10 One Piece Egghead Episodes That Need Rewatching Before the Anime Returns in Spring 2025

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One piece is one of the most popular and longest-running shonen of the time. The Egghead arc of the anime has been the most well-received modern saga. However, the series was unfortunately forced to go on hiatus until spring 2025 to give the franchise its best form. Although this change was slightly controversial, it is ultimately for the better. That said, several moments in the arc provide crucial context for future episodes, such as Shank’s skirmish with Eustass Kid. These instances are essential to understanding the upcoming episodes and their overall relevance to the story.

The Egghead arc is the high point of modernity One piece. It highlights everything that made the series great, like the emotional moments and twists, while implementing Vegapunk’s wacky technology. One pieceThe Egghead arc features the long-awaited rematch between Monkey D. Luffy and Rob Lucci. The saga skillfully shows how fanciful and creative Eiichiro Oda can be. Still, not every episode of Egghead is perfect. There are several fascinating and informative specific episodes of Egghead that fans should rewatch before One piece returns in spring.


Egghead has one of the best island introductions in anime

Episode 1091, “Brimming with Future! An adventure on the island of science! »

This episode is a truly fantastic introduction to the wacky island of Egghead. Luffy and the audience are overwhelmed and excited by the mechanical wonders that stretch as far as the eye can see. The animation team put a lot of effort into making Egghead look like something straight out of science fiction. While this is an abrasive change for most shonen, One piece takes it in stride.


One Piece’s chance for an Egghead filler arc

The One Piece manga skipped an action-packed segment of the Straw Hats’ adventures on Egghead, but the anime has a chance to fill that gap.

Egghead quickly became a fan-favorite island due to its quirky and fascinating nature. Since the island was created by Vegapunk, it is home to many of his greatest creations. However, it doesn’t take long for Luffy to cause trouble in this futuristic paradise. He is accompanied by Jewelry Bonney, who has been to the island before, but even she is surprised at how much things have changed. Overall, this is probably one of the best island introductions in anime.


Stussy betrays his fellow Cipher Pol members

Episode 1105, “A Beautiful Act of Betrayal! The spy, Stussy! »

Episode 1105 features one of Egghead’s most shocking twists. Although Stussy was introduced as a member of Cipher Pol in the Whole Cake Island saga, she is later revealed to be a spy for Vegapunk. She is one of the first successful One Piece clones and the model for the later Seraphim. The episode handles this revelation wonderfully and the music accompanying Stussy’s betrayal is perfect.


One Piece Chapter 1073 Recap and Spoilers: Miss Buckingham Stussy

One Piece Chapter 1073 concludes the battle between Dr. Vegapunk and Cipher Pol 0. It also exposes a mysterious and unexplored character.

Although many fans didn’t expect Stussy to be overtly powerful, she incapacitated Kaku and Lucci in seconds. Additionally, his status in Cipher Pol is a testament to his fearsome abilities. The episode also features an interesting interaction between Miss Buckingham Stussy and Marco. She shockingly claims that Dr. Vegapunk could prove once and for all that Weevil is Whitebeard’s son. Fans are still waiting for confirmation of this improbable fact.


Dr. Vegapunk split his consciousness to become smarter

Episode 1095, “The Brain of a Genius – Six Vegapunks”

To learn everything about the universe, Vegapunk divided his consciousness into seven satellite bodies. This episode teases the interesting state of Vegapunk while introducing the powerful Seraphim. It features the first appearance of a mysterious giant robot linked to the Void Age. This also implies that the Empty Century was an advanced civilization rather than a primitive one.

This episode perfectly teases the conflict for the upcoming arc without revealing everything at once. While it may seem insignificant at first, its events will likely provide necessary context for episodes to come. It explores the complex hierarchy of the Seraphim, which becomes crucial later in the arc. Its revelations aren’t as groundbreaking as other Egghead episodes.


Vegapunk reflects on his illegal research on Ohara

Episode 1097, “Ohara’s Will! Legacy Search »

In this episode, Dr. Vegapunk details how Ohara Island continues and his illegal research into the Void Age. It contains one of the most moving moments of the saga. Vegapunk reveals to Nico Robin that his oldest friend, Jaguar D. Saul, survived the Ohara tragedy. This fills her with the most emotion the audience has seen from her character since her save in Enies Lobby.

Monkey D. Dragon has one of his most important roles in anime so far. He criticizes Vegapunk for his willingness to work for a corrupt agency such as the government. Yet scientific genius reveals that the government is the only organization capable of financing his many experiments. Vegapunk struggles with his selfish decision.


Shanks overwhelms Kid and his team with a single powerful blow

Episode 1112, “Clash! Shanks vs. Eustass Kid”

Since Kid and Law defeated Big Mom together, many assumed that they were easily at Yonko level. However, this episode shows Shanks annihilating Kid and his entire crew in one fell swoop. Shanks once again displays the fearsome Haki he is known for throughout the anime. Although he only uses one move, it’s the most audiences have seen fighting in the series.

