Dragon Ball Z has a deeper storytelling and combat style that introduces some of the franchise’s most beloved staples, like Super Saiyan transformations, fusions, and multiple sets of Dragon Balls. Dragon Ball DAIMAwhich takes place between the events of Dragon Ball Z And Dragon Ball Supertells an exciting new story that turns heroes into children and sends them to the mysterious demon realm in order to solve this mess. Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and their new friends Majin – Glorio and Panzy – fearlessly continue their mission to collect the Dragon Balls from the Demon Realm.
Unfortunately, there is an intimidating opposition that also has its eyes on the Dragon Balls. Dr. Arinsu, a powerful Majin scientist, creates Majin Duu to help secure these treasures and become the Supreme Demon King. Majin Duu is significantly stronger than Majin Kuu, leading to a phenomenal fight between Dr. Arinsu’s malevolent servant and Tamagami Number One. Majin Duu’s exact strength is still open to interpretation, but previous evidence suggests that he is somewhere on the level of Innocent Buu. Majin Duu is already making waves Dragon Ball DAIMAbut it is interesting to consider how this new threat would resist some of the Dragon Ball Zthe strongest warriors.

Piccolo’s unique Namekian powers help him stay in the game
Anime debut: Dragon Ball, episode 123, “Lost and Found”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball, Chapter 161, “Son Goku’s Fist”
Piccolo, as a Namekian, is one of Dragon Ball ZThe most valuable characters of, and he has unique skills that any other character would kill for. Piccolo’s Namekian heritage means he can regenerate lost limbs, stretch his body, and even grow to gigantic size with his Super Giant-Form Great Namekian technique. His special beam cannon and Hellzone grenade are deadly attacks that usually overwhelm his opponents. He cannot transform into higher levels of strength, like the Saiyans, but he has received some substantial power boosts from his fusions with Nail and Kami. Unfortunately, the writing is on the wall for Piccolo during Dragon Ball ZThis is the conclusion of Buu Saga. He’s not as essential to the fight and the Saiyans really took over the narrative. Piccolo isn’t strong enough to take down even Buu’s weakest form, so Majin Duu is almost certainly stronger than him.
It would be a difficult fight that would push Piccolo to his limits and require creative strategy. That being said, it is still possible for Piccolo to emerge victorious here. One of Piccolo’s biggest advantages against Majin Duu is that he has much more combat experience than his opponent Majin. Majin Duu continues to make sense of his power, while Piccolo masters his skills. A long, drawn out fight would slowly give Majin Duu the advantage. He would potentially be able to mimic some of Piccolo’s energy attacks and gradually become accustomed to his abilities. That being said, an approach where Piccolo goes all out from the start and doesn’t give Duu the chance to study him would be the smartest strategy for success. Piccolo could come out with his Hellzone grenade, then restrain Duu with his demonic hand, only to finish off his immobile target with the special beam cannon.
Cell has extreme strength combined with the DNA of the strongest warriors
Anime debut: Dragon Ball Z, episode 141, “Reunion”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 166 (Dragon Ball Chapter 360), “Kami-Sama and the Demon King Are One”
Dragon Ball DAIMA clearly shows that the three Tamagami are quite powerful and their strength prevented the use of the Demon Realm Dragon Balls. Dabura couldn’t even defeat Tamagami number three, the weakest of the lot, and Dabura’s strength was said to be around that of Perfect Cell. Clever Dragon Ball fans might connect some dots and rightly assume that Majin Duu is much stronger than Cell as he was shown to be strong enough to take on Tamagami Number One. In a battle of brute force alone, Majin Duu eliminates Cell. However, this is another encounter where Cell – especially in his Super Perfect form – could narrowly secure success with the right strategy.
