10 Strongest Super Dragon Ball Characters Who Can Beat Majin Duu

Majin Duu screams after being created by Arinsu and Marba in Dragon Ball DAIMA

Goku and company’s perilous journey to the Demon Realm has been narratively rewarding, but some of the most interesting details emerge from Dragon Ball ALWAYS imply the show’s courage to remix established traditions and redefine its status quo. The heroes have their work cut out for them when it comes to fighting the Tamagami Guardians. However, Dr. Arinsu has created even greater obstacles through his efforts to support himself through Majin’s evil minions who can procure the Dragon Balls for him. With the help of the Great Witch Marba, Dr. Arinsu used powerful magic and Majin Buu’s genetic material to create Majin Kuu – and now – Majin Duu.

Majin Kuu was obviously a disappointment who failed against Tamagami Number One, but Majin Duu is a stronger, more resourceful fighter who could make Dr. Arinsu’s devious Dragon Ball wishes come true. Dragon Ball DAIMA did not reveal the exact power levels of the Tamagamis or Majin Duu. It is possible to make some informed deductions here. Tamagami number three – the weakest of the trio – was still too strong for Dabura, whose power was comparable to that of Perfect Cell. This means that Tamagami Number One’s strength is probably close to Majin Buu’s Innocent Buu form. There are many variables to consider here and there is more to strength than just physical power. This all raises interesting questions about how Majin Duu would fare against some of the Dragon Ball Superthe strongest characters.


Table of Contents

10 Strongest Dragon Ball Super Characters Majin Duu Can Beat, Ranked

As powerful as the fighters in Dragon Ball Super are, Majin Duu can defeat many of them.


Hit is a legendary assassin with incredible power

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Episode 32, “The Matches Begin!” We are all on our way to the “unnamed planet!” » » ; Debut in the manga: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 7, “Warriors of Universe 6”

Dragon Ball Super features incredibly powerful players from Universe 6 – Universe 7’s sister kingdom – and Hit is among their best. Goku and Vegeta confidently take down other resilient Universe 6 warriors like Auta Magetta, Botamo, and Frost, but Hit quickly turns the narrative on its head due to his strength, speed, and time-jumping technique. Hit is a revered mercenary who has taken down powerful fighters across the universe, and it is likely that Majin Duu will become another quick casualty. Hit’s Time-Skip ability skips fractions of a second, destabilizing his target and giving him the advantage. This is the type of totemic, reality-altering skill that audiences would expect to see in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure rather than Dragon Ball.

Hit’s skills are so intense that he is able to defeat Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta before he even knows what hit him. Goku must lower himself to a volatile combination of Super Saiyan Blue and Kaio-Ken in order to track the Universe 6 assassin. Majin Duu fights with a chaotic and unpredictable attack style, and he additionally benefits from ‘a resilient body that can also regenerate and heal from damage, much like Majin Buu. However, Hit’s speed is on a whole other level and the power of his Time-Skip tactics would surely overwhelm Duu. Hit would not be amused by Duu’s idiotic shenanigans and would be even more motivated to eliminate his opponent. Hit’s Vital Point attack and multiple assassination techniques – like Flash Fist Crush, Time Release and Time Prison – would destroy Majin Duu so completely that regeneration would be impossible.


Kefla is a powerful fusion warrior from Universe 6

Anime debut: Dragon Ball Super, episode 114, “Bloody! The explosive birth of a new super warrior! » ; Manga debut: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 38, “Universe 6’s Last Resort”

Kefla casts Ray Burst in Tournament of Power in Dragon Ball Super.

Both Kale and Caulifla are Universe 6’s strongest fighters, but their strength reaches incredible heights when they take advantage of the Potara Earrings and merge with Kefla. Merging is a risky proposition during the Tournament of Power because eliminating one individual means multiple fighters are out of the running. This is one of the main reasons why Universe 7 chose not to include Goten and Trunks in the proceedings. Despite these risks, Kefla becomes one of the most powerful fighters in the Tournament of Power and it’s a gamble that pays off.

