Fans know the different powers at play in Middle-earth and around the world. Lord of the Rings franchise; every species inhabiting the world has an important role to play. Fan favorite characters come in all shapes and sizes. Whether Hobbits, Wizards, Dwarves or Elves, the heroes of Middle-earth often unite in times of crisis. Middle Earth is also full of great conflicts with the world’s darkest creatures. Sauron, of course, is the main villain of most of the great wars and leads an army of orcs, trolls, and dark wizards against the free people of Middle-earth.
Among the Free Peoples, men constitute an essential species in Middle-earth and have exercised their share of power. Although they do not have as much influence over Middle-earth as the Elves or Dwarves, they share the world peacefully with the others. Many important and heroic human figures have existed throughout the history of Lord of the Rings franchise, and fans know their names. Some have led vast civilizations while others have fought countless battles against darkness. Whatever their impact, humans remain key figures in the world of The Lord of the Rings.
Ar-Parazôn proves to be an antagonistic presence on television
Appears in: The Rings of Power
It’s hard not to include some of the important characters who made an impact in Amazon Prime’s hit fantasy series. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Some famous and even iconic human characters suddenly get a lot of screen time due to the deeper exploration of their Second Age conflicts. One of these characters is Ar-Pharazôn. Much modified from the way Tolkien described him, Ar-Pharazôn is still a significant character in the events of the Second Age.

The Lord of the Rings films left out one of Aragorn’s strangest moments
In JRR Tolkien’s novel The Lord of the Rings, Aragorn briefly parleyed with Saruman’s Uruk-hai army during the Battle of Helm’s Deep.
Númenor is an important location and historical landmark in Middle-earth where some of the most important human figures exist. After the death of her father, the king, Princess Míriel becomes the new queen of Númenor and does her best to protect her people. Throughout the events of The rings of power, it becomes clear that Ar-Pharazôn is a secondary antagonist who seeks to take the throne from Míriel. He achieves this even for a short time and will definitely have a role to play in the future, giving him the tenth spot on the list.
Éowyn has an important role in the Peter Jackson trilogy
Appears in: The Two Towers, The Return of the King
Adaptations from novel to film usually involve changes in the source material that either increase or hinder the quality of the story. In the case of Lord of the Ringsit worked well when Peter Jackson gave Éowyn a much bigger role in the War of the Ring. As the niece of Théoden, King of Rohan, in the last two films, Éowyn is shown to be an active character who wishes to fight against Sauron’s darkness rather than stand idly by.
Although she may not have as big a role as other human characters, she still makes an impact on the audience when she decides to secretly fight in the final battle of Mordor. She is a good-hearted, spirited human woman with influential moments that include vocally fighting for the fate of her uncle. She also develops a short-term relationship with Faramir (which becomes a marriage in the books). Éowyn was played by Miranda Otto in the last two films and remains memorable among fans.
Elendil is one of the most famous human characters in Middle-earth
Appears in: The Fellowship of the Ring, Rings of Power
Elendil is another character that has been modified based on his specific appearances. Fans will remember how he appeared in flashbacks that detailed Middle-earth’s Second Age war with Sauron in The Fellowship of the Ring. He is described as a leading human being who fought and died in this great conflict. He has since returned as the main character in The Rings of Powerwhich should presumably be based on the war described in these flashbacks.
Although different in some ways, Elendil is still a leader with a big heart and a strong sense of honor. His son Isildur still plays an important role in his life and many fans are waiting for his reunion in the series. As he becomes an increasingly important character in Lord of the Rings franchise, it is increasingly difficult to ignore its impact. Many fans anticipate his role in the great conflict that is brewing The Rings of Power as he continues to be a key face on television screens.
Isildur is even more famous than his father
Appears in: The Fellowship of the Ring, Rings of Power
As one of the key heroic humans in the great war against Sauron during the Second Age, Isildur remains memorable among fans as they remember how he was greatly corrupted by the One Ring for a short time time, had a connection with Aragorn and was once the High King of Arnor and Gondor. He has often been used as an example by others for why men cannot truly be trusted to wield power in Middle-earth. However, the Rings have been proven to corrupt most beings. The Rings of PowerIsildur is far from his depiction in these flashbacks.
10 Scariest Creatures From The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Ranked
Middle-earth has some of the scariest fantasy creatures in storytelling, and Peter Jackson has done a great job bringing them to life on the big screen.
Young, ambitious and honorable, Isildur is becoming one of the most important human characters in The Rings of Power and has already had some memorable moments on screen. While many, including his father, think he is dead, he is back in the main fight after being lost for some time across the world. That spider sequence from season two still haunts many, but its drive to reclaim a trusty steed is nonetheless admirable. Isildur will always be a popular human character in Lord of the Ringsespecially since the new series is based on his historical adventures.
Éomer stood out with his limited time in the original trilogy
Appears in: The Two Towers, The Return of the King
With so much happening in Peter Jackson’s original Lord of the Rings trilogy, it’s easy to understand why some characters don’t get as much screen time as others. However, Éomer resonated with audiences because of his courage, honor, and skill on the battlefield. as well as because of the actor who played him. Karl Urban has become a much bigger star in recent years, but one of his first roles was as Éomer in Lord of the Rings. Like most admirable human fighters, Éomer played a large role in the fight against Sauron.
As the third Marshal of the Mark, Lord of the Mark, and ultimately King of Rohan, Éomer made his presence known, fighting against evil and protecting his people. His most notable battle in the films was the Battle of Pelennor Fields and his memorable moment was the death of the horse leader Mûmakil. Given his role and the trilogy’s continued popularity, Éomer is certainly one of the best-known humans in the series. Lord of the Ringsgiving him sixth place on the list.
Théoden had an interesting subplot with big implications
Appears in: The Two Towers, The Return of the King
As the 17th king of Rohan, Théoden ruled with fairness, compassion, and wisdom during Sauron’s rise in the Third Age. However, in a slightly different subplot from the books, Théoden is possessed by the dark wizard Saruman and is unwilling to assist in the protection of innocent human lives. Théoden is memorable for being two different types of rulers: while he is possessed and after he is possessed.
As a seemingly ill ruler, Théoden is powerless to contribute to the fight against Sauron and many of his own kin fail to reach him in one way or another. Only after Gandalf cures him of Saruman’s curse does he return to his normal self. Without this moment, the Fellowship and its allies would have had less of a military to work with throughout history. Although Théoden initially cowers before the will of Saruman and Sauron, he returns and is remembered as a key human leader in the final battles against darkness.
Faramir had a motivation that resonated with fans
Appears in: The Two Towers, The Return of the King
Even though he is a character that has been widely criticized for being different from the book version, Faramir remains an important and well-known human character in the films. After The Fellowship of the RingFaramir becomes a linking character to fan-favorite Boromir. Many fans could identify with a character wanting to prove himself to a disapproving father and see an emotional connection to wanting to avenge the death of a brother. Like his brother Boromir, Faramir is admirable for his bravery against evil.

