10 Perfect Supernatural Episodes, Impeccable from Start to Finish

Azazel with his glowing yellow eyes from Supernatural

​​​​​​In a long series like Supernaturalpicking the best episodes can seem like an embarrassment of riches. But in 15 years of content, only a few episodes constitute the cream of the crop. The show about monster-hunting brothers had humble beginnings. Created by Eric Kripke, Supernatural was intended as a road show that may not have made it past the first season. But the chemistry between Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki as Dean and Sam Winchester made the series a cult classic.

Supernatural became so beloved by fans that, unlike some of the enemies the Winchesters faced, he refused to die. Even after Kripke left the series after season 5, Supernatural found life again. While not every season is perfect, there is a collection of episodes that are.

Season 3’s ‘Mystery Spot’ Uncovered What the Supernatural Could Be

Before season 3, Supernatural leaning towards the more serious side. The stakes were always high for the Winchesters, whether they were tracking down the demon that killed their mother or making deals with the demons of Crossroads. The third season of the series began to expand what the series was capable of and had huge success with meta-narratives. Season 3, Episode 11 of Supernatural is a standalone episode, “Mystery Spot”, which follows the brothers investigating a suspected tourist trap. Presented as a town that doesn’t obey the laws of physics, Dean and Sam discover how wrong they are about what’s happening in the area.

Extract a page from Groundhog DaySam wakes up every morning and starts the day again. Every day he tries to save Dean, and every day Dean dies in stranger and more scandalous ways. The humor of the episode communicates the horror that awaits the elder Winchester. After making a deal with a Crossroads demon to save his brother’s life, Dean has only a year to live. Sam insists that they will find a way to save him, but this episode makes it clear that Dean is doomed no matter what Sam does. The culprit turns out to be another apparition of one of the The supernatural best characters, the Trickster, and this won’t be the last time he disrupts the boys’ sense of reality.

‘All Hell Breaks Loose’ Launches Dark Supernatural Tradition

Azazel with his glowing yellow eyes from Supernatural

Television hasn’t seen a more codependent couple than Sam and Dean Winchester. Following their unique childhood chasing demons, the only thing they can rely on is each other. This bond becomes a significant issue for both, starting in the Season 2 finale of Supernatural. Eventually, the brothers manage to defeat the demon that killed their mother. The Yellow-Eyed Demon, also known as Azazel, made a pact with Mary Winchester that he could ask her for a favor. This favor involved giving baby Sam demonic blood and transforming him into one of her psychic children, destined for demonic greatness.

The episode culminates with Sam’s death, which Dean cannot bear. He makes a deal with Hell to take Sam’s place. The Crossroads Demon gives Dean a year to spend with his brother, but this act has even more unexpected consequences. As peripheral characters note, this starts a cycle of brothers constantly sacrificing for each other in some of the saddest. Supernatural moments. Their upbringing was toxic and they had an unhealthy attachment to each other. It was the beginning of a new era of Supernatural and do without a Big Bad who was introduced two seasons ago. The two-part episode was full of twists and turns in one of the best season finales.

‘A Very Supernatural Christmas’ isn’t filled with holiday cheer

Sam and Dean Winchester exchange gifts in A Very Supernatural Christmas.

In a series so full of the macabre, it’s rare to see the Winchesters celebrate major holidays. But no one does it better than the two brothers in the season 3 Christmas episode. The boys follow what they believe to be the anti-Claus at Christmas, only to discover a much more insidious force. A Michigan town is under the spell of pagan gods who demand their sacrifices. No longer receiving their offerings because Christianity has become so popular, some pagans accept their duly offered sacrifices during the holiday season.


14 years later, this supernatural episode remains one of the best of the series

Supernatural is a series with a wide range of unique episodes, but one of the best has remained the best after almost two decades.

In addition to the clever episode, “A Very Supernatural Christmas” meditates on the idea of ​​family. The Winchesters never had a traditional vacation, trapped in a waking nightmare: being the sons of John Winchester. This fact is even more striking knowing that this will be the last Christmas that the brothers will spend together. They make the most of it despite the harsh reality that faces them.

“The French Error” Supernatural Revitalized

Screenshot of The French Error

Obviously Season 5 Was Meant to End Supernatural. After the season ended, series creator Eric Kripke left the show, and it wasn’t quite the same. Watching Sam Winchester suffer without a soul was a bit of a chore. But the light in the darkness was the extremely meta episode, “The French Mistake.” Hilarity ensues when the angel Balthazar sends Dean and Sam to an alternate reality where they are Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, actors who play Dean and Sam on a television show.

THE Supernatural The episode shows Sam married to Genevieve Cortese – the actor who played Ruby in seasons 4 and 5 and married Padalecki in real life. The episode plays with fans’ perceptions of these facts, also creating a narrative that Padalecki and Ackles hate each other. This is of course not true as they would dedicate another decade to the series. “The French Mistakes” takes a wild turn that surprisingly touches the audience.

“Changing the Channel” Was the Magnum Opus of Supernatural

Supernatural has directed many high-profile episodes during his tenure, but “Changing Channels” is a masterpiece. The season 5 episode contains an important lesson, a surprising twist, and fun throughout. The episode begins as if Supernatural is a sitcom. With bright lighting and a laugh track, this Supernatural the show would not be moved to prime time. As soon as the Winchesters get acclimated, they are thrust into different genres in TV Land, such as a medical show akin to Grey’s AnatomyA CSI-like a procedure, and even an advertisement about herpes.