Super Saiyan 2 Kefla is powerful enough to counter Goku’s most powerful techniques and even temporarily resists his new Ultra Instinct transformation. Majin Duu is fast, unpredictable, and has impressive mimicry skills, but not on this scale. Majin Duu could have minor success replicating Kefla’s cannonball or energy blast. However, his Gigantic Blast and Ray Blast are simply too totemic to properly imitate. Majin Duu’s Angry Shout would also make Kefla laugh. She could even respond with a powerful cry which would prove to her opponent Majin that she will not allow herself to be pushed around.


Will Dragon Ball DAIMA connect Saiyans to the Demon Realm?

A theory for Dragon Ball DAIMA Dragon Ball DAIMA could bring even more exciting lore to the Saiyan race, connecting the species to the Demon Realm.


Jiren is the strongest fighter in the Tournament of Power

Anime debut: Dragon Ball Super, episode 85, “Universes spring into action – each with their own motivations”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 30, “The Man Called Jiren”

Jiren releases a massive energy blast during the Tournament of Power in Dragon Ball Super.

Dragon Ball SuperThe Tournament of Power is rich in powerful and compelling competitors. However, it doesn’t take long for Universe 11’s Jiren to emerge as the biggest obstacle to Universe 7’s victory. Jiren is a stoic character who spends much of the tournament meditating, but he possesses incredible strength when he needs to turn up the pressure. Jiren’s power is so extreme that it triggers Goku’s inaugural Ultra Instinct transformation. It takes a coordinated attack from Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, and Android 17 to finally take down Jiren, all of whom could individually give Majin Duu pause.

Jiren’s power becomes even more impressive when he transitions to his Full Power and Super Full Power states. Although, truth be told, his relaxed state would probably be more than enough to finish off Majin Duu. Oddly enough, Jiren’s tragic story involves an attack by a demon, and he harbors extreme resentment towards these monsters. Duu’s Majin status would trigger this suppressed rage and bring out the worst in Jiren. Not only would Jiren completely dominate Majin Duu, but he would truly enjoy the experience and use it as an opportunity to gain justice for his fallen family and his mentor.


Piccolo’s Orange Upgrade Makes Him As Powerful As A God

Anime debut: Dragon Ball, episode 123, “Lost and Found”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball, Chapter 161, “Son Goku’s Fist”

Orange Piccolo prepares his fist in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

Piccolo is an extremely powerful Dragon Ball character who takes full advantage of his unique Namekian abilities, whether it’s regeneration, malleability, or his Super Giant-Form Great Namekian growth technique. Piccolo, while never weak, experiences some ambivalence throughout Dragon Ball Super, where he is unable to enhance his powers to the same degree as his Saiyan peers, who have infinite transformations. Piccolo experiences a major breakthrough in Dragon Ball Super: Super Heroes — with the help of Shenron – when he transforms into Orange Piccolo.

Orange Piccolo’s power has not been tested against Goku and Vegeta, but he is one of the few characters who can do damage against Cell Max. Orange Piccolo is sure to play a major role in each of the Dragon Ball Superin the story arcs to come, and he finally possesses a power as deadly as GreatDivine transformations. Piccolo is along for the ride Dragon Ball DAIMA, and it is even possible that he will face Majin Duu. Piccolo’s version of ALWAYS He is unlikely to beat Majin Duu. Orange Piccolo is a very different story, and he would be able to prove that Namekians can be superior to Majin under the right circumstances.


Legendary Super Saiyan Broly can put Majin Duu to shame

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Super Movie 1, “Broly”; Manga debut: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 42, “End and aftermath of the battle”

Broly was a fan favorite Dragon Ball Z villain of the film before he was properly incorporated into Dragon Ball Super‘s hot and made stronger than ever. Broly is initially introduced as a loose cannon, but his wrathful form and legendary Super Saiyan transformations are more than enough to beat Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza to within inches of their lives. Majin Duu’s power is nowhere near as strong. The fact that a confrontation between Majin Duu and Goku is inevitable in ALWAYS means his power must be somewhere around the strength of Super Saiyan 3. Broly’s power is still greater than the divine ki of the Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue transformations, which stacks the deck incredibly against Duu.

