via Marvel Comics

Miles Morales has become the spider star, thanks to her star roles in both Spider animated films and comic events like Spider-Beged. Miles Morales was the perfect choice for a new What if …? Comic exploration Spider-Man’s wildest variants.


What if …? Moral miles


Cody Ziglar, Walden Wong, Victor Olazaba,

In this five-number mini-series, readers have encountered some alternative versions of Miles Morales. He has become versions of Thor, The Hulk, Captain America and Wolverine – – Combining the aspects of the character of Miles with the powers of these heroes.


Spider-Man’s clone can see the future as Madame Web


Kaine as illustrated in the story of Spider-Man is "Clone saga".
Image via Marvel Comics

Kaine made his debut in the 90s clone saga as a brutal and disfigured version of Peter Parker. Kaine originally hunted Ben Reilly, seeing him as a threat to the real Spider-Man. Over the years, Kaine has transformed into one of the greatest allies of Peter – with a version of Spider -sense much larger than that of Peter.


Spider-Man Web # 119


Terry Kavanagh and Steven Butler

The sense of Kaine’s spiders was so powerful and powerful that it did not simply become aware of the incoming threats. He could see the future. These visions have done wonders about his already fractured mind. However, the capacity was similar to Madame Web’s ability to see the future – something shared between the two web warriors at some point.


15 villains of Spider-Man most hated in comics, classified

While some of Spider-Man’s enemies have increased as popular as over the years, a few bad guys have become hated by certain fans.


Doctor Doom gave Spider-Man his mystical arcanic armor


Doctor Doom has become the most recent sorcerer in Marvel. Things were pretty bad when Doom stole the cosmic powers of Beyonder … twice. Now, “One World Under Doom” marks an era in the comic strips of Marvel which are excited, putting Doom under the spotlight. Doom’s new position even affected Spider-Man.


“The 8 dead of Spider-Man” Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 6)



Doom instructed Peter Parker for challenging Cyttorak Le Destroyer’s scions. However, he did not leave Spider-Man completely defenseless against this cosmic threat, equivalent to the hero of friendly neighborhood in a new silver and red armor inspired by Doom which also gives Spider-Man mystical straps and magic bonuses, just the sorcerer supreme himself.


The Amazing Spider-Man

Amazing Fantasy # 15 Shangling, Marvel Spider-Man won his own series with The Amazing Spider-Man from 1963! For decades, fans are impatiently awaiting the next issue of the Web-Slinger Premier series to read the latest adventures of their favorite superhero!

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Steve Ditko
