Akira Toriyama Dragon Ball is one of the most legendary Shonen franchises. Its success is due to its fantastic storytelling, its striking and memorable characters and its powerful fights that shake up the world and the audience. There is no doubt that Dragon Ball because a series deserves all its praise. But despite its legendary status, the series has some moments that might never have been included in the series.
Dragon Ball is an old series, which means much of it hasn’t aged well. But more than that, some moments didn’t start off well, some were big enough to leave a bad taste in the audience’s mouth upon first viewing. Many of these moments involve female characters and crude character jokes. Including the scariest of all, it would lock up Master Roshi in seconds.

Roshi Takes Out Power Fighter Tournament With Chilling Intimidation
Dragon Ball Super, Episode 105: “A Valiant Fight! Master Roshi’s blaze of glory!
Roshi spent the entire pre-Tournament of Power preparing his mind and eliminating his lust, a watershed moment that apparently greatly increased his power. Hopefully this also means the show will never introduce audiences to more of these scenes. But a horrific undertone was present during Roshi’s fight with Universe 4’s Caway.
Caway attempts to seduce Roshi, which almost works, but he manages to get past his evil mindset and legitimately fight Caway. That is until he pulled her aside and expressed his anger at being teased. Improve your peak power and reach out with scary quotes like:
“You tried to use seduction on me in this state. You…don’t blame me for what’s happening.”
This causes Caway to run away in fear and eliminate himself. Declaring Roshi will make her undesirable as a wife. There are a lot of scary nuances to this statement that the show didn’t handle well.
Goku offers his friends help from old Kai
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 250: “Exit the Broken Sword”
The Supreme Kais are the divine species of the universe and are among the most sacred beings in the galaxy. Supreme Kai, whose real name was revealed thanks to Dragon Ball DAIMAtakes its position very seriously. Even Kibito Kai takes on his role with pride. This, of course, is with the exception of Elder Kai, who is just as evil as Master Roshi and knowingly and willingly mocks the girls with his spyglass. The idea of an immortal god looking at women in the bathroom is scary enough, but what’s even scarier is when the protagonist, Goku, uses it to help them save the universe.
Old Kai says he knows a technique that could help them defeat Majin Buu, and to obtain this technique, Goku offers some of his friends as a perverse tribute to the old god, who, in the Japanese dub, specifically wants to see them. naked girls. First, Goku asks Gohan to come back to Earth and asks his new girlfriend, Videl, to offer herself. IThis is incredibly creepy since Videl and Gohan are both minors, but even worse, Goku offers Bulma, a married woman, to Old Kai.who accepts the deal.
Chi-Chi’s first outfit is way too revealing
Dragon Ball, Episode 07: “The Ox King on Fire Mountain”
Chi-Chi is a character that the series has not handled well, especially in the English dub, where her overreactions are extreme. His mismanagement began in the first episodes of Dragon Ball. Introduced, she has an immediate affection for Goku, which isn’t the bad part in itself; in many situations, it’s an adorable crush. Her outfit is awful: a blue bikini with a cape and an Ultraman-inspired helmet.
Chi-Chi is also underage in this sceneonly around 11-12, so it’s odd that she wears less clothes than when Bulma wore the Playboy Bunny costume for a decent number of episodes. Luckily, she ditches this outfit for a much more stunning blue Cheongsam outfit that shows off what a mature martial artist she is. You have to wonder why the Ox King let her walk around in that outfit.
Otokosuki flirts with Goten and Trunks
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 290: “Buu’s Reincarnation”
Dragon Ball has yet to have proper queer representation that doesn’t border on stereotypical and dangerous. It is true with Dragon Ballwith General Blue and, even worse, with Otokosuki, a character introduced in the latter parts of the Peaceful World Saga.
In Japanese, Otoko Suki translates to “love of man.”
During the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament, Otokosuki is played for creepy laughs with the homosexual trope. He flirts with Goten and Trunks and even more with Trunks, both of whom are minors. at that time.
Oolong kidnaps young girls to become his wife
Dragon Ball, Episode 04: “Oolong the Terrible”
The introduction of Oolong is rough. This implies he kidnaps a lot of young girls from the small village of Aru. With his powers of shapeshifting, Oolong can scare the villagers into offering up their daughters for their lives. The intention is that Oolong wants these underage girls to be his wife, even though Oolong may be a bit underage himself, it’s not a good thing knowing that he has to resort to kidnapping to get girls.