The unpredictable attacks and long-lasting energy blasts won’t even slow down Broly once he really lets loose. Goku and Vegeta can only defeat Broly after using the Metamoran fusion dance to become Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta. Majin Duu’s fusion with Majin Kuu, or any of Dr. Arinsu’s creations, for that matter, would still be no match for Broly’s legendary Super Saiyan strength. All the Join Bugs in the world wouldn’t be enough to save Majin Duu in this terrible duel.


10 Strongest Dragon Ball Z Characters Majin Duu Can Beat, Ranked

A demon of few words but great power, Majin Duu has the strength to defeat most characters in Dragon Ball Z.


Ultra Ego Vegeta channels the strength of the God of Destruction

Anime debut: Dragon Ball Z, episode 5, “Gohan’s Rage”; Debut in the manga: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 10 (Dragon Ball Chapter 204), “The Needs of the Many”

Ultra Ego Vegeta creates a giant Beerus Ball in the Dragon Ball Super manga.

Vegeta’s competitive rivalry with Goku has always been one of Dragon BallThe most entertaining dynamic of. This chemistry continues in Dragon Ball DAIMA, where Vegeta is determined to defeat more powerful Tamagamis than Goku and prove that he is just as powerful as his fellow Saiyan. Vegeta experiences an eye-opening revelation in Dragon Ball Super when he forges his own path instead of perpetually following Goku’s milestones. Ultra Instinct’s zen nature doesn’t suit Vegeta’s more reactionary and aggressive fighting style, but he instead develops an original transformation – Ultra Ego – that thrives on pain and anger.

Ultra Ego Vegeta is the culmination of the Saiyan God of Destruction’s training under Beerus, and he is able to actively become stronger as he racks up greater damage. This is a perfect transformation for an opponent like Majin Duu, who is probably too obtuse to understand its mechanics. Duu’s rapid strikes make Vegeta increasingly powerful before annihilating him with a Final Flash, a Sphere of Destruction, or even a creative application of his Forced Spirit Fission. Vegeta’s previous death against Majin Buu also means that he is likely eager to prove himself against another Majin threat so that he can make up for his past failure.


Goku Ultra Instinct grants him the power of angels

Anime debut: Dragon Ball, episode 1, “The Secret of the Dragon Balls”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Chapter 1, “Bloomers and the Monkey King”

True Ultra Instinct Goku dodging Gas's attacks in the Dragon Ball Super manga.

Goku is Dragon Ballis the ultimate hero, and he is always able to rise to the occasion and defeat the evil forces that challenge him, even when the odds are against him. Goku defeats Kid Buu in Dragon Ball Z with a Super Spirit Bomb, which is one of his greatest achievements. This turns out to be just the tip of the iceberg compared to his Dragon Ball Super victories, which push him to the heights of Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue and beyond. A confrontation between Goku and Majin Duu in Dragon Ball DAIMA is likely, especially if Duu succeeds against Tamagami Number One and wins a Dragon Ball. Goku only has Super Saiyan 3 strength at this point in the franchise, but he is still likely to overwhelm Majin Duu in combat.

Goku’s strength is reduced due to his transformation into a child, so Goku may have to engage in a Join Bug and merge with Vegeta in order to overcome this threat. A fusion between Goku and Vegeta Mini is still considerably weaker than Goku’s God fusion. Dragon Ball Super transformations. Super Saiyan Blue would be enough against Majin Duu, meaning Perfected Ultra Instinct and its giant energy avatar abilities would truly crush Majin Duu into oblivion. Goku has so many versatile techniques at his disposal between his Instant Transmission, Solar Flare, and Spirit Bomb that he could even defeat Majin Duu without needing to use any transformations. His skills are simply advanced.


Gohan Beast finally makes him the ultimate hero

Anime debut: Dragon Ball Z, episode 1, “The New Threat”; Manga debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 2 (Dragon Ball Chapter 196), “Kakarrot”

Gohan Beast uses a special beam cannon against Cell Max in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

Dragon Ball teased Gohan’s incredible potential from his childhood days in the original Dragon Ball Z. It takes a long time for Gohan to properly realize his destiny, but it’s extremely rewarding to see him become Super Saiyan 2, achieve the ultimate upgrade, and then ascend to Gohan Beast in Dragon Ball Super: Super Heroes. It took a while, but Gohan is now Dragon Ball Superthe strongest hero and the face of the future of the franchise. This celebration is long overdue, especially since it is neglected and neglected by most. Dragon Ball Super, and he didn’t even appear in Dragon Ball DAIMA.

