Home Cinema 10 moments that made the fans of The Walking Dead left the show (and never looking back)

10 moments that made the fans of The Walking Dead left the show (and never looking back)

10 moments that made the fans of The Walking Dead left the show (and never looking back)

The Walking Dead Fans are looking forward to the second season of Dead citywhich should be released this spring, although he has not yet received an official ventilation date. This is the last episode of the growing franchise, teasing a strange and exciting reminder at the time of Negan as leader of the Saviors. However, not all viewers of the original show are impatient of all the news concerning the series.

However TWD The franchise is one of the main titles of television today, not all viewers have devoted to stay for all the ups and downs of the flagship series. There were various reasons why the viewers decided to leave the show, from the passage of the plot to the unpopular deaths of the character. Part of the public remained up to controversial aspects of subsequent seasons, while others dropped the series well before the conclusion.

Find Alexandria reduced the tension

The Walking Dead - Aaron as a Alexandria leader

There are several controversial aspects of The Walking DeadEspecially given the episodes and underestimated scenarios of the original program. Many fans loved it when the main group arrived Alexandria, giving them hope for the future. However, others believe that this change of landscape has changed the structure of the story too radically.

Although there were other shelters for the group, including the Greene farm and the prison, the secure walls of Alexandria and the sustainable resources offered a level of comfort which was not accessible before. This allowed the plot to go beyond the need for shelter and focus on more drastic problems other than basic survival. Unfortunately, this change in dynamics left certain interests without interest, turning away from the show when it moved away from the constant danger and the uncertainty of living on the road.

The show was too divided after the fall of the prison

While the Green Farm was a comfort for the original group, the prison gave them their first real house which could support both living and living enemies. Unfortunately, the Governor’s second assault against season 4’s grounds again left the homeless group. This time, being chased from their house also separated the group for a long time.


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The post-apocalyptic genre is one of the most popular genres has been recent years. There are countless programs that are incredible and are worth watching.

These episodes between season 4 and season 5, when the group was separated, then united, which also introduced new allies, began an important trend in which the accent was placed on individual conflicts for the characters in addition of their group dynamics. For some fans, this made the scenario too complex and confused with various sub -intrigues, which led them to leave the series at one point during these two seasons.

Rick Sparage Negan was very controversial

Rick and Negan fight on The Walking Dead
Image via AMC

A lot Traveling Fans believe that the War of Saviors, which took place in two seasons, was far too long and became boring by its conclusion. However, this war has led to many changes in the series that would influence the scenario to the final. A key event in this conflict was when Rick won the fight with Negan, cutting the gorgeous throat, but has chosen to prosper his life as an example of their new lifestyle.

Although he would continue to be a beloved main character and is undoubtedly a bought villain, some viewers thought that Negan should have died, and Rick was wrong to let the enemy live. At this stage, the complex morality and social dynamics of the show had reached new heights. Some viewers who did not like this conspiracy system have become disinterested and were not impressed by the development of the community in the post-apocalyptic world.

The scenario was boring when the Commonwealth was introduced

Commonwealth soldiers carry firearms in the dead
Image via AMC

The Commonwealth was introduced at the end of season 10 when Eugene went in search of Stephanie with Ezekiel, Yumiko, and their new friend Juanita (alias Princess). During the last season, after many characters are allowed to enter the secure city of the Commonwealth, the intrigue focuses on the corrupt government and overturns its leadership. Although the overall scenario of The Walking Dead Condéed to this plot, it did not work for each fan.

At the start of the show, the main themes of the story were the survival and the dangers of zombies going beyond the world. When the Commonwealth entered the scene, it has been established that history had become a complex commentary on morality and political structures. Viewers who appreciated the basics of this horror series did not like the emphasis on post-apocalyptic reconstruction and stopped looking before the final.

Glenn’s brutal death was too hard

One of the most discussed reasons for viewers has stopped looking at The Walking Dead It was when Glenn Rhee died at the start of season 7. An original longtime character had not died in the plot for some time, making the public believe most of them had armor of the ‘plot. Although Glenn died in the television show in the same way as in the material of the comic source, it was always a disappointment for viewers who hoped that this aspect of the original history would be cut off from adaptation.