This fun adventure through television is a Loki classic, but the brothers learn that the Trickster they know and tolerate has something else up his sleeve. He’s not really a Trickster, but the Archangel Gabriel, who has remained discreet all this time. Its objective is to teach the brothers to play their role. Dean and Sam are destined to be the vessels in Michael and Lucifer’s fight against Armageddon and there is no avoiding it. But typical of the Winchesters, they avoid it by turning the tables on Sky.

“Scoobynatural” breaks the mold

Scooby-Doo Supernatural Crossover ScoobyNatural

For Supernatural to continue for so long, he has to reinvent himself. Even more than a decade after the first episode, the series is making its way to the series’ only animated episode. In Season 13, The CW’s Monster Hunting Series Teams Up With The Famous Mystery Cartoon Scooby-Doo. Sam, Dean and Cas find themselves drawn into an actual episode of the series, “A Night of Fright Is No Delight”. The current list of voice actors from the nostalgic series returns to voice their Scooby-Doo characters as the two teams come together to solve a mystery.

Like other meta episodes of Supernatural, “Scoobynatural” was celebrated by fans and critics alike. This episode shows that the original spirit of the series remains long after many series would have called it quits. The combination of humor and nostalgia suited the series perfectly.

High Supernatural “Lazarus Rising”

Castiel with dark wings behind him

For three years, Supernatural followed a generally formal structure comparable to monster-of-the-week shows like The X Files. This structure died with Dean when he was torn apart by the Hellhounds. Season 3 was shortened by the WGA strike in 2008, but when she returned, she was brought back to life, as was Dean.


10 Craziest Supernatural Twists, Ranked

Supernatural is full of intense moments that fans never saw coming, but were therefore best exemplified by its surprising twists and turns.

Season 4, Episode 1, “Lazarus Rising” brings Dean back from the dead. Pulling him from The Pit, where he was supposed to spend an eternity of torture, Dean is saved by an invisible force. While at first the boys believe it was a demonic entity that saved Dean for some dark purpose, they are surprised to discover that his connections came from a higher plane. The Season 4 premiere is the introduction of Misha Collins’ Castiel, who will be an integral part of the demon-fighting team.. The episode introduces the concept of angels, something that had not previously been addressed in the series. It was an entry into a new world for the series, raising the stakes for the first time.

Supernatural’s 200th Episode Was a Love Letter to Fans

Dean talks to the cast of the musical Supernatural

Fan-favorite shows don’t always make 200 episodes, which the cast and crew of Supernatural were very aware of this. When the genre series hit its milestone, she took it seriously, dedicating the episode to the fans who made it so popular. The episode follows Sam and Dean as they investigate disappearances at an all-girls school and are shocked to discover that the students are putting on a musical rendition of the story. Supernatural books written by Chuck. The idea initially offends Sam and Dean, but throughout the episode they are ultimately touched by how their story has affected these fans.

This Supernatural The episode is meta like many others but has more to do with Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles than any previous one. As Sam and Dean watch the final song – a rendition of Kansas’ “Carry On My Wayward Son” – they become moved by the passion of these girls. The cast has always been upfront about their appreciation to fans, and this moment gives credit where credit is due. Supernatural is a source of comfort for many people, and this episode was a gift to all the fans who loved it.

“Abandon All Hope” Sets the Stage for Armageddon in Supernatural

Ellen Harvelle (Samantha Perris) looks pensively into the distance in Supernatural.

As talented as Supernatural If it’s his humorous episodes, he does just as well with the serious episodes. A show about brothers hunting demons might seem campy, but the season 5 episode, “Abandon All Hope,” dispels that idea. The midseason finale is controversial because it raises the stakes in a devastating way. As the Winchesters, Cas and Bobby prepare for a showdown with Lucifer, some of the most beloved characters are drawn from the series.. Hunters Ellen and Jo Harvelle die like most hunters. Supernatural. The death of Harvelle, one of the show’s few recurring female characters, set an unfortunate precedent. But this is one of the rare cases where these deaths are deserved.

Not everyone was going to make it out of this battle alive. Ellen and Jo set out to fight evil like any hunter would. Their sacrifice is necessary to communicate a terrifying fact: the path to Lucifer will not be easy. It may not even be possible to kill the Devil. The final episode of the season gives meaning to their deaths.

“Swan Song” should have been the Supernatural series finale

Still the highest rated episode of Supernatural so far, the season 5 finale is flawless. From acting to directing to writing, “Swan Song” is firing on all cylinders. The show that was the small series that could be broadcast on The WB reaches its potential in the episode that should have been the series finale. Supernatural there will of course be many decent episodes in the future, but this would have been the perfect conclusion to the series.


Every Supernatural Season Finale, Ranked

During its run, Supernatural produced 15 season finales, some of which are among the best episodes of the entire series.

Sam finally allows Lucifer to take control of his body during a confrontation against the archangel Michael. Dean continues to personify Team Free Will by refusing to let his brother go. In a moving conclusion, Sam overcomes his possession for a brief moment while Dean stands at death’s door. His undying love for his brother gives him the strength to throw himself into the Pit, even if it damns him for eternity. No episode encapsulates the series as perfectly as this one and maintains its high rating for a reason.