Gohan, since the beginning of Dragon Ball Super, likely would have struggled against Majin Duu and would have been too untrained to make an impact against the unpredictable villain. Gohan Beast is a different story and a single special beam cannon will be enough to take out Dr. Arinsu’s best fighter once and for all. Ultimate Gohan’s power was comparable to Super Buu at the time Dragon Ball Zso even this version of the character would have worked well against Majin Duu. Gohan Beast’s palpable rage would quickly overshadow Duu’s wacky fighting style, erratic explosions, and rapid energy attacks.


Dragon Ball DAIMA: Who is Dr. Arinsu?

Dragon Ball DAIMA introduces many great new characters, including a Makaioshin named Dr. Arinsu who may be the secret evil mastermind of the series.


Frieza is the most powerful warrior in Universe 7 after his dark transformation

Anime debut: Dragon Ball Z, episode 44, “Brood Of Evil”; Manga debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 53 (Dragon Ball Chapter 247), “Planet Namek, Cold And Dark”

Black Frieza flies into Goku and Vegeta in the Dragon Ball Super manga.

Frieza’s father, King Cold, explicitly warned Frieza to watch out for Majin Buu and not cross paths with this evil force of nature. Granted, Majin Duu isn’t the same as Majin Buu, but there was still a time when any Majin monster would have overpowered Frieza and been too much for the galactic tyrant to handle. Frieza experienced one of Dragon BallThe most extreme outbursts of after his unexpected rebirth of Dragon Ball. Frieza gains unprecedented power when he unlocks his golden form, fights valiantly for Universe 7 in the Tournament of Power, then stumbles upon his Black Frieza transformation after spending the equivalent of a decade training in a pocket dimension dilated in time.

Black Frieza’s power seems to be one of the most extreme in the entire shonen genre. He is able to defeat Heeter Force’s gas with a single punch and dominates Ultra Instinct Goku and Ultra Ego Vegeta at the same time. Golden Frieza would be more than enough to defeat Majin Duu, but Black Frieza would burn his atoms into nothingness. Black Frieza’s increased power is emblematic of the increasingly incredulous nature of the franchise and the ridiculousness of the characters’ powers. Frieza would take far too much pleasure in humiliating a prolific Majin figure and threatening to turn the Demon Realm into his latest acquisition.


The God of Destruction Beerus wouldn’t even flinch against Majin Duu

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Episode 1, “A Peacetime Reward Who Gets the 100,000,000 Zeni?!” ; Manga debut: Dragon Ball SD, bonus chapter 1, “Battle Of Gods SD”

Lord Beerus, Universe 7’s God of Destruction, ushers in a whole new level of power and audiences still haven’t seen the full extent of Beerus’ strength. Beerus’ power is still far greater than Goku’s and his reliable Hakai technique can casually erase an individual from existence. It’s not hard to imagine Beerus showing up in the Demon Realm and simply wiping out Majin Duu before the idiot threat can fight back. Beerus’ Hakai technique could presumably take out any figure in the Demon Realm with ease. The inhabitants of the dimension would probably be quick to congratulate Beerus as the new Supreme Demon King.

Majin Duu’s best would still be useless against Beerus, even if he took his Hakai technique off the table. Beerus’ Sphere of Destruction – also known as the Beerus Ball – could wipe out the First Demon World, its Tamagami, and Majin Duu in a single hit. It goes without saying that Beerus – or any other Dragon Ball Super God, Angel or Omni-King – is significantly stronger than this Majin creation. Dragon Ball DAIMA is defined before Dragon Ball Superin which Goku seriously struggles against Beerus and barely survives. Goku will likely defeat Duu and Tamagami Number One in ALWAYSwhich just helps reflect how much stronger Goku and company become in the following anime.