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The Zombie Apocalypse changes people, but everyone in the Walking Dead universe killed their first person after the dead rose from the ground.

However, the simple fact that Glenn died was not the only reason why these fans have stopped watching the series. Given how loved his character was, many viewers have found the brutal and bloody way, he died too disturbing of a final. The treatment of a character known to be a favorite of fans is not abnormal, given the dark themes of TWDBut it was enough for fans to stop looking.

Rick’s “death” deleted the main character

Rick leaned as he bleeds while walkers get closer in the Walking dead.
Image via AMC

Season 1 of The Walking Dead Rick firmly established as a main character. Although the scenario has extended to each character arc, many viewers always consider it the central character after years of development. Therefore, his “death” was more difficult to accept than most TWD series.

Due to Andrew Lincoln’s desire to be radiant in the series due to personal responsibilities, Rick leaves during season 9. He exploded a bridge and was picked up by the CRM, letting his loved ones believe that he was dead. While the post-key scene revealed that he was not dead, he was absent for the rest of the series. Some viewers were more interested in his scenario and his evolution than any other character, and his departure left them disinterested in continuing the show.

Walkers have become background noise

A horde of walkers walks in the forest in the dead of Walking Dead
Image via AMC

The walkers of this series define it as a horror and are the catalyst for the entire scenario. The situation and the difficulties that the characters are confronted are due to the virus which brings back to corpses. Despite this, while the survivors became more comfortable in their world, walkers were less a threat and more a coherent aspect of the construction of the world which maintained the concept of the relevant overall scenario.

After season 6, when people like the Saviors really took the scene like the ultimate antagonists, the walkers became less and less important and were included as a means of building tensions and keeping the characters who beat in all directions. For viewers in love with the original concept, the show was no longer entertaining when the walkers were not the central conflict.

The final of season 6 was ridiculous

The final of season 6, “Last Day on Earth”, was the introduction of Negan. Although he is a popular character and undoubtedly the most memorable villain, his first episode is one of the most controversial in the Fandom. At the end of “Last Day on Earth”, when Negan and the Saviors hold the group group, the public wonders who Negan chose to kill.


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The Walking Dead based its reputation on shocking and traumatizing its fans. However, some of his scenes have been particularly surprising.

Leaving this revelation for season 7 is a bit ridiculous, since he kills Glenn, whose viewers were already expecting to die because of the source material. Although Abraham’s death was a little shocking, the public felt wrong that they had to wait for the following season to look at the disappearance of a character whom they already thought of dying, which also gave a false hope that Glenn would not be the victim of Negan. For some viewers, it was a final straw, which made them turn away from the show because of their perception that the creators did not respect their devoted audience.

Many stopped after the original final

The fighters hold weapons in the street to anticipate a final of season 11 of Walking Dead 11
Image via AMC

Whatever all controversial aspects of The Walking DeadSome viewers were so dedicated to the script and looking at the conclusion that they stayed until the final of season 11. Although some people thought that the last season was not as epic as the show promised, it was a conclusion Well balanced that fans were happy they were witnesses. For some viewers, however, it was as far as they were going.

There is a group of Walking Dead fans who have never been interested in spin-off shows. Despite the original kick of a major horror franchise, these viewers are not interested in seeing other scenarios or the continuation of the longtime character arcs. These fans consider the original series, in particular the previous seasons, the top of post-apocalyptic history, and have chosen to stop looking at the end.

Carl’s disappearance during the War of the Savior was a mistake

Carl Grimes in front of a fire car in Alexandria on The Walking Dead
Image via AMC

Undoubtedly, no other death of a major character is no longer unpopular than Carl Grimes’ premature disappearance in season 8. This certainly corresponds to his character development that he died by protecting another life, solidifying his mature growth and his new life value. However, this heroic sacrifice did not convince the devoted viewers he excused Carl of killing.

Carl’s disappearance seemed to be a way to shock the public and offer a major turn in the middle of the long war of the Saviors. He managed to break the hearts of viewers, making them feel the sorrow of survivors to lose a child whom they all grew up to love and protect. However, it was also very unpopular, and many fans thought it was a monumental error. The death of Carl, who had become the representation of hope in this dark series, marked the end of the interest of many spectators for the continuation of the program.
