10 MHA Pro Heroes Who Are Way Better Than Endeavor, Ranked

Deku in My Hero Academia: You're Next with a tattered yellow scarf

In the world of My Hero AcademiaPro Heroes are costumed fighters who protect society from criminals, villains, and even natural and unnatural disasters. This profession requires a wide variety of Quirks, support gear, and leadership styles to get the job done, and some pro heroes have a head start while others simply feel like filler. It’s remarkable that even the strongest pro heroes can fail in many ways, sometimes making them feel a little overrated. Endeavor is one such hero.

Endeavor has some serious issues despite his immense strength, such as his low charisma in public and certainly his abuse towards his own family for years. He may be a powerful fighter with his Hellflame Quirk, but ultimately he’s just a dysfunctional pro hero with flaming fists, while other pro heroes have much more to offer. Even though these other pros aren’t as powerful, they offer a lot more, like unique abilities, cooler costumes, stronger charisma, and/or better personal arcs that make them better pro heroes overall.


How Each My Hero Academia Movie Fits Into the Anime

There are currently three MHA films that are somewhat canonical to the anime timeline, taking place during major arcs and featuring fan-favorite characters.

10 Thirteen has a practical quirk and a memorable astronaut theme

Weirdness: black hole

the pro hero thirteen arcs in the USJ complex

One of Tomura Shigaraki’s first brutal acts in the anime was to attack the USJ compound with his fellow villains, and one of the first pro heroes to stand in the way was Thirteen, the astronaut hero. Despite being vastly outnumbered, Thirteen bravely stood her ground and began using her Quirk to keep the villains at bay until help arrived.

Thirteen is a fun and underrated hero both due to his stylish space theme and the overlooked power of his Black Hole Quirk.. With it, Thirteen can quickly and cleanly clear rubble or debris, and she can even threaten villains with certain death unless they surrender before Black Hole wipes them out. Thirteen also has a much nicer personality than Endeavor and stronger heroic charisma, even though no one can see his face.

9 Sir Nighteye can see the future and is an expert sidekick

Weird: foresight

Sir Nighteye shows his sigil in My Hero Academia.

For a time, Sir Nighteye, in costume, had the distinction of being All Might’s sidekick before starting his own hero agency, complete with his own sidekicks and trainees. Sir Nighteye may be cold and distant most of the time, like Endeavor, but he has the advantage because his Quirk does what no other Quirk can do: divine the future itself.


Why Endeavor’s Redemption is My Hero Academia’s Best Character Arc

Endeavour’s redemption arc impacts his family and reflects the true meaning of a professional hero.

Many pro heroes can be physically strong thanks to their Quirks, which makes Endeavor not so special after all. What the pro hero industry really needs is niche quirks with unique effects to create stronger teamwork and synergy, which is exactly what Sir Nighteye can do. Using his Foresight Quirk, he was able to coordinate All Might’s efforts, always directing him to the right place at the right time to save the day.

8 Edgeshot has superior stealth and attacks with pinpoint accuracy

Weird: Foldabody

Edgeshot at League of Villains Headquarters in My Hero Academia

In the official pro hero rankings, Edgeshot is only a few slots below Endeavor, and he is significantly more useful as a hero in other ways, giving him the edge over Endeavor. For starters, Edgeshot has a more distinctive and stylish vibe as a ninja hero, and anime fans always love having a few ninjas thrown into an action series. Edgeshot also has a better Quirk than Endeavour, although he can’t hit as hard.

Edgeshot’s Foldabody Quirk allows him to pierce an enemy when their body becomes a thin but hard wire. The advantage is that Edgeshot can strike accurately and is difficult to block when attacking this way, while Endeavor’s shots are much easier to see in combat. Edgeshot can also sneak around with his body made of wire, which is extremely useful, and as a weird bonus, Edgeshot turned his entire body into wire to save Katsuki Bakugo from dying.

7 Mirko is braver than any other professional hero

Oddity: Rabbit

Miko jumped towards Shigaraki.

Mirko ranks among the top 5 pro heroes in all of Japan thanks to his immense physical strength, speed, agility, and durability. She’s an example of how far pro heroes can go without tricky superpowers, though she does have a few bunny-themed abilities, like sensitive hearing, to round it all out. Best of all, Mirko has incredible courage, more so than Endeavor or Hawks.


10 Best Movement Quirks in My Hero Academia

Heroes must act quickly in the world of My Hero Academia, making movement quirks like Hawks’ fierce wings crucial to being a successful hero.

Mirko was the one who let her body tear itself apart as she fought the Nomus, suffering severe injuries and horrible pain to fulfill her duty at all costs. Mirko’s direct, positive attitude and courageous fighting style make her much more powerful and effective than the pros around her, and she will continue to fight even when almost all of her limbs are gone. Even Endeavor can’t push himself that hard, but Mirko makes it look so easy.

6 Hawks has unmatched mobility and can evacuate civilians with its feathers

Oddity: fierce wings

Hawks smiling with his hand on his right cheek in My Hero Academia.