Dabura may be as strong as Cell, but Cell has the added benefit of extreme regenerative powers. The cell can even self-destruct and reconstitute itself from a single molecule. Majin Duu has powerful energy attacks, but they mean a lot less if Cell can just continually repair his body. Cell’s unique DNA also means he has other advantageous techniques, like Kamehameha, Special Beam Cannon, Solar Flare, and even Instant Transmission. Instant Transmission would be particularly beneficial against Majin Duu and pairing this evasion technique with the right offensive maneuver could guarantee Majin Duu’s destruction. If Cell becomes truly desperate, he could simply recreate his victory against Goku by self-destructing against Majin Duu, knowing that he would be able to recover from the gamble.

10 Strongest Dragon Ball Z Characters Majin Duu Can Beat, Ranked
A demon of few words but great power, Majin Duu has the strength to defeat most characters in Dragon Ball Z.
Gotenks is a fierce fused fighter who reaches Super Saiyan 3 strength
Anime debut: Dragon Ball Z, episode 251, “Gotenks is Born”; Manga debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 286 (Dragon Ball Chapter 480), “The fusion succeeds…?!”
Goten and Trunks are incredibly powerful fighters as individuals, but their strength is enhanced remarkably during their Metamoran fusion dance union with Gotenks. Gotenks is the only other character, besides Goku, who can canonically ascend to Super Saiyan 3 status. Gotenks also has what is by far the most absurd attack arsenal of all. Dragon Ball Z character through wacky techniques like Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, Continu Die Die Missile, and more. In fact, Gotenks’ unpredictable and absurd nature is quite similar to Majin Duu’s behavior and the two would make entertaining adversaries.
Gotenks could dish out anything Duu throws at him, plus he benefits from an even bigger ego. It’s easy to imagine Gotenks humiliating Majin Duu with an Ultra Duu Duu volleyball that takes advantage of the villain’s malleable and bouncy nature. Majin Duu would possess the advantage of the Demon Realm. However, a versatile maneuver like the Ghost Kamikaze attack could fill the arena with quick, sensitive explosives that would help finish off Duu. Gotenks wasn’t successful against Buu, but he probably learned from the experience. Gotenks should be able to win, as long as Duu can’t absorb individuals or turn them into candy.
Super Buu is the strongest form of the villain and a truly evil enemy
Anime debut: Dragon Ball Z, episode 255, “Buu vs. Buu”; Manga debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 291 (Dragon Ball Chapter 485), “Two boos?!”
Dr. Arinsu explicitly wishes to create a powerful servant in Buu’s image in Dragon Ball DAIMA. Majin Kuu and Majin Duu even explicitly incorporate some of Buu’s genetic material, in addition to the Saibamen seeds. Dr. Arinsu strives to improve Buu’s base model and has faith in the magical abilities of the Great Witch Marba. This shows that Duu, under ideal circumstances, would be superior to Buu. This might be true regarding Majin Buu’s initial form, Innocent Buu, but he becomes more and more powerful as he absorbs other individuals. Oddly enough, Evil Buu’s consumption of Innocent Buu gives birth to Super Buu, who is considered the villain’s strongest form. Super Buu’s abilities are further enhanced after consuming Gotenks, Piccolo, and Gohan, giving him all of their abilities.
These upgraded versions of Super Buu could probably defeat Dr. Arinsu’s creation. Majin Duu’s inexperience and overly playful nature compared to Super Buu’s aggressiveness will play a major factor here. Super Buu also exhibits abilities significantly more powerful than anything Majin Duu has used thus far. Super Buu’s Human Extinction Attack, for example, could do the job. He could also just turn Duu into chocolate and eat him if he gets tired of a more conventional fight. Super Buu just has more options at his disposal, especially if he wants to abuse Piccolo and Gotenks’ signature attacks, like the Special Beam Cannon and the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack.