This spectacular episode confirms the power of Shanks. He didn’t get his Yonko status for nothing. He uses the same moves as his former captain to devastating effect. This implies that Roger taught Shanks many of his fighting abilities. Although quick, this is one of the shortest fights in the anime. It is unknown whether Shanks killed Kid or spared his life.


King Cobra is the first ordinary person to hear Imu speak

Episode 1119, “The entrusted message! The determination of King Cobra »

Imu has long been shrouded in mystery, but this episode risks bringing them closer to the light. In a surprise twist, Imu reveals herself to the Cobra King as he questions the Gorosei. Cobra and Gorosei are shocked by this action. Imu speaks to someone outside of Gorosei for the first time in centuries. Unfortunately, Cobra pays for this privilege with his life.

While Sabo tries to save him, he can do nothing but run against the power of the Gorosei. This is the first indication that the Five Elders are more than just organizers of Imu. They are also its main performers. Subsequent episodes of Egghead will likely feature more of the Elders and their mysterious transformations. Imu’s hatred of the opposition remains clear throughout the episode. Their attitude is likely the cause of the Heavenly Dragon’s terrible actions.


Garp fights his former student so his allies can escape

Episode 1121, “Garp and Kuzan – The Beliefs of a Master and a Student Collide”

Monkey D. Garp is considered a hero of the Marine Corps. He is a vice admiral in the Marine Corps but has been offered promotion several times. However, he taught some powerful students during his time in the Marines. This emotional and epic episode sees Garp face off against one of his strongest students, former Admiral Kuzan. Kuzan made a shocking defection to the Blackbeard Pirates and helped them carry out some of their nefarious plans.

Their fight is legendary and remains at the center of the episode. Still, many fans believe the battle was just an elaborate ruse. Several members of the public believe that Kuzan is secretly working for SWORD. This remains to be confirmed and fans only have this astonishing duel to get started. That being said, many Admiral Aokiji lovers remain adamant that he will betray Blackbeard before the anime ends.


Buggy Flashily announces its offer for One Piece

Episode 1116, “Let’s Get Him! Buggy’s Big Declaration!”

Yonko Buggy the Clown is often treated as a joke character in anime. Yet this episode reveals his hidden desire to be taken seriously. He announces his bid for the sacred treasure, the One Piece. His fellow Cross Guild leaders, Crocodile and Mihawk, are furious with him after the announcement. It establishes that the Cross Guild will likely be part of the final saga.

Overall, the episode is a brilliant balance of epic and comedic. Little by little, Buggy became more than just a joke character among fans. A small group of fans sincerely wish that he finds One Piece. He remains bound to the will of his Cross Guild companions. However, Buggy always finds an opportunity to shine through shonen.


Koby finally becomes a Marine hero

Episode 1122, “The Last Lesson! Legacy Impact »

Over a thousand episodes after his introduction, Koby finally becomes a Marine hero. He erases Pizarro’s arm and allows him and his allies to escape Blackbeard’s Island. This display of power was an absolute shock to everyone, characters and fans alike. He truly surpassed his limits and competed with his famous teacher Garp.


10 Most Powerful One Piece Pirates Koby Can Destroy

On One Piece, Koby’s new Haki ability allows him to defeat many powerful pirates like Arlong and Gecko Moria.

This breathtaking episode is one of the biggest indications that Koby could pose a threat to Luffy’s dream. However, Luffy remains on another level. That said, it’s likely that Koby will continue to get stronger until he can challenge his oldest ally. Their final duel is one of the most anticipated in shonen. However, it is not yet clear how far Koby will progress after this incredible feat.


Luffy doesn’t need to go all out against his rival, Lucci

Episode 1100, “Powers on a Different Level! Luffy vs. Lucci »

One of the biggest fights of the beginning One piece is Luffy’s duel with Rob Lucci from Cipher Pol. So it’s no surprise that the episode featuring their revenge is one of Egghead’s most popular. This demonstrates how much stronger Luffy has become throughout the anime. While he once had difficulty hitting Lucci, he now fights him with ease. We can deduce that Luffy is just playing with Lucci throughout the battle.


Rob Lucci’s History and Powers in One Piece, Explained

Rob Lucci is one of the greatest assassins in the world and has many powers, like a devil fruit. Where exactly does it come from?

It’s truly amazing to see how far the fan-favorite protagonist has come. This episode expresses that beautifully with breathtaking animation and choreography. Overall, this is one of the best episodes of One piecee. Yet the battle does not end with this marvel of an episode. Unfortunately, Luffy is distracted and Sentomaru is almost fatally injured.

The One Piece poster depicts the Strawhat Pirates, including Monkey D. Luffy, Sanji, Roronoa Zoro, Usopp, Nico Robin, Nami, Tony Tony Chopper, Brook, Jinbei and Franky, on Egghead Island.

One piece

Follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew to find the greatest treasure ever left behind by the legendary pirate, Gold Roger. The famous mysterious treasure named “One Piece”.

Release date

October 20, 1999




Toei Animation

MyAnimeList Score