10 Best Lord of the Rings Character Arcs, Ranked
The Lord of the Rings is a series with many great character arcs, some of which stood out for their impact or message.
His most important moments come in the final two films of the trilogy, when he captures Frodo and Sam in an attempt to impress his father. Although the audience doesn’t care about him at this point, a deeper exploration of his complicated relationship with his father makes him easier to sympathize with. He is another essential human character who plays an important role in the War of the Ring. Almost dying, Faramir is saved by the Hobbits and ends up falling in love with Éowyn. He is a divisive character, but nevertheless known.
Bard is a legendary hero from another great conflict
Appears in: The Desolation of Smaug, The Battle of the Five Armies
While The Hobbit the trilogy is a controversial addition to Lord of the Rings tradition, it has its moments and gives the audience an exploration of other Middle Earth conflicts and characters. The Hobbit primarily focuses on protagonist Bilbo Baggins as well as other iconic characters such as Gandalf and Legolas. However, one major human character played a key role in the story. Bard the Archer is described as one of the most talented warriors in Middle-earth and will become a legendary figure.
Portrayed by Luke Evans in The Hobbit films, Bard defended many innocents from grave harm and fought against the dragon Smaug in Lake-town. He is known for being the hero who killed Smaug during the conflict and later united with other human tribes to fight in the Battle of the Five Armies. He later became king of Dale after rebuilding the damage caused by the conflict. Bard will always be a fan-favorite human character for his action-packed moments in Lord of the Rings franchise.
Boromir has one of the best character arcs in the franchise
Appears in: The Fellowship of the Ring
Fans will never forget the complicated and iconic character of Boromir. The Lord of the Rings. As a member of the Fellowship, he aided in the journey to Lórien in an effort to place the One Ring in safe hands. However, many remember that he initially argued that the Ring should be taken home to Gondor and used as a weapon against Sauron. For much of the Fellowship’s journey, Boromir is a deceptive and unpredictable character who repeatedly allows himself to be tempted by the Ring.

The 40 Strongest Lord of the Rings Characters, Ranked
From humble hobbits to powerful elves to divine wizards, The Lord of the Rings and The Rings of Power are home to some extremely powerful characters.
Boromir’s arguments with his fellow Fellowship members ultimately made him one of the greatest heroes of the ensuing conflict. His arc went from one end of the spectrum to the other as he ultimately sacrificed himself to save Merry and Pippin during an Uruk-hai attack. Despite his confrontations with Aragorn, he also recognizes Aragorn as the rightful heir of Gondor with his dying breath. Played by Game of Thrones And Mission: Impossible actor Sean Bean, Boromir will always be the second most famous human in Middle-earth.
Aragorn is the greatest hero in the history of Lord of the Rings
Appears in: The Lord of the Rings trilogy
Who else would be the most famous and beloved human in Lord of the Rings that Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and called Elessar, Dúnadan, heir of Isildur Elendil, son of Gondor? Yes, the great warrior and leader is the most essential human character in the original film. Lord of the Rings film trilogy as well as the novels. His early alliance with the Hobbits Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry leads him to become a member of the new Fellowship of the Ring. Throughout the trilogy, Aragorn proves himself to be a talented fighter, an admirable leader, and an honorable lover..
Fighting in several battles during the War of the Ring, Aragorn and his allies are the greatest heroes in the fight against Sauron during the conflict of the Third Age. There are so many great moments that fans still talk about to this day, but perhaps it’s his final moments that stand out the most. At the end of the story, Aragorn becomes the first High King of Arnor and Gondor since his ancestor Isildur was in the Second Age. Played wonderfully by Viggo Mortensen, Aragorn will always remain the most famous human character in Lord of the Rings.

Lord of the Rings
- First film
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
- Where to stream
M, Prime Video, Hulu