Broly from DBZ is a weapon of brutal destruction
Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z Movie 8, “Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission, Chapter 10, “Amazing! Artificial Human Avatars”
Broly, the legendary Super Saiyan of Universe 7, canonically entered Dragon Ball Super with a more human story that presents him as a tragic and manipulated character. This makes Broly a more complex character, which is better for him in the long run. However, there is still some edge to the original version of him that rose to prominence in Dragon Ball ZIt is Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan And Broly – Second Coming. This Broly is a massive powerhouse that can simultaneously attack multiple Super Saiyans – and Piccolo – at once.
Broly’s introduction is quite early before the Buu Saga, so Majin Duu’s strength is probably even greater. That being said, Broly’s aggression and endless rage give him the advantage here. Majin Duu is silly and unpredictable, but Broly channels a vicious anger that would terrify his opponent from the Demon Realm. Broly would have no patience for Duu’s antics and would likely beat him to a pulp or submit him whenever he messed up or turned to alternative tactics.

10 Strongest Dragon Ball Super Characters Majin Duu Can Beat, Ranked
As powerful as the fighters in Dragon Ball Super are, Majin Duu can defeat many of them.
Ultimate Gohan allows the Saiyan to reach his potential
Anime debut: Dragon Ball Z, episode 1, “The New Threat”; Manga debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 2 (Dragon Ball Chapter 196), “Kakarrot”
It’s not always easy being a fan of Gohan and Dragon Ball DAIMA even seems to have completely ignored the character in favor of other characters. The Buu Saga is a fascinating time for Gohan, from the beginning of the storyline. Dragon Ball ZThe attempt to bring Gohan into the spotlight as the main character of the series after Gou was relegated to a supporting role. Dragon Ball Z ultimately reverses the course of this decision with the conclusion of the Buu Saga. However, there is a series of exciting episodes in which Gohan receives the prestigious Ultimate upgrade from Old Kai, which fully unlocks his potential and puts him at the top of his game.
Ultimate Gohan returns to Earth and faces Super Buu with confidence. For a while, it appears that Ultimate Gohan will be the one to defeat Super Buu, only for a careless mistake to result in Gohan being absorbed. Gohan loses this fight, but his strength isn’t the problem here. Gohan’s strength and martial arts skills seriously regress when Dragon Ball Super begins, and it takes time for Gohan to regain glory. However, Ultimate Gohan is the Saiyan at his strongest in Dragon Ball Z. This hardened fighter has the strength, experience and motivation to defeat Majin Duu.
Janemba is the living embodiment of evil
Anime debut: Dragon Ball Z Movie 12, “Fusion Reborn”; Manga debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission!!!, Chapter 3, “Limit Break”
Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn is one of the most popular feature films in the franchise and much of that is due to its exceptional villain, Janemba. Janemba was born from a malfunction of the Otherworld’s soul cleansing machine, resulting in an infinite number of unpurified souls merging to create one evil individual. He is said to be a living embodiment of evil, which proves too much for Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, and Pikkon to handle. Janemba’s base form is a round monster not unlike Innocent Buu’s physique. This version of Janemba can clone himself and create dimensional rifts that facilitate his attacks.
However, his transformed state – Super Janemba – is particularly intimidating and forces Goku and Vegeta to resort to fusion to be defeated. Super Janemba can phase in and out of reality, while his Dimensional Sword adds even more fuel to the fire. Janemba vs. Majin Duu would likely spark some animosity between the two demons that would result in an unforgettable fight. Super Janemba’s superiority over Super Saiyan 3 Goku shows that he would emerge victorious. Any of Janemba’s cloning and dimensional rifting techniques would likely catch Duu by surprise and be the beginning of the end for him.
Hirudegarn is a Phantom Majin who creates chaos the size of a Kaiju
Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z Movie 13, “Wrath Of The Dragon”; Manga Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mision!!!!, Chapter 2, “Intruder”
Each Dragon Ball Z The film attempts to present a deadly villain even stronger than its predecessor. This puts The dragon’s wrath in a privileged position as a finalist Dragon Ball Z film before Battle of the Gods pushes the franchise into Dragon Ball Super territory. The dragon’s wrathHirudegarn is a massive Phantom Majin monster whose goal is to annihilate everything that is not a Kashvarian in the universe. Hirudegarn is awakened on Earth, leading to the destruction of Satan City and an all-out assault on the bridge.