Mobility is essential for many pro heroes, because with enough speed, they can arrive at the crime scene in time and avoid enemy attacks. Endeavor is fast with his fire jets, but Hawks the hero is even faster, and he benefits from decent flight thanks to his Fierce Wings quirk. It is never hampered by rough terrain or overhead obstacles, soaring and soaring with relaxed ease anywhere in the sky.

Hawks is also a tough fighter, using his sharp feathered swords and extreme speed to demolish his enemies even faster than Endeavor. What’s more, Falcons can easily evacuate civilians by telekinetically controlling all of its feathers, and Hawks has much stronger charisma as a pro than Endeavour. Hawks doesn’t mind being #2 to Endeavor’s #1 rank, but by most measures Hawks is actually ahead of Endeavor.

5 Star and Stripe became America’s greatest hero thanks to the influence of All Might

Weirdness: New Order

America’s greatest professional hero, Star and Stripe, is almost certainly more formidable than Endeavor in a fight, and she has other advantages as well, such as a sleeker costume that makes her a symbol of hope. That, and Star and Stripe has a much more likeable personality and warm heroic charisma, which is no coincidence since she modeled herself after All Might.


MHA Season 7: Star And Stripe Deserves Its Own Movie

Star and Stripe is too good a character for MHA to let disappear. Cathleen Bate deserves to have her story told.

Star is easily America’s All Might, and not just on a superficial level. Her combat power is astounding thanks to her remarkable New Order Quirk, which allows Star to establish new rules for any person or object identified by her name. This is how Star and Stripe pushed his physical powers to the extreme while modifying elements like his enemy’s body or the air itself to suit his needs.

4 Mandalay is seriously underrated with its telepathic quirk and leadership

Quirk: Telepath

Mandalay in my hero academia looking up

Supporting heroes are often overlooked because they don’t have quirks or flashy personalities, Mandalay of the Wild, Wild Pussycats being a notable example. She has no desire to stand out like Endeavor or Mirko, but the tight teamwork of Mandalay and Telepath Quirk make her just as important, if not more so, than those heroes. Mandalay reminds fans that it takes more than punching power to defeat bad guys and save the day.

Mandalay is an essential hero because his telepathic quirk allows him to easily speak mentally to other people. This way, she can coordinate an evacuation effort and send warnings to everyone, which is vital if a busy area is attacked and everyone panics. All of this, combined with Mandalay’s mature and intelligent personality, gives him the edge over power-only heroes like Endeavor.

3 Ragdoll is the ideal hero to find civilians in need

Ragdoll cries as she stands up.

Ragdoll is another hero of the Wild, Wild Pussycats who manages to be better than Endeavor despite only having a tiny fraction of his punching power in combat. Indeed, not all heroes should be frontline fighters who burn or beat bad guys into submission, because saving civilians is just as important. Ragdoll had the right Quirk for the job, the Search Quirk that allowed her to sense the locations of others from a distance.


10 My Hero Academia Students Who Should Intern at Endeavor

Izuku, Shoto, and Bakugo benefited greatly from their internship at Endeavor. Now it’s their classmates’ turn.

Few other heroes could find civilians in peril with such ease, giving Ragdoll a clear role to play in any disaster scenario. This is also why she was a member of the Pussycat rescue team, her role being to find stranded civilians before the other Pussycats could complete the rescue. Unfortunately for the heroes, the villain All For One stole Ragdoll’s Quirk so he could find new victims or track down his enemies more easily.

2 Eraser head can cancel out quirks to level the playing field

Oddity: erasure

Shota Aizawa uses his erase quirk in My Hero Academia

Eraser Head is yet another example of a pro hero whose unique niche Quirk is overall better than another “hard hitting” Quirk like Endeavor’s. A wide variety of superpowers is essential for any team of heroes, and Eraser Head does its part in denying the opposing side its own quirks. While many heroes’ Quirks are powerful enough to defeat a villain’s Quirks, things are even easier if the villains’ Quirks are erased entirely.

This makes bloodless capture easy when dealing with villains and criminals, which is great since pro heroes are supposed to capture villains, not beat them to death. Endeavor’s brutal firepower is often too much for any given crime-fighting scenario, but Eraser Head’s abilities are perfect. Additionally, Eraser Head is stealthier, smarter, and trickier than Endeavor, making him the perfect Batman-like hero for tracking down villains and solving mysteries.

1 All power was the legendary symbol of peace for years

Weird: one for all

The Symbol of Peace himself, All Might, may fall into the same category of “hard knocks” as Endeavor, but he does it even better thanks to the overwhelming power of One For All. All Might can never be beaten at his own game, using both his muscle form and One For All to deliver incredible Smash attacks. He can solve any problem requiring brute force, including fighting the most powerful villain of all time, All For One.

All Might also has the advantage over Endeavor because he is an inspiring symbol of hope, peace, and joy. for the whole of society. In fact, All Might practically invented this role himself, since he always wanted to be an uplifting symbol, so that everyone could have confidence that a peaceful and happy world was just around the corner. This is why All Might had legions of devoted followers, while Endeavor’s followers were relatively small.