Dragon Ball: 10 things you didn’t know about Oolong
Long before the Super Saiyans and Namekians were unleashed, the main cast of Dragon Ball was rounded out by none other than Oolong.
Fortunately, the drama is misplaced, as Oolong actively treats the girls. It’s actually a joke on the part of the anime to pose a horrible dilemma, but resolve it in a hilarious way. However, this scene depicts Oolong as a malevolent pervertwhich he is since he continues to act like a pervert towards the female cast like Bulma.
Oolong acts like a creep towards Bulma
Dragon Ball, Episode 06: “Keep an Eye on the Dragon Balls” Warning regarding mention of SA and drug
It’s strangely impressive that Oolong is still an ally. His introduction is concerning and will be addressed later, but when he finally joins the team, the pig is a real criminal to Bulma and Goku. Before giving Goku and Bulma drinks, Oolong put Sleepy Gas, basically sleeping chemicals, into their drinks. This knocks both out while Bulma is stark naked.
In the English dub, Oolong did this to steal the Dragon Balls and some panties from Bulma. A bad enough trait in itself, but one that fits with his obsession with them. But the The Japanese dub gives him a much more nefarious objective: to attack Bulma while she is knocked out.. The only reason he doesn’t make it is accidental interference from Puar and Yamcha, who inadvertently have their own scary moments involving Bulma.
The beginning of launch life with Master Roshi
Dragon Ball, Episode 15: “Beware of Launch”
Launch is a fascinating character who has been forgotten in the modern world Dragon Ball. After saving Launch from the police, Goku and Roshi take her back to Roshi’s house so they can begin her training. The Turtle Master said he wouldn’t train them until they brought a pretty girl.
Roshi then makes the Launch dress out of black lingerie as part of the “Master Roshi training armor”. Even scarier, he asks Goku and Krillin, two underage boys, to do the same and gives them outfits in their sizes. He does this to make Launch feel more comfortable in the outfit, but why does Roshi have children’s lingerie on hold? Launch then lives with Master Roshi, a known pervert who is willing to take advantage of everything he has to find a woman.
Roshi harasses and attacks Android 18
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 239: “Find the Dragon Balls”
During the Buu Saga, Roshi searches for the Dragon Balls in the airship with other Z-Fighters. During the ride, Roshi accidentally falls into Android 18’s chest. At the moment, Android #18 is the mother and wife of one of Roshi’s star students. The respectable thing would be to back off as quickly as possible.
Roshi is not doing the respectable thing. Instead, he gropes the woman right in front of her daughter. Roshi has a tendency to assault women his students are married to. Even if he gets punished for it, it’s still scary to see a professor assault his student’s wife.
Oolong transforms into Bulma so Roshi can see her breasts
Dragon Ball, Episode 08: “The Kamehameha Wave”
To use the Bansho Fan and stop the fire at Fire Mountain, Roshi talks to Goku and gets him to agree to set up a meeting with Bulma. If it wasn’t clear by now, Bulma is underage. Roshi puts out the fire with his unique technique, Kamehameha.
Towards the end, Roshi reminds Bulma of their agreement. To leave the date, Bulma asks Oolong to turn into a copy of her and go out with Roshi. Oolong then shows his chest, Bulma’s, to Roshi to end the date.. Another scary aspect is that Bulma is watching closely. It’s a difficult scene.
Bulma shows Roshi for Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball, Episode 03: “Roshi’s Nimbus Cloud”
The most iconic and infamous scene in Dragon Ball involves Bulma showing Roshi her underwear in exchange for a Dragon Ball. Bulma is obviously a minor at this point, and Roshi is a grown man – a grown man asking to see a young girl’s underwear.
Worse yet, Bulma is completely unaware that Goku took off her panties. Because of this, she shows everything to Roshi and is completely unaware of what she did. This scene is infamous for all the right reasons, and because it happens so early, many fans may find it a bit disgusting to experience.

Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball tells the story of a young warrior named Son Goku, a peculiar young boy with a tail who embarks on a quest to become stronger and learns of the Dragon Balls, when once the 7 reunite , grants any wish of choice.
- Created by
Akira Toriyama
- Latest movie
Dragon Ball Super: Super Heroes
- Latest TV Show
Dragon Ball DAIMA
- First TV show
Dragon Ball
- First episode broadcast date
April 26, 1989