Dragon BallIt is the over-the-top action sequences receive the most attention and appreciation. Battles are a reliable way for characters to overcome their limits and realize the full extent of their potential. Personal revelations don’t always translate into flashy spectacles, and sometimes incredible power results in a quick ending or a drawn-out duel that gradually loses its impact.
Dragon BallThe characters are physically intimidating. That being said, their ki powers, totem techniques, and intimidating transformations mean that battles can harness a whole new level of chaos. There are many Dragon Ball battles that culminate in epic set pieces, some of which even put the safety of the planet at stake, and reinforce the deeply cinematic nature of the anime.

Goku’s bones are broken before he defeats King Piccolo
Dragon Ball, King Piccolo Saga
Demon King Piccolo is a revealing antagonist in Dragon Ball which pushes the franchise into considerably more intense territory. King Piccolo is a true monster who manages to gain the Dragon Balls, regain his youth, and destroy Shenron so that his wish cannot be undone. King Piccolo contributes to the deaths of Krillin, Master Roshi and Chiaotzu, which increases the danger and reinforces the fragility of each. Goku can compete competently against King Piccolo after consuming the Ultra Divine Water and unlocking his potential. What follows is a brutal battle, especially when King Piccolo gleefully begins breaking Goku’s bones and leaving him helpless.
The touching teamwork between Goku and Tien is a wonderful development in their friendly rivalry. This shows how far these two martial artists have come when they started out as enemies. King Piccolo is ready to finish off Goku, only for the young boy to launch into the air and burst into Demon King Piccolo’s abdomen. It’s a grisly end to one of Dragon BallThe baddest villains of and a rare case of Goku killing his opponent. Goku’s aerial blast through King Piccolo has been recreated several times. Dragon Ball flashbacks, all of which highlight the strong cinematic quality of victory.
Goku and Vegeta’s Saiyan Saga’s Initial Fight Pushes Both to Their Breaking Points
Dragon Ball Z, Vegeta Saga
Dragon Ball Z really hits the mark with his first Saiyan clashes, which help solidify the fact that Dragon BallThe sequel features more intense combat than its predecessor. Goku’s fight against Vegeta benefits from the incredible hostility felt between these two contrasting Saiyan warriors. Goku gets the opportunity to properly test his strength Kaio-Ken, who strains his body and pushes him beyond its limits in order to keep up with Vegeta’s superior strength.
There are countless cinematic moments during this fight, like Vegeta’s grandiose Galick Gun attack that blows up the Earth, only to trigger one of the Dragon Ball Zthe most famous beam fights. Goku’s spirit bomb leads to another epic sequence, but all of that pales in comparison to Vegeta’s terrifying Great Ape transformation and the way he crushes Goku into submission. Dragon Ball Z brilliantly turns the Great Ape’s transformation into Vegeta’s own undoing when Vegeta’s Power Ball triggers Gohan’s own metamorphosis. There’s a lot to digest during this busy, well-paced showdown.

10 Best First Dragon Ball Fights Before the King Piccolo Saga, Ranked
Goku has fought tough opponents in incredible battles long before saving the world from King Piccolo.
Gohan Reaches Super Saiyan Greatness When He Defends the Planet Against Cells
Dragon Ball Z, Cellular Games Saga
Dragon Ball fans are used to seeing Goku take down evil threats that endanger the planet, which makes the Cell Saga such a shocking change of pace when Goku dies in battle following Perfect Cell’s self-destruct maneuver. Cell’s self-destruction is undeniably cinematic, but his subsequent regeneration and return are even more extreme. Cell shows his even greater strength as Super Perfect Cell by executing Future Trunks and then setting his sights on Gohan. Gohan becomes Dragon Ball Zis the first Super Saiyan 2 fighter, and this increased power results in an unforgettable fight.
It’s incredibly cathartic to see Gohan take revenge for his friends’ lost lives and prove to Cell that he won’t be defeated. Gohan’s confident fighting tactics are a sight to behold, and the fight ends in a touching display of father-son heroism as Goku watches over his son from beyond the grave to ensure his final Kamehameha is connects with its target. Cell’s destruction is bold, brutal, and the perfect way to Dragon Ball Z passing the torch from Goku to Gohan.
Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo and Vegeta push Frieza towards his final form
Dragon Ball Z, Frieza Saga
Goku’s battle against Frieza on Namek is one of Dragon Ball Zthe biggest shows. The fight lasts for dozens of episodes, features Goku’s inaugural transformation into a Super Saiyan, and largely takes place during the final minutes of Namek as the planet collapses and volcanic activity ravages the environment. It’s an unforgettable fight, but there’s a strong case to be made for why the battle that precedes it is even more cinematic. Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, and Vegeta do everything in their power to keep Frieza at bay while Goku recovers from his previous altercation with Captain Ginyu.
This prolonged fight features multiple transformations on Frieza’s part, all truly surprising and extravagantly orchestrated to evoke maximum fear. Each of Frieza’s transformations taps into a unique anxiety that pushes the heroes’ fight toward larger premises. Krillin, Vegeta, Gohan, and Piccolo all get their chance to shine here as well. The clash between Piccolo’s second form and Frieza, Gohan’s third form and Frieza, and the graphic beatings Krillin receives are all remarkable sequences from a high-level battle.
Goku’s fight against baby Vegeta takes place on a global scale
Dragon Ball GT, Baby Saga
Dragon Ball GT is the black sheep of the franchise that has only recently been re-evaluated. Dragon Ball GT is toned throughout and a mix of ideas. However, Goku’s battle against Baby Vegeta serves as a successful turning point for the series. On the one hand, Baby uses the Black Star Dragon Balls to recreate Planet Plant as Tuffle’s new homeworld. Baby Vegeta also takes advantage of the Blutz Waves to transform into the Golden Great Ape. Dragon Ball GT creates a gripping battle as Super Saiyan 4 Goku fights against this giant monster on an alien planet while Earth is visible in the background.
Goku’s Super Saiyan 4 transformation is one of the best in the franchise and reaches even greater cinematic heights than Gohan’s Super Saiyan 2 transformation or Goku’s Super Saiyan 3 transformation. The scale of this Golden Great Ape assault is enormous, and the fight ends in epic fashion when Super Saiyan 4 Goku’s 10x Kamehameha sends Baby flying into the sun.

10 Best Dragon Ball Super Fights Where the Heroes Lost, Ranked
Dragon Ball Super features some of the fiercest fights in the franchise, including several skirmishes where the heroes do not emerge victorious.
Majin Vegeta selflessly sacrifices himself against Majin Buu
Dragon Ball Z, Majin Buu Saga
Vegeta’s return to the dark side during the Buu Saga sparks crucial character development that is ultimately necessary for him to properly exorcise his dark impulses and truly become a hero. Majin Vegeta channels most of his aggression into Goku, which leads to an epic and cinematic fight in its own right. However, Majin Vegeta comes out in a stunning blaze of glory which is one of Dragon Ball Z‘s greatest moments, both in terms of action and emotion. Majin Vegeta experiences the full extent of Buu’s strength and malleable abilities. He accepts defeat and realizes that victory against Buu is impossible under ordinary circumstances.
Instead, Majin Vegeta channels all of his energy into an attack of apocalyptic self-destruction: his final explosion. The end result unleashes nuclear bomb-level devastation that leaves Buu screaming in terror. It’s a tragic but heroic ending for Vegeta. He is willing to go the extra mile to prove his superiority and save the planet, even if it costs him his life. Buu is wiped out, but there is still enough of him left for him to regenerate from this damage and survive Vegeta’s attack. The whole sequence is on another level and some of the Dragon Ball ZThe most cinematic fight ever.
Goku Spirit Bomb’s victory against Kid Buu is the perfect final fight for DBZ
Dragon Ball Z, Kid Buu Saga
Majin Buu is an ancient evil force that brings unprecedented peril to Dragon Ball Z this goes as far as the destruction of the Earth. Buu goes through multiple transformations until he chooses Kid Buu as his final destructive state. Dragon Ball Z properly celebrates what he knows will be his final battle. The whole world eagerly watches Goku’s fearless battle against Kid Buu and even the deceased villains of the Other World can’t help but marvel at Goku’s power and perseverance. Goku’s Super Saiyan 3 transformation adds an extra level of gravitas to the proceedings.
However, it seems rather fitting that it’s ultimately Goku’s spirit bomb and the planet’s cooperation that eradicates Kid Buu’s evil. Goku summons his biggest spirit bomb yet – the Super Spirit Bomb – and tons of familiar faces throughout. Dragon Ball And Dragon Ball Z proudly donate their energy to the Saiyan. His Spirit Bomb had already failed against Vegeta and Frieza, making its success against Buu the perfect way to take down this villain. Goku is celebrated as the ultimate hero, but it’s a victory for the entire planet.
Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks’ assault on Fused Zamasu leads to an erased timeline
Dragon Ball Super, the Trunks “Future” saga
Future Trunks was one of Dragon Ball Z‘s most popular characters, making it extremely exciting to briefly see him back in action throughout a pivotal moment. Dragon Ball Super narrative arc. Goku and Vegeta follow Future Trunks into his fractured timeline to bravely confront Goku Black and Future Zamasu. The early stages of this fight do not lack theatricality between Goku Black’s Sickle of Sorrow and the surprise return of Vegito. However, the fight turns into a momentous clash between Future Trunks and Fused Zamasu. Goku and Vegeta are significantly stronger than Future Trunks, but it’s extremely cathartic to see Future Trunks rise to the occasion and reach incredible heights in order to protect his timeline.
Future Trunks harnesses a Super Saiyan Rage transformation and channels spirit bomb-like energy into his iconic blade. Future Trunks’ Sword of Hope is pure power and this crushing weapon cuts Fused Zamasu in half. This alone would make for a true cinematic showcase of strength and emotion. That being said, Future Zamasu’s immortal nature means that the sliced villain infects itself into Infinite Zamasu, which proliferates across the universe like a plague. The heroes don’t know what to do when the sky fills with sinister reflections of Zamasu. Ultimately, Future Zeno’s intervention is necessary and he is forced to erase the entire timeline in order to extinguish this terrifying threat. This is destruction on a scale never seen before Dragon Ball.

10 Best Dragon Ball Fights With Worst Conclusions, Ranked
Most of the biggest fights in Dragon Ball history haven’t ended as well as Goku, Vegeta, or the rest of the Z Fighters would have hoped.
Goku wages war with a planet-sized Moro as a giant energy avatar
Dragon Ball Super, Prisoners of the Galactic Patrol Saga
Planet-Eater Moro is an unforgettable villain who borrows some of the best aspects of Demon King Piccolo and Majin Buu. Moro throws a lot at the heroes with his ability to use powerful magic, copy other characters’ techniques, and free an entire prison of enemies. Of particular high quality is the battle against Moro, which includes an inspired assault by Buu, whose body is temporarily commandeered by Grand Supreme Kai. The climax of this fight culminates with Moro merging with Earth itself so that his body is able to properly handle the Ultra Instinct power he stole from Merus.
Goku responds in kind by finally pushing his Perfected Ultra Instinct transformation to its peak. Goku conjures up a massive energy avatar that fights against the planet-sized Moro. It’s an epic finale that feels like something out of a kaiju movie. Vegeta also contributes to the heroes’ victory when he skillfully uses his Forced Spiritual Fission to siphon energy towards Goku for his final blow. There’s a reason why audiences are so eager to see this fight adapted into animation. It has the potential to be one of Dragon Ball Superthe biggest and best battles of .
Goku and Beerus’ divine clash transcends Earth’s atmosphere
Dragon Ball Super, God of Destruction Beerus Saga
Dragon Ball Super work hard to take Dragon Ball Zand pushes them to even greater places. The series’ first big fight – against a literal God – doesn’t hold back and features the type of scope and scale that it’s been difficult for Dragon Ball up. The God of Destruction Beerus arrives on Earth with a daunting ultimatum, in which he wishes to face a Super Saiyan God or destroy the planet in frustration. Goku must overcome drastic obstacles to achieve this godlike status, but he ultimately reaches this milestone with the help of his Saiyan friends and family. Goku’s divine Super Saiyan form exudes power, and it’s hard not to get swept up in the spectacle of his fiery aura that makes Goku feel like he’s a living flame.
There was a time when Dragon Ball had to worry about Goku not being able to breathe in space, but this fight conveniently overlooks that limitation in order to deliver an epic clash that spends a lot of time in space. There are some truly outrageous details in Goku and Beerus’ fight, which help establish Dragon Ball SuperThe new, stronger baseline. The force created by the collision of Goku and Beerus’ punch causes shockwaves so extreme that they threaten to destroy the galaxy if they continue. There’s also a beautifully ornate sequence where Goku and Beerus’ auras manifest as dragon-like entities that mix and compete above Earth’s atmosphere. The cinematic nature of this fight should come as no surprise that it was initially presented as part of a feature-length event film seen in cinemas. Goku and Beerus’ battle is so cinematic and over-the-top because it was designed to be a blockbuster experience.