Hirudegarn has a frustrating design consisting of mist and shadow, so most attacks pass through him. Conventional attacks won’t work on Hirudegarn, so Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Gotenks’ efforts all fail. Goku ends up getting lucky and his Dragon Fist technique powered by Super Saiyan 3 can destroy this monster by literally transforming the Saiyan into a dragon that bursts through the beast. Majin Duu lacks such extreme skills. Not only would he become irritated when his attacks couldn’t connect with Hirudegarn, but he also wasn’t smart enough to understand why.

Dragon Ball DAIMA: Who is Dr. Arinsu?
Dragon Ball DAIMA introduces many great new characters, including a Makaioshin named Dr. Arinsu who may be the secret evil mastermind of the series.
Goku’s Super Saiyan 3 strength gives him the necessary advantage against Majin Duu
Anime debut: Dragon Ball, episode 1, “The Secret of the Dragon Balls”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Chapter 1, “Bloomers and the Monkey King”
Dragon Ball fans are used to Goku being the one to eliminate the ultimate evil, and it’s no surprise that he’s responsible for Kid Buu’s destruction. Dragon Ball Z ends. What’s interesting about this victory is that it isn’t specifically fueled by Goku’s recent transformation into a Super Saiyan 3, but by a Super Spirit seismic bomb that completely destroys Buu where regeneration is impossible . Goku’s ability to survive against Super Buu and Kid Buu gives him a good chance of defeating Majin Duu, who pales in comparison. In fact, it looks like Goku will inevitably defeat Majin Duu in ALWAYSwhich places him at a power disadvantage due to his childlike transformation. If Goku Mini can defeat Majin Duu, then there is no doubt that this peak will be reached. Dragon Ball Z Goku would succeed on this front as well.
A Super Spirit Bomb and creative use of Instant Transmission could be enough to wipe out Majin Duu. However, Goku might even see greater success with his Super Saiyan 3 form due to the Demon Realm’s unique atmosphere. Transformation is incredibly exhausting on Earth, but the unique environment of the Demon Realm may be more accommodating on this front. Otherwise, Super Saiyan 2 Goku spamming his Kamehameha, Solar Flare, and other top-tier attacks would still be enough. Majin Duu is resilient and erratic, but Goku has faced far more complex and dangerous opponents.
Vegito combines the power of Goku and Vegeta into one superior fighter
Anime debut: Dragon Ball Z, episode 268, “Union Of Rivals”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 309 (Dragon Ball Chapter 503), “The Ultimate Combination!!”
Fusion is a popular concept that has been endlessly abused in Dragon Ballbut the idea generated a lot of enthusiasm when it was first introduced in Dragon Ball ZIt’s Buu Saga. Super Buu’s power is so immense that Goku resigns himself to the idea that he will literally have to combine his strength and skills with those of another fighter in order to defeat this threat. After his initial fusion hopes with Gohan and Tien fail, Goku is able to persuade Vegeta to be his fusion partner. Vegito is incredibly powerful, but he is also quite arrogant and actively trolls Super Buu during their fight. He is still able to beat him after he is turned into candy.
Vegito’s performance against Super Buu all but confirms that he would have even more success against the weaker Majin Duu. It’s possible that Duu will eat Majin Kuu and get his own “Super Duu” equivalent, but he is currently the weakest of the fighters. Dragon Ball DAIMA introduced an original form of fusion made with Join Bugs, so ALWAYS could even create its own showdown between a new Goku and Vegeta fusion against Majin Duu. Certainly, Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn also features Goku and Vegeta’s Metamoran fusion dance union, Gogeta. Both fusion variants could defeat Majin Duu, but Potara Earring fusions are widely considered superior to Fusion Dance.